Academic Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
Ms. McNally Homeroom 337 Math Office 311B
Voice mail: 610-622-7000 ext 758 E-mail:
Homework posted @
This course is designed to build on and enhance concepts learned in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Students in this course will study functions, graphing, trigonometric relations, and other advanced topics.
Students taking this course will be expected to:
Be here and be on time. This means:
1) Come to school – you miss a lot if you don’t!
2) Be in our classroom before the bell rings.
3) Be prepared to begin working by being in your seat and having your homework assignment out.
Be prepared for class. This means that you need the following everyday:
1) Pencils!!! All math work is done in pencil.
2) Your COVERED textbook.
3) Binder or folder with loose-leaf paper.
4) Your calculator: TI – 83 or TI – 84 recommended; you must have at least a TI-82
Grading Procedure
Grades are based on a total point system; points earned versus points possible. The idea is to earn as many points as possible.
There is a homework assignment every day. Homework will be checked or collected and worth various points depending on the assignment. Most homework assignments will be worth 5 points.
Assessments will be given throughout each marking period. Major tests will be announced a few days before the test is given. Quizzes may or may not be announced.
Class work and participation are worth a total of 3 points every day. The only ways to lose these points are by sleeping, completing work for another class, and being removed from class for inappropriate behavior.
**Notebooks will be collected and graded after each major unit.
1. Homework and Make Up Work Policy – NO late homework will be accepted unless you were absent the day it was assigned or collected and the absence has been excused. As stated in the school’s handbook, if you have an excused absence you will have two days to make-up any missed work, including tests. Anything not handed in by that time will be graded as a zero. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get your missed assignments. If you missed a test/quiz you must make arrangements with me to come after school or during graderoom to make up the test/quiz.
2. Respect – Please treat others with the type of respect that you hope to be shown. Show respect for your classmates and teachers (in behavior and speech). Respect for one’s self, the rights and privileges of others, and respect for personal property is expected of each student. Students are also expected to have high personal standards of courtesy, decency, morality, clean language and honesty.
3. Lateness – As per the school policy, any student who is late to class will be given a teacher detention. Any detention not served will be referred to the assistant principal as a cut teacher detention. After a student’s third late, they will be automatically referred to the assistant principal.
4. Be attentive. No sleeping or putting your head down during class.
5. No personal note writing, note passing or writing unrelated to curriculum during class.
6. No eating or drinking in the classroom. Only water bottles are permitted.
7. Hall passes are limited to once a week. You must have your student ID. You must sign out and sign back in.
8. I will dismiss you from class. Do not pack up your things before being told to do so. You must remain in your assigned seat until the bell rings and you have been dismissed.
All other school policies will be followed in this class.
Extra Help
Extra help will be given before and after school. I normally arrive in the morning at 7 am and depart in the afternoon at 3:01 but am willing to stay later if needed. You need to make me aware if you plan on coming for help. There is also extra help available through the Math Department on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in a Room TBA.
** This paper should remain as the first page in your binder.
This form is also located at for future reference.
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to Semester 1! I look forward to meeting you at Back to School Night on September 21st. I also look forward to working with you to make this semester a successful one for your student in his or her math class.
Please take note of the expectations listed on the syllabus for this class. Please take special note of the materials needed. The syllabus was given to your student on the first day of class and is also available online @
I can be reached as follows:
Ms. Michelle McNally
Academic Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry Teacher
Upper Darby High School
Voice Mail: 610-622-7000 ext. 758
Homework posted at
Please understand that I will check e-mail and phone messages during the school day, so if a question arises after school hours, you are welcome to send an email or leave a phone message that I can respond to the next school day.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Ms. Michelle McNally
Please sign and return this form.
We have read and understand the course expectations.
Student Name (please print): ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______
Parent / Guardian Name (please print): ______Date: ______
Parent / Guardian Signature: ______
I would like to keep in touch to help keep you aware of your student’s class progress or any developments in class. Please provide a contact e-mail address and phone number. Please print clearly.
E-Mail: ______
Phone Number: ______Circle One: (Home / Work / Cell)