AP Language – Hamilton
Semester II – 2011-2012
In Cold Blood Unit
Reading is DUE ON this Date / Page NumbersHomework That IS DUE on this date. / Reading Focus & Homework Explanation
4/18 W / 1-23
HW: post its / Organization and Style. How does Capote choose to open the story? How does he transition from section to section? Mark three different sections (post-it) of description that do an exceptional job of showing something to the audience without telling them.
4/19 Th / 24 -55
HW: post its / Point of view. Authors make a conscious decision about HOW they tell their stories. Capote tells the story from alternating POVs . Label and identify 2 examples of each POV. Be prepared to write about and discuss the effect of this structure and to explore the presence or absence of Capote’s voice in the narrative.
4/20 F
Compare and Contrast essay is due.
/ 55-74
HW: written
½ page / Character. Instead of a fictional protagonist and minor characters, this novel has an entire cast of characters, stylistically fictional in presentation rather than journalistic. List the members of the Clutter family and other characters related to them with at least 1 detail that personalizes them (cite pg #). Find 2 details that personalize Perry and Dick. Do you detect any sympathy or compassion for them?
4/24 T
C/C Conference
/ 74-100
HW: post it / Key Passage: Mark a striking or key passage from this section that you think is important to character development, plot development, or meaning – (a passage may be a line, quote or any excerpt from the novel.) In Class: In writing, explain what the author is trying to do. Consider character development, plot development, insight to theme, or style.
4/25 W
late start
C/C Conference
/ 100-123
HW: post it / Rhetoric Find 1 example of parallelism inside a sentence. Mark it.In Class: explain how it connects the two elements and what its effect is on the meaning of the novel. Then, find 1 example of repetition and mark it. In Class: explain its use and effect on meaning.
4/25 Th
C/C Conference
/ 123-152
HW: Personal Response is due – 1 page minimum. / Personal response: Imagine that you have been appointed as a lawyer for Dick or Perry. Briefly describe what your defense would be – not in legal terms – but in terms of how you might convince the jury to mitigate their punishment (minimum 1 page). Text references are required (4-6). You may you text from anywhere in the passage. This is a graded writing and you need to be articulate, organized, use the CQE, have some topic sentences (duh!) and the mechanics should be spotless.
4/27 F / No Class – April Break
5/1 T
Block Schedule
Revised C/C essay is due
/ 152-179
HW: Post it. / Syntax: Post-it your passage before class. Choose 1 paragraph from this section of the novel and complete a syntactical analysis by constructing the following chart. Compete a row for each sentence in the paragraph.
First 4 words in each sentence / Verbs
(list all) / Figurative language or imagery / Repetition/
parallelism / # of words in sentence
You will have reading time for ½ the period
5/3 Th
Block Schedule / 180-231
HW: Mark your page and your figurative language. / Diction: Choose 1 page from this section and choose 10 words from that page. Label each word as having a postive connotation, negative connotation or neutral. Then, using all 10 words , answer the following questions: Is the diction formal or informal,
Does it use colloquialisms? Does it change as the POV changes?
What’s the effect?
THEN, Figurative Language: Authors use figures of speech because of their power and their layers of meaning. Choose 2 figures of speech from this section and copy the examples. Then, identify the figure. Finally, explain the “layers” of meaning by discussing how each is used form meaning and effect.
5/4 F / 232 – 262
HW: Post it / Imagery: It is important in the novel for the readers to see characters, motivation, events, places, etc. as “real.” Authors use details that appeal to the 5 senses to draw the reader into the experience of the novel. Choose 5 images from this section and tell what senses they appeal to. In Class Write 2-3 sentences that explain how each of these images affect the reader during this section .
5/7 M / 262-302 / TBD (M/C practice)
5/8 T / 302 – 321 / Activity TBD
5/9 W / 321-343 / Discussion and Prep for final On Demand Exam
5/10 Th / On Demand
Exam / Theme/Big Idea Discussion. Explore Capote’s ideas about 1 of the following in In Cold Blood: a) human nature and evil, b) justiceand punishment, c) nature vs. nurture or d) fate vs. free will. Explain his position and how he argues that position through the plot, the setting, the characters, and his writing style.
Theme/Big Idea. Explore Capote’s ideas about the following in In Cold Blood:
a) human nature and evil,
b) justiceand punishment,
c) nature vs. nurture or
d) fate vs. free will.
Explain his position and how he argues that position through the plot, the setting, the characters, and his writing style throughout the story.
Journal Response: Most days you will spend the first 15 minutes writing a journal response based on your reading. These will be graded based on quality of content & quality – and on the insight you display into the reading. These points will apply to the “minor” grade category. They are worth 10 points per response. You have one “free pass” good to EXEMPT yourself from one journal response. I would suggest you use this on a day you will be absent for AP testing. If you miss class on a journal day and you have already used your “free pass,” you need to complete the missing day’s journal for homework – due on the day you return.
Processed Writing: You have one short processed writing due on Th 4/25. This is worth 30 points in the “major” category. You may not use your “free pass” for this assignment.
On Demand Examination: Your final for this unit is an on demand essays. It is worth a total of 100 points. I will grade it based on the AP scale. There are no revisions. You may not use your “free pass” for this exam.