17 July 2017

D Fletcher in the Chair

D Fletcher (P) M Manning (A)

M Newport (P) P Willis (P)

J Amos (A) C Thorne (A)

M Goodman (P) P Dyer (P)

Evacuation procedure – Leave via the fire door and assemble outside in the play area – Noted.

In attendance Cllr. Climmer and Mr David Watts regarding PT17/1022/F.
30.07/17 Apologies for Absence
Cllrs. Amos, Manning and Thorne.
31.07/17 Declaration of Interests under the Localism Act 2011 – None.
32.07/17 Minutes of the meeting on 3 July 2017 – Approved as a correct record.
33.07/17 Planning Applications:
a)  PT17/1022/F - Land at 34 Bristol Road (Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 no. dwellings with parking and associated works). Amended plans have been received. The Parish Council previously raised an Objection. RESOLVED to raise an Objection. Mr Watts, as owner of the land, spoke in favour of the development. However, the Council's previous objections still apply to this revised application. Members feel this would have an overbearing impact on the neighbours' on both sides as building is planned to go up to the boundary walls. There does not appear to be enough hammerhead for cars to turn round in which could result in cars having to reverse onto the busy Bristol Road. This is over development of the site.
b)  PT17/2381/F – 6 Bradley Avenue (Erection of a single storey side and rear extension to provide additional living accommodation). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
c)  PT17/2927/F – The Manor House Bristol Road (Alteration to roofline. Retrospective). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
Winterbourne and Hambrook
d)  PT17/2929/F – Crossman House Bristol Road (Replacement of garage door with sliding doors to facilitate garage conversion. Replacement of window with door on west elevation and door with window on south elevation and installation of flue). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
e)  Pt17/2984/CLP – 1 Colston Close (Application for a certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey side extension) RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
f)  PT17/3153/TCA – Grove View House Bristol Road (Works to remove overhanging branches from 1 no Oak tree situated in the Hambrook Conservation Area) RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
g)  PT17/237/TCA – 26 Cliff Court Drive (Works to reduce crown by 3-4 m to 1 no.
Silver Beech tree situated within the Frenchay Conservation Area). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised. However, as this is a Silver Birch tree members feel it would be best if this was done after the leaves have dropped.
h)  PT17/2866/TCA – Lodge Cottage Beckspool Road (Works to 1 no. beech tree to crown reduce height to 18 metres and the radial spread to 6 metres situated within a Conservation area). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
i)  PT17/2986/TCA – Friends Meeting House Beckspool Road (Works to 1 no Yew tree to reduce crown by 1 metre back to previous pruning points. Situated in the Frenchay Conservation Area). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
Frampton Cotterell
j)  PT17/3050/PNH – 42 Court Road (The erection of a single storey rear extension which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 4.5 metres, for which the maximum height would be 3.8 metres, and for which the height of the eaves would be 2.5 metres). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
34.07/17 Planning Decisions - Noted
PT17/1715/F – Glenfrome Beacon Lane (Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of 2 no detached dwellings with access, parking, landscaping and associated works). Refusal. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
Winterbourne Down and Hambrook
PT17/2051/F – Land adjoining 45 Harcombe Hill (Demolition of existing garage to facilitate erection of 6 no. bungalows and 1 no. dwelling (Class C3, as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) with access and associated works. Resubmssion of PT16/5027/F). Refusal. The Parish Council raised an Objection.
PT17/1384/F – Stoneleigh Quarry Road (Erection of detached garage). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
PT17/1764/F – 12 Park Crescent (Erection of two storey and single storey side extension, installation of dormer window to form loft conversion and erection of front porch). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
PT17/2027/TRE – The Old School House Beckspool Road (Works to prune 1 no Copper Beech tree back to previous points. Covered by Tree Preservation Order 7 dated 11 August 1965). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
PT17/2303/TCA – The Old School House Beckspool Road (Works to prune 1 no Holm Oak tree back to previous points. Situated in the Frenchay Conservation Area). No Objection. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
Frampton Cotterell
PT17/0997/F – Land at 20 Court Road (Demolition of existing garage and erection of 1 no detached dwelling with new access and associated works). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council raised an Objection. The Parish council previously concluded if this plan was approved they would consider calling the plan in.
South Gloucestershire Council - Noted
·  PT17/0378/F – Land at 4 Parkside Avenue. Demolition of existing garage (retrospective). Construction of 1 no. bungalow and associated works. Resubmission of PT16/0724/F. An appeal has been made against the decision of refusal of planning permission.