Folkingham Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 17/07/14
- The Chairman, Simon Turner, welcomed those present, including a number of village residents
- Parish Councillors present were: Victoria Strauss, Shelley Seston, Charles Hassett, Ray Wright. Also present by invitation was Wendy Moore from Lincolnshire County Council to address the meeting on the reasons for the failure of the Council’s application for grant support from Lincolnshire County Council towards new playground equipment. Eleven members of the public attended the meeting
- Apologies were received from Cllrs Jackie Douglass and Simon Wright and also from John Stanley, representing the football club. Cllrs Martin Hill (LCC) and Mike King (SKDC) were not present on this occasion.
- Questions from the public: questions were addressed to Wendy Moore (LCC) re the failure of the grant application – see Item 12 below
- Matters arising from the minutes and signing of the minutes: the minutes were signed by the Chairman, Simon Turner, seconded by Cllr Charles Hassett. Matters arising were as follows:
- Mr George Lowe was asked to put his proposals for an ‘Ombuds Buddy’ scheme in writing for presentation to the next meeting.
- The prize for the village logo competition was awarded to the …………family and will now appear on village notices and ‘The Folkingham Flyer’
- Trees on the Market Place – the leaning tree has been trimmed and the dead tree is to be felled by Messrs Wright and Turner. It was hoped to get a passing JCB to dig out the stump prior to replanting
- The Clerk is to remind Rick Webster of the need to spray around the perimeter of the allotments to avoid the need to strim, which might cause further damage to the rabbit proof fencing
- The Clerk is to contract SKDC re the failure of mowing contractors to cut the grass in areas of Kyme Close and Walcot Lane
- There were no reports from SKDC and LCC (see item 3 above)
- Allotments - Sarah Norman Smith is to take over the allotment previously used by children. there had not been sufficient interest from village children for it to continue as ’The Children’s Allotment’
- Planning – an application for the development of Low Farm has been received and will be circulated among Councillors for comment
- Financial Report - £2691.55 has been received from the Sports and Leisure Fund and will be added to the funds available for renovation of playground equipment
- Correspondence: an apology was received from SKDC re the poor quality of some grass cutting. Information has been received on the ‘Gravity Fields’ exhibition (a celebration Isaac Newton) to be held in September in Grantham
- Folkingham Fayre – flyers advertising the Fayre have been circulated around the village – thanks were extended to Brian Withnall for delivering them. Cllr Strauss commented on the attractiveness of the leaflets. Around thirty stalls have been booked so far. Refreshments will be available at the Village Hall throughout the day, with all profits to the playground fund. Plans for the dog show are going well and thanks are due to Mrs Emma Yardley who is organising the dog show and who will provide the prizes for the winners. Thanks are also due to Mr Colin Campbell of the Village Store who has provided a prize for the dog show. Road-side notices will be posted along the A15 to the north and south of the village. Bunting to put around the market area has been acquired at a cost of £17.90 per 100metres. Receipts from those wanting market stalls now total £190
- Nuisance caused by bonfires – complaints have been received from a resident in Chapel Lane. The Chairman will investigate in the event of any further incidents.
i)Wendy Moore, from Lincolnshire County Council attended the meeting to explain why the grant application submitted to LCC had on this occasion failed. A group of people will be convened, who, with Wendy Moore’s help will redraft the application to show a wider consultation within the village. The project will be divided into two phases,the total anticipated cost being £45,000. A group of parents has offered to canvas support from local schools and to deliver a questionnaire for children in the village to give their views. This will provide accompanying evidence for the new application for Phase 1. Thanks to the parents’ group was extended by Cllr Strauss.. It was agreed by all present that it was worth waiting to see if the next grant application was successful. Should it be unsuccessful we would do what we could with the funds available, currently around £25,000.
ii)There will be a skip in the village on the 18th September. Further details will be available in the Flyer
iii)Cars entered in the Sherwood Restoration Classic Car Show will pass through the village sometime between 11a.m. and 12.30p.m. on the 14th September.
iv)Thanks were extended to Mr Tony Seston for organising the Spitfire fly-past on the day of the Fayre
v)Footpath No. 30 (between Churchfields and Kyme Close) has been partially resurfaced as promised
vi)Conservation Area – the Clerk will prepare and distribute a guide for householders who live within the Conservation Area re planning restrictions and restrictions on the use of materials on the exterior of the buildings within this area.
Dates of future Meetings:Thursday 18thSeptember , 7.30p.m.
and 20th November, 7.30p.m. All meetings are held in the Village Hall