
1 The Freshman

2 Living Conditions

3 The Harsh Light of Day

4 Fear, Itself

5 Beer Bad

6 Wild At Heart

7 The Initiative

8 Pangs

9 Something Blue

10 Hush

11 Doomed

12 A New Man

13 The ’I’ in Team

14 Goodbye Iowa

15 Goodbye Iowa

16 This Years’ Girl

17 This Year’s Girl

18 Who Are You

19 Who Are You

20 Superstar

21 Where the Wild Things Are

22 New Moon Rising

23 The Yoko Factor

24 Primeval

25 Primeval

26 Restless

The Freshman

Written & directed by Joss Whedon

Transcribed by Diov Llun <>


I do not own the characters in this story, nor do I own any rights to the television show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

They were created by Joss Whedon and belong to him, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Television, Kuzui Enterprises, 20th

Century Fox Television and the WB Television Network.

This episode was originally broadcast on October 5, 1999.

Revised: October 15, 1999.

This transcript should be considered as copylefted... that is, you can do anything with this transcript you want as

long as it doesn’t interfere with others right’s to do anything with it that they might want, also. You can modify it,

but if you want to use any part of this transcript, your modifications should be copylefted also.

Explicit license is hereby given for anyone to archive this transcript whenever and wherever they may wish.


It’s night in the cemetery and Buffy is pacing back and

forth. Willow is seated cross-legged reading papers.

Buffy sighing Anything?

Willow Ah! ’Introduction to the Modern Novel.’ "A

survey study of twentieth century novelists." Open to

freshmen, you might like that.

Buffy ’Introduction to the Modern Novel?’ I’mguessing

I’d probably have to read the modern novel.

Willow Maybe more than one.

Buffy I like books. I just don’t want to take on too much.

Do they have an introduction to the modern blurb?

Willow Oh! Short story.

Buffy Well, that’s good.

Willow Oh, no. It conflicts with Psych.

Buffy Maybe I shouldn’t take Psych.

Willow You gotta. I-It’s fun, a-and you can use it as your

science requirement. Anyway, Professor Walsh is sup-posed

to be great. She’s like, world-renowned.

Buffy How do you get to be renowned? I mean, like, do

you have to be ’nowned’ first?

Willow Yes, first there’s the painful ’nowning’ process.

Wait! ’Images of Pop Culture.’ This is good. T-They

watch movies, T-TV shows, even commercials.

Buffy For credit?

Willow Heh. Isn’t college cool?

Buffy How’d I miss that one?

Buffy walks over and sits beside her.

WillowWell, you did sort of wait till the last minute with

your course selection.

Buffy Sorry, ’Miss I-chose-my-major-in-playgroup.’

Willow That’s an exaggeration. I just, you know, think

it’s good to be prepared. Don’t want to be caught un-awares.

Behind them a hand thrusts up out of a fresh grave.

Buffy Well I’ve been busy! It’s been a very slay-heavy

summer. I just haven’t had a whole lot of time to think

about life at UC Sunnydale.

A vampire’s head and shoulders emerge from the grave.

Willow It’s exciting, though, isn’t it?

Buffy Yeah! It’s gonna be an adjustment.

Willow Yeah, it’s like, five miles away. It’s uncharted ter-ritory.

The vampire struggles to climb up.

Buffy Giles said I have to be secret-identity gal again.

Willow That makes sense.

The vampire makes it out of the grave and starts walking

toward them, his face vamped out.

Buffy It’s gonna be tough, though... with a roommate.

Willow Yeah.

Buffy I’mpsyched about college. The vampire smiles as

he gets closer.

Buffy Definitely. He stops as he sees weapons stacked

against a gravestone.

Buffy I just need to figure out howit’s going to work with

my extra-curricular activities. The vamp looks at Buffy,

the smile gone.

Buffy I just can’t let it take the edge off my slaying.

Shaking his head, the vampire turns and walks away.

Buffy I gotta stay sharp. She looks behind her toward the

fresh grave.) Is this guy ever gonna wake up?

Part 1

Buffy is standing in the middle of a quad with students

milling all around her. She’s looking around.





Buffy looks at the folders in her arms but doesn’t see a

yellow one. She starts to walk in the indicated direction.

1.Girl standing in front of banner that reads "THIS MUST


Girl Not gonna take it!

Crowd No!

Girl Don’t take it lying down!

Crowd No!

Girl What do we want?

Crowd Unintelligible... Food?

Girl When do we want it?

