e-Sea Customs Clearance (e-SCC) Scheme (海易通)

Registration Form

For official use only
Reference No.:
Registration No.:

Part I Particulars of Company

Company Name
(in English)
Company Name
(in Chinese)
Business Address
(in English)
Business Address
(in Chinese)
Business Registration No.
Fax No.
For Research Purpose
Estimated No. of Sea Containers handled in a year
(please tick “ü” the appropriate box) / Inbound :
¨ below 1,000 nos.
¨ 1,000 – 10,000 nos.
¨ 10,000 – 50,000 nos.
¨ 50,000 – 100,000 nos.
¨ over 100,000, please specify
Outbound :
¨ below 1,000 nos.
¨ 1,000 – 10,000 nos.
¨ 10,000 – 50,000 nos.
¨ 50,000 – 100,000 nos.
¨ over 100,000 nos., please specify

Part II Particulars of Scheme Coordinator (Responsible for Scheme Policy)

Name (English) / Post / Telephone No. / Email Address
1. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)
2. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)

Part III Particulars of Scheme Operator (Responsible for Daily Operation with Customs)

Name (English) / Post / Telephone No. / Email Address
1. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)
2. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)
3. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)
4. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)
5. / (Mr./Mrs./Ms.)

Part IV Information Collection Statement

Notes to Applicant
1. / Scheme Coordinator shall submit the completed registration form to the Customs and Excise Department via the internet email address “”
2. / Upon receipt of a registration form, the Customs and Excise Department will send an acknowledge receipt with a reference no. to the email account of Scheme Coordinator.
3. / Successful applicant will be informed of the registration no. assigned by the Customs and Excise Department via the email account of Scheme coordinator.
Purpose of Information Collection
4. / The company data you provided in this form (as well as subsequent updates) and any data to be submitted by you through the Scheme as a registered user will be used by the Customs and Excise Department for cargo clearance purpose and may be used by the Census and Statistics Department for processing of import/export declarations.
5. / Enquiries concerning the company information collected in this form or any issues on the Scheme should be addressed to:
Contact Points
Mr. HUNG Hon-wing (Senior Inspector/Cargo Research Division)
Phone No. : 3152 0188
Email address :

Part V Declaration

1. / On behalf of the undersigned company, I am applying for registration of e-Sea Customs Clearance (e-SCC) Scheme with the Customs and Excise Department.
2. / I understand the “Information Collection Statement” mentioned in Part IV

Signature : ______

Title : ______

Company Chop : ______

Date : ______