Mevlana Exchange Programme is a programmewhichaimstheexchange of studentsandacademicstaffbetweentheTurkishHigherEducationinstitutionsandhighereducationinstitutions of othercountries.

Application for Exchange / 05-26 February 2018
Sendingtheassessment of incomingstudentsandacademicstaffsto SDU Mevlana Office / 26 February 2018 (LastDay)

Mevlana Exchange ProgrammeBilateralAgreement: Avalidbilateralagreement is requiredforstudentandacademicstaffexchange. Thebilateralagreements is validforfiveyears.

Exchange of Students: - Thestudentsregisteredtothevocationalschools (2nd class), bachelor’sdegree (2 nd, 3rd, 4th classes), master, doctorateprogramme (afterthefirstsemesterexcludingthelanguageorscientificpreparationsemesters)programsof theuniversities can benefitfrom Mevlana Exchange Programme.

Turkishcitizenstudentswhostudy in foreignuniversityunfortunatelycouldn’tapplyto Mevlana Exchange Programme.

CircumstancesTo Be a Mevlana Exchange Student:

Grade Point Average (GPA) should be at least: 2.5/4.0 forstudentsvocationalschoolsandbachelor’sdegree, 3.0/4.0 fortheMsandPhDstudents, thescore of language of whichthehostinstitute us forteaching.

08.02.2017 theCouncil of HigherEducationExecutiveCouncilDecisions: It has decided as follows in compliancewiththespecifiedarea as student(incoming/outgoing) andacademicstaffexchangewithcountrieslistedbelow.

Afghanistan / Socialand Human Sciences / Macedonia / Socialand Human Sciences
Albania / Socialand Human Sciences / Malaysia / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
Algeria / Socialand Human Sciences / Mexico / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
Australia / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+HealthSciences / Mongolia / Socialand Human Sciences
Azerbaijan / Socialand Human Sciences / Montenegro / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
Bangladesh / Socialand Human Sciences / Morocco / Socialand Human Sciences
Belarus / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences / New Zealand / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
Bosnia-herzegovina / Socialand Human Sciences / Oman / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
Brazil / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences / Philippines / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
Canada / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences + HealthSciences / Pakistan / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
China / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences + HealthSciences / Palestine / Socialand Human Sciences
Djibouti / Socialand Human Sciences / Qatar / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
Egypt / Socialand Human Sciences / Romania / Socialand Human Sciences
England / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences+ HealthSciences / Russia / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
France / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences+ HealthSciences / SaudiArabia / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
Gambia / Socialand Human Sciences / Singapore / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
Georgia / Socialand Human Sciences / South Africa / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
India / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ HealthSciences+SocialandHuman Sciences / South Korea / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences+ HealthSciences
Indonesia / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences / Spain / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences
Iran / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences / Sudan / Socialand Human Sciences
Iraq / Socialand Human Sciences / Tajikistan / Socialand Human Sciences
Japan / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences+ HealthSciences / Thailand / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
Jordan / Socialand Human Sciences / Tunis / Socialand Human Sciences
Kazakhstan / Socialand Human Sciences / Turkmenistan / Socialand Human Sciences
Kyrgyzstan / Socialand Human Sciences / Uganda / Socialand Human Sciences
Kosova / Socialand Human Sciences / Ukraine / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences
Kuwait / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ Socialand Human Sciences / USA / EngineeringandPhysicalSciences+ HealthSciences
Libya / Socialand Human Sciences / Uzbekistan / Socialand Human Sciences
Lebanon / Socialand Human Sciences / Yemen / Socialand Human Sciences


ForCandidateStudents: Candidate Application Form, Transcript, Certificate of Language

ForStudents on Main List: Student Application Form, Learning Agreement, Letter of Acceptance, Arrival Form, StudentDeclaration, Information Form, Student Final Report (beforeleaving SDU), StudentDeclaration of Attendance, Activity Report (forgraduatestudents, beforeleaving SDU)

ResidentPermit: Incomingstudentshouldapplyfor his/her residentpermit in a monthafter his/her arrival in Turkey.


-Online Application Form

-OriginalCopyandPhotocopy of the Passport or Travel Document



-Mevlana StudentCertificate

-DocumentShowingyouradress Information


-Income Statement

InsuranceDocuments: Incomingstudentsshouldbringtheirinsurancedocumentswiththem. Theinsuranceshould be valid in Turkey.

EducationalExpences: Duringtheexchangemobility, theparticipantstudentsmust pay therequiredtuitionfeetotheirhomehighereducationalinstitute. Theydon’t pay anytuitionfeetothehostuniversity.

FinantialSupport: ForAcademicYear 2017-2018, TurkishCouncil of HigherEducation (YOK) will pay 1000 TL forincomingstudentspermonth. 80% of thescholarship is paidtostudents in a monthaftertheirarrivalto SDU. The rest of thescholarshipwill be paidbased on theratio of total credits of thesucceededcoursestothecoursesthatthestudent is obligedtotake. Thescholarshipincludesonlyforfourmonths.

Exchange of AcademicStaff:

Academicstaff (professor, associateprofessor, assistantprofessor, lecturer) can participateto Mevlana exchangeProgramme. Researchassistantscouldonlyparticipate as a student. Academicstaffshouldgivecourses at least 6 hoursper a week. Academicstaff can participate Mevlana Programme min. 2 weeksandmax. 3 months.


ForcandidateAcademicStaff: Candidate Application Form, CV, Annex, Certificate of Language

ForAcademicStaff on Main List: AcademicStaffMobilityProgramme, Letter of Acceptance, AcademicStaffDeclaration, Information Form, AcademicStaff Final Report (beforeleaving SDU), AcademicStaffDeclaration of Attendance.

Financial SupportsForIncomingAcademicStaff (for 2017-2018 academicyear)

ForProfessor, Associateprofessor, assistantprofessor: 50 TL (perday)

Forlecturer: 40 TL (perday)

Transport forAcademicStaff:

Region/ Continent / Payement (Max)
Asia-Pacific, Latin America, North America / 4400 TL
Sub-SaharanAfrica, Central Asia / 3300 TL
Europe, South Caucasus, South Asia, Middle East, North Africa / 2500 TL