Crowd Now!

A student walks up and hands her a flier.

Boy Rally, tomorrow night. We have to let the adminis-tration

know how we feel.

Buffy Yeah, right.

Another student hands her another flier.

Girl Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal


Buffy Uh, you know I meant to and then I just got really


A third student hands her yet another flier.

Boy Party, Thursday at Alpha Delt, you gotta be there.

Free Jello shots for freshman women.

Buffy Hey, you guys know where Wiesman hall is?

But the student is already accosting someone else. Buffy

continues walking and Willow meets up with her.

Willow Buffy, Hey!

Buffy Oh, boy am I glad to see you.

They continue walking.

Willow Isn’t this cool? There’s so much going on.

Buffy Yeah. Almost, one might say, too much.

Willow I got all my courses... except for ’Modern

Poetry’, I had to switch to ’Ethno-musicology.’ But

that’s cool, West-African drumming, I think it’s going to

change everything. Have you met your roommate yet?

Buffy No.

Willow Me neither. I hope she’s cool.

Buffy Indicating the fliers in Willow’s hands. I see you

got ticketed too.

Willow Yes! I’ve heard about five different issues and

I’m angry about each and every one of them. What’d

you get?

Buffy ’Jello shots.’

Willow I didn’t get ’Jello shots!’ She picks a flier out and

tries to hand it to Buffy. I-I’ll trade you for a-a ’Take Back

the Night.’

Buffy hands over all her fliers with a smile.

Buffy Are we heading anywhere near Wiesman Hall? I

still need to get my I.D. card.

Willow Oh, I got mine this morning. The lines are really

long now, you should have gone early.

Buffy Well, I hope that I learn from this experience, and

that I grow.

Willow I’mbeing annoying, aren’t I?

Buffy No, it’s nice that you’re excited.

Willow It’s just in High School, knowledge was pretty

much frowned upon. You really had to work to learn

anything. But here, the energy, the collective intelli-gence,

it’s like this force, this penetrating force, and I

can just feel my mind opening up–you know?–and let-ting

this place thrust into and spurt knowledge into...

That sentence ended up in a different place than it

started out in.

Buffy I’m with you, though, I’m all for spurty knowl-edge.

It’s just, a little overwhelming. Don’t you feel it?

Willow Well, I’m... Gasp Ooh, boyfriend! My on-campus

boyfriend. Oz comes up and he and Willowkiss.

Buffy Oh no, I forgot to pick mine up. Line’s probably

really long there, too.

Willow How are you?

Oz Good. It’s pretty much a madhouse, a madhouse.

Buffy I know, I was just saying that to Willow. I mean it’s

just so overwhelming. Don’t you feel completely disori-ented?

Paul Oz! A student comes up to them.

Oz Hey, Paul.

Paul Finally matriculating with us, very cool! Tell me

you’re playing this week!

Oz Thursday night, Alpha Delta.

Willow Ooh! She holds up a flier. I have that one!

Paul I’mbringing the wrecking crew. Jello shots? Hmm?

Do you know where they’re distributing the work study


Oz Points. Back of Richmond Hall, next to the audito-rium.

Paul Thanks. Seeya bro. He walks off.

Oz Go get’em. He remembers what Buffy was talking

about. My band’s played here a lot. It’s still all new. I

don’t know what the hell’s going on. He sees someone.

Hey, Doug!

Later, Buffy and Willow are indoors, walking along a


Willow Library... ooh! Library. C’mon. They start climb-ing

a flight of stairs.

Buffy It’s too bad Giles can’t be librarian here. Be con-venient.

They reach a landing and turn left to continue up an-other


Willow Well, he says that he’s enjoying being a gentle-man

of leisure.

Buffy Gentleman of leisure? Isn’t that just british for un-employed?

Willow Uh-huh, he’s a slacker now.

Buffy Speaking of slack, have you heard anything from


2.Willow Not for awhile, he’s still on his cross-country-see-

America thing. They reach another landing and

turn to climb yet another flight. He said he wasn’t com-ing

back until he had driven to all fifty states.

Buffy Did you explain about Hawaii?

Willow Oh, he seemed so determined.

Buffy I hope he gets back soon. It’d be fun to have the

whole gang back together–you know?–hanging out in

the... library. Wow!

They enter the library, a huge room with a vaulting

cupola ceiling.

Willow Oh my gosh! Isn’t this amazing?

Buffy It’s... cozy.

