Sahuaro School Council Minutes
Date: December 18, 2007
Time: 3:30 p.m. Location: Sahuaro High School Library
Certified Representatives Student Representatives
Shelley Krause, Facilitator Crystal Trejo
Jerry Benson Mary Lee Wright
Steve Botkin
Megan Hughes Classified Representatives
Henry Foster
Parent Representatives Karen Perry
Joyce Smith, Alternate Facilitator
Caroline Ganz, Secretary Administration Representative
Kris Scalpone Sam Giangardella
Natalie Sharka Abel Ramirez
Absent were: Sam Giangardella. Abel Ramirez, Megan Hughes, Natalie Sharka
Call to the Audience: No audience.
Action Items:
1. Approve the minutes from the November20, 2007, meeting. Minutes were amended to read “proposed State Requirements” in Discussion Item, 1 (a). Joyce Smith moved to accept the amended minutes, Jerry Benson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
2. Approve the School Council Self-evaluation instrument. Tabled to next meeting, Council members will contribute their input via email to Facilitator Shelley Krause who will compile the report.
3. Changing the date of parent-teacher conferences. Joyce Smith moved to change the date to February 13th, Karen Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
4. Approve a change in the bell schedule for second semester to reflect a 7:15 start time for conference period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Crystal Trejo moved to change the bell schedule as proposed for the second semester, Joyce seconded the motion, the motion passed with 5 votes for, 3 against, and two abstentions.
Discussion Items:
1. Principal’s Report: Written summary which included information surrounding the action items 3 and 4, and discussion items 2, 6, 7 and 8; q.v.
2. Construction Update: Auditorium will be available beginning second semester; science wing awaiting cabinets; Governing Board has approved the plans for the Gym, with construction start times announced in January. Stadium restroom facilities projected completion by April/May.
3. Parent Group Report: tabled.
4. Discipline Committee: Discuss the role of the discipline committee and ways to encourage faculty and staff to become more involved in the discipline committee. Department Chairs will be asked to approach their faculty to assess what is wanted in regard to this issue. The initial idea was for a Discipline Committee to create a firm matrix of infractions and consequences to be applied uniformly and consistently.
5. Complete the School Council Self-evaluation instrument. See Action Item 2 above.
6. Review and discuss the fire drill epidemic and the fire drill procedures. A student receiving services from Exceptional Education has been setting off the fire alarm; remedial actions are in process to address this. It was also noted that the Fire Drill Procedure and Plan needs to be upgraded to ensure safety and efficiency.
7. Attendance appeals procedure and forms. There were a flood of appeals and the procedure has been amended so that a student with all excused absences will be exempt from the attendance ruling. There has been an increase in the number of students identified with “chronic illness.” Attendance this semester is up 2% to 95%. 1st period tardies have escalated in the absence of Sweep, dropped due to budget constraints, and create a significant and growing impediment to teaching during first period. Suggestions on how to circumvent budget issues and reintroduce Sweep were put forward, to be discussed in depth at a later meeting.
8. Review of NCA standards as it applies to Length of School Year in order to increase conference period time. Shelley Krause will communicate with the NCA liaison, Albert Siqueiros, with copies to Dr. Lopez and Mr. Pfeuffer, requesting clarification about the reasoning behind this new application of standards.
9. Discuss the action needed to improve support from the district’s facilities department. In particular, the lack of support when the lights went out and there were no emergency lights, and the lack of support to operate the floor drains and fix the hot water issue. There is a shortage of personnel to attend to district wide engineering maintenance. It was suggested that a plan be proposed to downtown to assign a rotating schedule so each school can expect response within a certain time frame. The recent failure of the backup generator, during which some classrooms were left in total darkness, revealed a potential safety issue for students and staff.
Jerry Benson moved to adjourn the meeting, Karen Perry seconded the motion, carried unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 5 p.m.
The next meeting of the Sahuaro School Council will be January 22, 2008, in the Sahuaro High School Library. Minutes are available in the principal’s office and online at ______.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Caroline Ganz, School Council Secretary, December 20, 2007