Cleburne County Commission Travel Policy V-4.0
As adopted in the February 2016 Personnel Policies & Procedures Handbook
Each department head or official who utilizes, authorizes, or approves reimbursement of travel expenses is expected to exercise due care and prudence. Training seminars, conventions, etc. should be appropriate to the individual’s level of responsibility and job requirements.
1. Training/Travel Requests – the respective department head must give prior approval for training/travel involving County business. Additional approval must be given by the Commission for all training/travel outside the United States.
2. Hotel Billing – If requested, the traveler can request the County issue a pre-paid check for lodging and transportation expenses.
3. Per Diem Rate – Per Diem rates used will be based upon the most recent CONUS M&IE per diem rates from the Official Traveler Travel Guide, Government and Military Edition. If the out of state travel destination is not listed, the per diem amount will be based upon the listed city of closest proximity. The travel destination rate will be in effect from the departure date until the date of return. Per diem covers food and beverages, waiter / waitress tips and gratuities and other non-transportation related incidentals such as bell service, concierge service, or luggage tips and gratuities.
1. Mode of Travel –The following modes of travel are recognized to be approved at the discretion of the department head and should be indicated on your request and expense forms:
· Tourist/Coach fares for air, land, and rail travel
· Personal auto mileage at prevailing county rate
· County vehicle
· Taxi (to include no more than a 20% tip)
· Public transportation (buses, subways, etc.)
· Rental cars to include fuel purchases
The calculation of your transportation expense should be shown.
If more than one employee shares a personal vehicle on a trip, only one person will receive reimbursement for mileage. Taxis and rental cars are considered as transportation costs.
2. Per Diem – A per diem rate can be obtained from the County Personnel Office. Per diem covers food, beverage, waiter or waitress tips and other miscellaneous expenses. No meal receipts are required. Per diem will not be paid by the County when an organization other than the County is paying these costs for the County employee.
3. Food Cost Maximum – A cap on food cost per day is set at the per diem rate.
Food associated costs that do not involve over-night travel will be reimbursed at the fixed per diem amounts of $7 for breakfast when travel begins before or at 7 a.m., $15 for lunch if travel extends over the lunch period of 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. and $20 for dinner if travel extends past 6 p.m.
4. Personal Expenses – Personal expenses or those not essential for the performance of County business will be disallowed and should be deducted before payment is requested. If a hotel invoice or conference registration form, which the County is paying directly, includes personal expenses, a personal check (made payable to the Cleburne County Commission) should be attached to the check request that is submitted for payment. The check request should be for the total balance due.
Personal items include but are not limited to: laundry; alcoholic beverages; social, recreational, or entertainment activities; toiletries; medication; newspapers; and souvenirs.
5. Rental Automobiles – Rental automobiles from private companies should be used only when necessary, and the type rented should be appropriate for the purpose. The County employee should sign contracts with rental agencies. Rental fuel expenses require the submission of original receipt for the fuel purchase.
6. Taxis – Taxis will be reimbursed with receipts and may include up to a 20% tip if documented.
7. Flight Insurance – Flight insurance is not paid for by the County.
1. Approval Signatures – A ‘Travel Statement of Expenses’ (Attachment) must be completed and signed by the employee and department head and attached to the check request submitted for reimbursement related to travel or conferences (in-town or out-of-town). Department head expense statements do not require further approval but are subject to review by the Commission during the County’s claim process.
2. Expense Statement Submission – All payment requests should be submitted for payment within thirty days of the event. Hand checks will not be processed and should not be requested except in unusual circumstances.
3. Expenses for more than one person – A separate expense statement should be filled out for each individual. If one individual makes payment for group hotel expenses, the individuals utilizing the rooms must be clearly written and documented on the invoice.
4. Hotel Expenses – Personal funds or County check must be used. The County pays from original invoices. Obtain an itemized invoice from the hotel or ask them to send one. A statement from the hotel or your credit card slip is not sufficient. If you have paid the hotel bill and are asking for reimbursement, the bill should reflect a zero-balance due or your credit card slip should be attached, and the check request should be for the difference between your payment and any personal expenses.
5. Airline Tickets – The expense should be listed on the expense report and the invoice should also be attached. A memo should be sent to the Commission Office if a ticket is not used and is returned for a refund. Another party should not use the ticket.
6. Unusual Expense Items – Any deviation from normal expenses and procedures should be explained in our request for payment package, so that your reimbursement can be processed promptly.
7. Completion of Forms – All required forms should be fully and properly completed and standard procedures should be followed or forms will be returned to the department head.
1. Authorization – Non-county employees are authorized travel and related expense payment or reimbursement by contract or letter or authorization, signed by the Department Head before the expense is incurred. Travel must be for specific purposes and to the benefit of County objectives.
Name: / Title:
Date of Expenditure: / Source of Funds:
Department: / Phone #:
Reason for Making Trip:
/ Hour of Departure/Return /Points of Travel
/Per Diem
From To
/ Mileage ifIn Private
Car /
/ Amount / Amount PerDay
Totals /Transportation
/Per Diem
$ / Lodging$
Other Expenses (Not used in Per Diem)
(Itemize other expenses and attach required receipts and other supporting documentation.
(Use extra sheets if necessary.) /
/ $Other Transportation
(Taxi, Public Transportation)
/ $Parking
/ $Etc.
/ $Total Other Expenses
/ $Total Travel Expenses (Transportation + Per Diem + Lodging + Other Expenses)
/ $Pre-Paid Expenses
(Itemize prepaid expenses included above such as airline tickets, etc., and attach receipts. Use extra sheets if necessary /Registration
/ $Airline
/ $Hotel
/ $County Check / $
/ Total Pre-Paid Expenses / $( )
Net Travel Expenses To Be Reimbursed to (from) Traveler ------>
(Total Travel Expenses Less Pre-Paid Expenses) / $
Employee Signature Department Head Signature
These expenses will be paid in accordance with the County Commission’s travel policy.Please use additional sheets if necessary for information or explanation purposes.
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