2013 Manning Barometer Overall Survey Results
A1: First, please tell me which of the following categories best describes your age as of today.
18-29 21%
30-49 39%
50-64 23%
65+ 17%
N Size 1524
A2: Are you eligible to vote in provincial and federal elections?
Yes 100%
N Size 1524
B1: Thinking about your life as a Canadian and your current personal circumstances, what is the one thing that concerns you most these days?
Economy 19%
Health/Healthcare 13%
Employment/Unemployment/Jobs 9%
Money/Wages/Personal Debt/Enough Money 8%
Cost of Living 7%
Taxes 5%
Retirement/Money for retirement 4%
Environment 4%
Debt/Deficit/Gov't spending/Budget 3%
Education 3%
Finances 2%
Gov't/Accountability/Transparency 2%
Crime/Safety/Laws 2%
Pensions 2%
Corruption/Honesty 1%
The future/My Kid's future/Families 1%
Poverty/Low Income/Homeless/Rich-Poor 1%
Immigration 1%
Politics/Politicians/Self Interests 1%
Cndn culture/society/heritage/Values 1%
National Unity 1%
Aboriginal/Native Issues <1%
Aging population/Seniors Issue <1%
Infrastructure <1%
The people/Listen/Youth/People's needs <1%
Social Programs/Childcare <1%
Other 5%
Nothing 1%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
N Size 1524
B2A: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Municipal government
0 12%
1 5%
2 6%
3 7%
4 7%
5 16%
6 11%
7 13%
8 8%
9 4%
10 7%
Don't know 3%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.95
B2B: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Provincial government
0 10%
1 4%
2 5%
3 6%
4 6%
5 13%
6 12%
7 13%
8 11%
9 7%
10 11%
Don't know 2%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.56
B2C: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Federal government
0 10%
1 3%
2 4%
3 6%
4 5%
5 12%
6 10%
7 14%
8 11%
9 8%
10 14%
Don't know 2%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.82
B2D: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Large corporations
0 12%
1 4%
2 5%
3 5%
4 6%
5 14%
6 11%
7 13%
8 10%
9 7%
10 7%
Don't know 5%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.21
B2E: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Small independently-owned businesses/entrepreneurs
0 11%
1 4%
2 5%
3 7%
4 7%
5 16%
6 13%
7 13%
8 8%
9 4%
10 4%
Don't know 7%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.93
B2F: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Community groups
0 11%
1 4%
2 7%
3 8%
4 9%
5 18%
6 13%
7 9%
8 7%
9 4%
10 4%
Don't know 6%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.66
B2G: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... The volunteer sector
0 14%
1 7%
2 8%
3 7%
4 8%
5 16%
6 10%
7 9%
8 6%
9 3%
10 4%
Don't know 7%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.29
B2H: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Charitable organizations
0 16%
1 9%
2 8%
3 8%
4 8%
5 14%
6 10%
7 9%
8 6%
9 3%
10 4%
Don't know 7%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.05
B2I: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... The church/religious organizations
0 23%
1 9%
2 7%
3 10%
4 8%
5 14%
6 7%
7 5%
8 4%
9 2%
10 4%
Don't know 7%
N Size 1452
Mean 3.41
B2J: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Organized labour/unions
0 16%
1 6%
2 7%
3 8%
4 7%
5 14%
6 11%
7 10%
8 6%
9 4%
10 4%
Don't know 6%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.37
B2K: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Individuals
0 8%
1 5%
2 5%
3 7%
4 7%
5 18%
6 13%
7 14%
8 9%
9 6%
10 6%
Don't know 5%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.29
B2L: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Universities/academics and researchers
0 11%
1 5%
2 6%
3 6%
4 7%
5 15%
6 11%
7 13%
8 9%
9 5%
10 6%
Don't know 6%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.01
B2M: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Politicians
0 16%
1 7%
2 6%
3 8%
4 7%
5 13%
6 9%
7 10%
8 7%
9 6%
10 8%
Don't know 3%
N Size 1452
Mean 4.65
B2N: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... The financial sector
0 11%
1 4%
2 5%
3 6%
4 7%
5 14%
6 10%
7 14%
8 10%
9 6%
10 8%
Don't know 5%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.26
B2O: Using a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent," how would you rate the ability of each of the following to provide solutions to (INSERT RESPONSE FROM B1) ?... Yourself and your family
0 6%
1 3%
2 5%
3 6%
4 6%
5 16%
6 12%
7 13%
8 11%
9 7%
10 10%
Don't know 3%
N Size 1452
Mean 5.71
B3: Based on what you know, is there one issue in particular that you think politicians in Canada are not paying enough attention to?
