Honors Capstone ProjectAdvisor Grading and Assessment Form

Portions of this form must be completed by the project advisor AND student—Incomplete forms will not be accepted!

Student Name ______
CMU ID# ______
Local Address ______
Cell Phone ( ) ______
Email / Advisor Name ______
Advisor Campus Address ______
Department ______
Phone ( ) ______
Project Title: ______
Advisor Assessment and Approval Signature Area
Final grade to be awarded in HON 499 ______Final grade to be awarded in HON 499WI ______
Final grade to be awarded in APPROVED HON 499 / HON 499WI course replacement (ex: BIO 204): ______
HON 499 “WI” Option Proposed? Yes or No (circle one) HON 499 “WI” OptionSuccessfully Completed? Yes or No (circle one)
Designator of APPROVED HON 499/HON 499WI course replacement(ex: BIO 204):______
Comments on grading if appropriate:
Please indicate fulfillment of WI requirements checking each of the boxes below:
 At least 18 pages of writing, AND
 50% of writing hasundergone revision
*Note: Both criteria must be met to count HON 499 as a WI
Advisor Assessment: To assist with theHonors Program Assessment Plan, please evaluate and provide a brief written
comment in the following categories about the degree to which this completed project reflects high-level outcomes for student learning and work.
On the following page, please provide your evaluation of the degree to which this work meets theexpectations you
would have for graduating seniors in your discipline or professional field.
Expectations / Meets Expectations / Above Expectations
Work habits, discipline, and integrity reflected in project efforts
Evidence of student’s ability to think critically about issues and concepts related to project
Ability to use appropriate methods and techniques of research, scholarship, or creative
work required
Expectations / Meets Expectations / Above Expectations
Overall quality of the final product reflects professional standards
Has work from this project already been accepted to be presented or published in a professional venue – if so where?
If not, to what degree do you believe that work from this project could be presented or published professionally?
Advisor Signature ______Date ______
Student Assessment and Approval Signature Area
Please comment on the significance of this experience and project for your academic or professional development;
Student Signature ______Date ______
My signature above verifies that this project was completed with integrity and meets the
standards and expectations of my faculty advisor and the University Honors Program.
Honors Director Approval / E-mail Approval to Student / E-mail Approval to Advisor / Database Updated / Student Approval Letter Sent / Advisor Approval Letter Sent
Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date / Initials / Date
