ACMA Workplace Diversity Plan
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Contents (Continued)

What is workplace diversity?

Workplace diversity principles


The ACMA Workplace Diversity Plan

Roles and responsibilities


Managers and supervisors

People and Workplace Section


Review and reporting

Appendix A— ACMA Diversity Action Plan, 2014–18

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The ACMA is committed to providing a supportive and respectful work environment that recognises, values and accommodates the diversity of its employees and is representative of the Australian community it serves.

The ACMA Workplace Diversity Plan has been developed to:

recognise and respect the diverse skills, cultural values and backgrounds of employees

enable workplace structures, conditions, systems and procedures to foster diversity and allow employees to manage their professional and personal life

create an environment where fairness and equity are encouraged and supported, and all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying are eliminated.

What is workplace diversity?

Workplace diversity is based on the premise that all people have different qualities, skills, qualifications, experience and aptitude for work. Workplace diversity is about recognising these individual qualities and appreciating each employee’s abilities and experience in a way that improves outputs and outcomes in the workplace.

The definition of diversity is very broad and can relate to gender, age, language, ethnicity, cultural background, disability, sexual orientation or religious belief and family responsibilities. Diversity also relates to the variety of ways we are different in other respects such as our educational level, job function, working style, skills, socio-economic background, personality profile, geographic location, marital status, and whether or not we have carer responsibilities.

Managing workplace diversity involves recognising the value of individual differences in the workplace to realise the full potential of all employees and help the ACMA achieve its business goals.

Workplace diversity principles

The following principles underpin the ACMA’s commitment to workplace diversity and objectives of the Workplace Diversity Plan:

behaviours and actions of all employees are consistent with the APS Values, Code of Conduct, and Employment Principles

workplace structures and conditions allow employees to contribute while taking into account personal commitments and interests outside of work

decisions made that affect employees take into account their individual needs

communication is undertaken in a way that recognises the diverse workforce and uses inclusive language

decisions affecting employees are free of discrimination.


Age Discrimination Act 2004

Racial Discrimination Act 1975

Sex Discrimination Act 1984

Disability Discrimination Act 1992

Public Service Act 1999

Workplace Relations Act 1996

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

ACMA Workplace Diversity Plan

The ACMA Workplace Diversity Plan reflects that the ACMA values both the diverse backgrounds of its employees and its ability to access and make use of the diverse skills and experience of those employees.

The key objectives of the Workplace Diversity Plan are to:

promote awareness of workplace diversity principles throughout the ACMA

reflect and integrate workplace diversity principles in everyday management and workplace practices, including business and workforce planning, learning and development and performance management

develop a supportive workplace culture that allows employees to balance their professional and personal life

provide a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace.

Specific actions to support these objectives are detailed in the ACMA Diversity Action Plan at Appendix A.

Roles and responsibilities

All employees have a responsibility to uphold workplace diversity initiatives, regardless of their role, background, skills or other characteristics. This includes treating colleagues and clients with courtesy and respect.


Employees will:

behave in a manner that is consistent with the APS Values, Code of Conduct and Employment Principles

actively contribute to enhancing a culture in which diversity is valued and supported

act upon situations where behaviour inconsistent with the Workplace Diversity Plan is identified.

Managers and supervisors

Managers and supervisors have responsibilities beyond their individual responsibilities. Their role includes to encourage and build a work environment that is conducive to the implementation of workplace diversity principles and practices.

Managers and supervisors will:

demonstrate appropriate behaviours consistent with the principles of workplace diversity

incorporate workplace diversity principles into their management practices

utilise the performance management scheme to maximise team member’s diverse qualities and enhance knowledge-sharing

consult with employees and encourage all team members to contribute positively to business outcomes

foster flexible work practices that promote professional and personal life balance principles

promptly and appropriately deal with any complaints of harassment or discrimination observed in the workplace.

People and Workplace Section

The People and Workplace Section, under the guidance of the Executive Manager, People and Performance, has responsibility to:

incorporate the principles of workplace diversity in the development and implementation of people management instructions, plans and activities

monitor, evaluate and report achievement against the Workplace Diversity Plan’s objectives

provide practical, ongoing support and advice to all employees on implementation of diversity principles.


The Chair has overall responsibility for the ACMA’s Workplace Diversity Plan. This responsibility includes:

publishing the Plan on the ACMA website

annually evaluating and reporting the effectiveness and outcomes of the Plan

reviewing the Plan at least once every four years.

Review and reporting

Progress towards achievement of the plan’s objectives will be regularly reviewed and reported annually to the Executive Group through the ACMA Workforce Analysis Report. Amendments to the plan may be made as a result of review outcomes, organisational or legislative changes.

Information on workplace diversity matters will be provided to the Public Service Commissioner or other external bodies as required.

Appendix A—ACMA Diversity Action Plan, 2014–18

Objectives / Actions / Responsibility / Time frame / Performance measures
Promote awareness of workplace diversity principles throughout the ACMA / Information on workplace diversity available on the intranet. / People & Performance Branch (P&P) / Ongoing / Feedback indicates information is accessible, accurate and relevant.
Induction material for new employees includes information on workplace diversity, including underlying principles. / Staff surveys and other feedback mechanisms indicate that employees are aware of and able to access information promoting the workplace diversity principles.
Events conducted to support diversity (e.g. Harmony Day, NAIDOC Week, International Women’s Day) at organisational, office and/or team level.
Encourage all employees to update their diversity data in ESS. / Number of employees providing diversity data in ESS.
Provide support and reasonable adjustment to the work environment to assist employees to carry out their duties. / Outcomes from WHS audits.
Number of work station assessments.
Number of incidents or hazards attributable to the work environment.
Reflect and integrate workplace diversity principles in everyday management and workplace practices / P&P / Ongoing / Workplace diversity profile is maintained during periods of restructure and downsizing.
Adherence to workplace diversity principles is a mandatory performance expectation in all performance and development plans. / All managers / Ongoing / Number of Code of Conduct breaches relating to diversity-oriented Code elements.
Supportive workplace culture / Policies and instructions supporting flexible working arrangements are reviewed and streamlined to support needs of a diverse workforce. / P&P / Ongoing / Staff surveys and other feedback mechanisms indicate staff are satisfied with the flexible working arrangements available at the ACMA.
The ACMA Working Together program raises awareness of the importance diversity plays in maintaining a positive work environment and assist employees to understand their responsibilities in the prevention of bullying and harassment.Material on the intranet reviewed and refreshed to reflect broader diversity principles.
Information on flexible working arrangements readily accessible on the intranet, with staff accessing relevant arrangements.
Provide a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace / Provide material and training resources to recognise and manage inappropriate behaviour. / P&P / Ongoing / Perceived bullying and harassment rate (as identified in the APS Employee Census) is below APS average.
Ongoing support for Workplace Harassment Contact Officers (WHCO). / Annual WHCO forums
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