Health/Healthcare 11%
Environment 9%
Poverty/Low Income/Homeless/Rich-Poor 8%
Employment/Unemployment/Jobs 7%
Debt/Deficit/Gov't spending/Budget 6%
Education 4%
The people/Listen/Youth/People's needs 4%
Cost of Living 4%
Aging population/Seniors Issue 4%
Economy 3%
Taxes 3%
Crime/Safety/Laws 3%
Immigration 2%
Money/Wages/Personal Debt/Enough Money 2%
Aboriginal/Native Issues 2%
Corruption/Honesty 2%
Infrastructure 1%
Pensions 1%
Social Programs/Childcare 1%
Politics/Politicians/Self Interests 1%
Cndn culture/society/heritage/Values 1%
Gov't/Accountability/Transparency <1%
Retirement/Money for retirement <1%
National Unity <1%
The future/My Kid's future/Families <1%
Finances <1%
Military/Veterans <1%
Other 8%
Nothing 4%
Don't Know/Refused 9%
N Size 1524
B4: Can you think of a second issue you feel politicians in Canada are not paying enough attention to?
Health/Healthcare 10%
Education 7%
Environment 6%
Employment/Unemployment/Jobs 5%
Debt/Deficit/Gov't spending/Budget 5%
Poverty/Low Income/Homeless/Rich-Poor 4%
Taxes 4%
Crime/Safety/Laws 3%
Cost of Living 3%
Economy 3%
Aging population/Seniors Issue 2%
Infrastructure 2%
Social Programs/Childcare 2%
Aboriginal/Native Issues 2%
The people/Listen/Youth/People's needs 2%
Money/Wages/Personal Debt/Enough Money 2%
Immigration 1%
Pensions 1%
Corruption/Honesty 1%
Military/Veterans 1%
Gov't/Accountability/Transparency 1%
Politics/Politicians/Self Interests 1%
Retirement/Money for retirement <1%
The future/My Kid's future/Families <1%
Finances <1%
National Unity <1%
Cndn culture/society/heritage/Values <1%
Nothing 8%
Other 10%
Don't Know/Refused 12%
N Size 1524
B5: Which of the following level of government - municipal, provincial or federal - do you think could best handle (ISSUE IN B3)?
Municipal 6%
Provincial 30%
Federal 53%
Don't know 11%
N Size 1325
B6: Now thinking about what you know about politics, is there an area or something specific you wish you would know more about?
Nothing/No/A Little 26%
Budget/Finance/Spending/Debt 7%
Taxes/How $ Are Used/Where Money Goes 6%
Health care/Environment/Education 5%
Elections/Senate/Govt Itself/Parties 4%
Gov't Reasoning/Transparency 4%
Economy/Jobs 4%
Benefits/Pensions/OAS/Progam Funding 3%
Corruption/Conflict of Interest/Graft 2%
Bills/Process of Gov/Ammendments/Policy 2%
Politician Spending/Salary/Pension 2%
Everything/Many Things 2%
Foreign Affairs/Policy/Internatnl Trade 2%
Legal/Law/Justice System/Jurisduction 1%
Oil-Gas/Resources/Pipeline/Prices 1%
Land Claims/Aboriginal Affairs/Rights 1%
Accountability/Auditing 1%
Immigration/Refugees 1%
Lobbying/Influence/Power 1%
Other 6%
Don't Know 17%
N Size 1524
C1: On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent" how would you rate the performance of our politicians in dealing with issues related to health care?
0 - Poor 8%
1 3%
2 7%
3 10%
4 12%
5 20%
6 16%
7 13%
8 5%
9 1%
10 2%
Don't know 3%
N Size 1524
Mean 4.61
C2: In your opinion, how prepared are our politicians to manage the future of health care?
Very prepared 2%
Somewhat prepared 27%
Not very prepared 48%
Not at all prepared 17%
Don't know 5%
N Size 1524
C3: Why do you say that?