Willow You know I never wanted to hurt Giles’ feelings,

but occult books aside, our old library just didn’t have

the greatest selection. But this!

Buffy Yeah, this is great, you know, if we ever need a

place for the Nuremburg rallies.

WillowThis is a real library. Someone shushes them. See

we even have to whisper. It’s like a whole new world.

The bookstore. Students are milling about carrying

books in shopping baskets. Buffy carries an arm full of

books and Willow comes up with a basket.

Willow Here.

Buffy Thanks. Buffy puts the books in the basket. Can’t

wait till mom get’s the bill for these books, I hope it’s a

funny aneurism.

Willow ’Introduction to Psychology.’ Oh, up there. She

indicates three of four books stacked on the edge of the

top of a bookshelf.

Buffy I’ll get’em. You know, this store discriminates

against short people.

Willow Oh, I think there’s a protest next week.

Buffy reaches up and accidentally knocks the books off.

Buffy Woah, oh. They fall on the head of a young man

crouched underneath. He staggers back but recovers.

Oh, ahh. Oh god, I’mso sorry.

He stands up.

Riley I’mokay. It’s okay. Well, that was bracing.

Buffy I’m so... the books were just too high, and then

everything was bad. She bends down to pick up the


Riley Let me give you a hand. He bends down and picks

up some books. Let’s put a few of these down here. He

puts them on a lower shelf. So, uh, are you girls taking

Intro Psych, or do you just want me dead?

Buffy Uh-huh. I mean the first one.

Riley Well, you’ll have a lot of fun. Professor Walsh–

she’s quite a character.

Willow You’ve taken it?

Riley I’m a TA, I’ll be helping the Professor out. I’m

sorry, I’ve forgotten my manners in all the concussion...


Willow Willow, and this is my friend Buffy.

Riley It’s nice to meet you both.

Buffy I’mnice to meet.

Willow Hey, do you know if we’re going to be studying

’Operant Conditioning’ in the first semester? ’Cause I

hear that’s kinda Professor Walsh’s specialty.

Riley Absolutely. Do you know her treatise on Dietricks


Willow I know of it.

Riley It’s not in the syllabus, but it’s a fascinating read...

if you’re in to that sort of thing. They have it here.

Willow Oh, where?

Riley I’ll show you. I don’t meet that many freshmen

that know that much about psychology.

Willow Well, it’s fascinating.

Buffy Yeah, you know, ’cause everyone’s got a brain. Ri-ley

half smiles politely and starts leading the way. Or,

almost everyone. She follows Riley and Willow.

Dorm corridor. Buffy works her way through milling stu-dents,

both male and female. She enters a dorm room

with two beds and two desks. She sees another young

woman there unpacking a suitcase laying on one of the


Buffy Hi.

Kathy Looks up. Oh, hi! Are you Buffy?

Buffy Yeah.

Kathy Kathy.

Buffy Hi, it’s nice to meet you.

Kathy Yeah!

Buffy puts her things down on a desk and crosses over to

the bed and sits down.

Buffy So, it’s, ah... it’s a pretty nice room.

Kathy Hmm! I was surprised, ’cause you hear hor-ror

stories about freshmen housing. You took the right


Buffy Yeah, umm, but if you want it...

Kathy No, no. I just wanted to make sure that’s what

you wanted. Exited for classes tomorrow?

Buffy Painfully.

Kathy Laughs I bet there’s going to be a lot of parties to

go to this week, too. Not that I’m a crazy partier. Oh,

and I’mnot always this hyper, either. I’mjust excited.

Buffy Yeah, me too.

Kathy crosses the room and picks up a folded poster and

carries it to a wall on her side of the room.

Kathy I am really glad they put me with somebody

cool... I can tell that you’re cool. I just know that this

whole year is going to be super fun! She unfolds the

poster onto the wall revealing it to be of Celine Dion.

Night time. Buffy is laying in bed listening to Kathy

snore, smack her lips and mumble in her sleep.

3.Day time. Buffy is in a lecture hall while Professor

Reegert gives his introductory lecture.

Professor Reegert The point of this course is not to cri-tique

popular American culture. It is not to pick at it,

or look down upon it. And it is not to watch videos for

credit. Small laughter from students. The point is to ex-amine...

Buffy Whispers to student beside her Do you knowif this

class is full yet?

Professor Reegert And there are two people talking at

once, and I know that one of them is me. And the other

is... a blonde girl. You, blonde girl. Stand up. I’m very

excited to hear what you have to say that’s worth inter-rupting