Aging Population Needs More/Not Ready 9%
More MDs/Resources/Overcrowded/Decline 8%
Lot of Waste/Overspendg/Mismanagement 5%
Don't Care/Other Priorities 5%
Benefits/Funding/Services Cut Back 5%
Don't Understand/Lack Knowledge/Ability 5%
Understand/Plan for Needs/Working on It 5%
Don't Trust/Personal Agendas/Re-Elect 4%
Good Compared to Other Countries 4%
Based On Performance To Date 4%
Increased Cost/Burden To system 4%
Nothing Being Done/All Talk/Can't Help 4%
No Ownership/Direction/Plan/Listening 4%
Wait Times High 4%
Short Term View/No Long Term Plan 3%
2 Tier/Privatize/Wealthy Receive More 2%
Small Steps/Starting To Prepare/Improve 2%
Underestimate Problem/Wrong Direction 2%
Increased Knowledge/Resources/Funding 1%
Future Is Uncertain/Hard to Prepare 1%
Other 6%
Don't Know 11%
N Size 1440
C4: In your opinion, which level of government - federal or provincial - should be primarily responsible for managing the future of health care?
Federal government 51%
Provincial government 38%
Don't know 11%
N Size 1524
C5: As you may know, the cost of health care in Canada is rising substantially each year. Which one of the following do you think would provide the best way for government to pay for these additional costs while ensuring that Canadians continue to have access to high quality health care?
Ensuring integrity by increasing taxes 37%
Exploring options for financing 63%
N Size 1524
C6: With respect to improving the quality of health care in Canada, which one of the following do you think would be the best approach?
Give more direction to provinces 55%
Give provinces more freedom 45%
N Size 1524
D1: On a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 is "poor" and 10 is "excellent" how would you rate the performance of our politicians on achieving fairness in equalization (or "transfer") payments to the provinces?
0 8%
1 4%
2 6%
3 8%
4 9%
5 17%
6 12%
7 9%
8 3%
9 1%
10 2%
Don't know 22%
N Size 1524
Mean 4.37
D2: In your opinion, how prepared are our politicians to manage the future challenges associated with achieving fairness in transfer payments to the provinces?
Very prepared 2%
Somewhat prepared 25%
Not very prepared 34%
Not at all prepared 11%
Don't know 27%
N Size 1524
D3: Why do you say that?
It is not fair right now 13%
Distrust Politicns/Self Interest/Re-elect 9%
Complex/No Consensus/Regnl difference 7%
Because they are not prepared 7%
Just the way I feel 4%
Because they are prepared 4%
Based on past/history/track record/News 4%
Base formula on other factors/More info 3%
Slow/All Talk/Nothing done/No plan 3%
It is fair right now 2%
Majority Gov inflexible/Provs with power 2%
People/Provinces/Governments are greedy 2%
They don't listen/care/understand 2%
Transfers should stop/Not well spent 2%
Not enough done/info/public knowledge 1%
Government wasting money 1%
Working on it/Talking/Know about/Aware 1%
Changing circumstance/Prov status change 1%
Not enough money to go around <1%
Other 10%
Don't Know/Refused 22%
N Size 1109
D4: Based on what you know, which one of the following best describes the overall impact of federal equalization payments to the provinces?
Benefit outweighs losses incurred 57%
Drain on economies outweighs benefit 43%
N Size 1524
D5: As you may know, the calculation of equalization payments is based on the tax revenues generated by each province but can also include up to 50% of revenues from natural resources. How much do you support or oppose using natural resource revenues to determine the "have" or "have-not" status of each province?
Strongly support 15%
Somewhat support 37%
Somewhat oppose 18%
Strongly oppose 8%
Don't know 22%
N Size 1524
D6: Why do you say that?
Canada's Resources/Share Benefit/Wealth 16%
All Sources Considered/It is Revenue 12%
Resource Specific to Prov/Not Equal/Lmtd 10%
Each Prov Independent/On Their Own 9%
It's Right/Fair/Best Way 7%
No Reason/None/Just My Opinion 4%
Need Better/New Formula/Definition 3%
Not Fair/Not Good Plan/Not Needed 2%
All Provs Have Resources/Possibility 2%
All Share Fed Progs/Deserve Equality 2%
Provs Abuse Calculation/Eq Payments 1%
Tax/Clawbacks High Enough/Give Enough 1%
Complex/Many Factors/More than Oil 1%
Other 9%