17 June 2016Country: / Turkey
Description of the Assignment: / Strengthen the capacity of the Resident Coordinator’s Office in providing technical support and guidance to the UN Country Team (UNCT) in the area of Human Rights.The Human Rights Specialist shall report to the UN Resident Coordinator.
Post: / Human Rights Specialist
Ref: / UNRCO/2016-01/HRS
Related Projects: / UN Development Cooperation Strategy (UNDCS) 2016-2020 Pillar on Democratic Governance and Human Rights, UNCT Results Group on Democracy and Human Rights.
Period of Assignment/Services: / 15 July2016 – 15 July 2017
Proposal should be submitted by email to no later than 22 June 2016, COB.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.
Turkey has made significant democratic reforms to harmonize its legislation with the EU. The right of individual appeal to the Constitutional Court has been recognized. Turkey’s National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and Ombudsman Institution (OI) have also been established.
Notwithstanding a democratic tradition, a maturing society and recent changes in the Constitution, including the establishment of an Ombudsperson institution, issues related to the electoral system, democracy within political parties, access to politics, gender equality in political participation, accountability and transparency are areas that could be further supported taking into consideration the comparative advantage of the United Nations (UN) in Turkey. The UN is best placed to support a comprehensive, coordinated and coherent approach of the relevant stakeholders to the implementation of recommendations made by various UN Human Rights mechanisms, specifically the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) held in January 2015.
The main body of recommendations to the country calls for the effective functioning of the NHRI in line with the Paris Principles, enactment of the legislation on discrimination, elimination of violence against women and promotion of gender equality, with particular focus on women’s participation to decision making processes. The UPR is regarded as an opportunity for an extensive evaluation of the human rights situation and the recommendations made at the end of the review could lend greater impetus to the reforms.
For further details, please see Annex 1(Terms of Reference).
The responsibility of the Human Rights Specialist is the provision of high quality consultancy services throughi) Policy and Programming advice within the area of Human Rights by supporting the Resident Coordinator (RC), the UN Results Group and the UNCT in integrating human rights into their programmes and activities, in particular the UNDCS and other key strategic planning tools, including by building UNCT capacities in applying a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to their programmes and activities; ii) Facilitating Engagement with UN Human Rights Bodies by supporting the RC, the UN Results Group, the UNCT and national partners in their engagement with international human rights mechanisms; and iii) Capacity Building Support of national partners if and when required/requested.
The IC will work on a framework contract basis. Specific expectations from the IC will be articulated in the service requests to be made during the course of the contract.
For further details, please see Annex 1 (Terms of Reference).
3Requirements forExperience and Qualifications
Please see Annex 1 (Terms of Reference).
4Documents to be Included when Submitting the Proposals
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Financial Proposal (please see section 5, below and Annex II)
Personal updated CV and UN Personal History Form (P11 Form) including past experience in similar projects and at least 2 references
5Financial Proposal
The interested individual consultants must submit their financial proposals by following the guidance and the standard template provided in Annex 2. Any deviation from the standard text may lead to disqualification.
The evaluation will be based on cumulative analysis (i.e. technical qualifications and price proposal). The weight of the technical criteria is 70%; the weight of the financial proposal is 30%. Candidates that obtain a minimum of 49 pts out of a maximum 70 pts will be considered for the financial evaluation. Candidates that do not meet the minimum requirements will be disqualified.
Criteria / Maximum PointsTechnical / 70 pts
General Qualifications / 15 pts
General Professional Experience / 20 pts
Specific Professional Experience / 35 pts
Financial / 30 pts
The following annexes are an integral part of this procurement notice. In case of any conflict between the provisions of the Annex III and the procurement notice and/or Annex I and/or Annex II, the provisions of Annex III are applicable.
Annex 1: Terms of Reference
Annex 2: Price Proposal Guideline and Template
Annex 3: General Conditions of Contract for Individual Consultants
Procurement Notice | Page 1
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Human Rights Specialist
(REF: UN-HRS-2016)
1Background and Context
Turkey has made significant democratic reforms to harmonize its legislation with the EU. The right of individual appeal to the Constitutional Court has been recognized. Turkey’s National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) and Ombudsman Institution (OI) have also been established.
Notwithstanding a democratic tradition, a maturing society and recent changes in the Constitution, including the establishment of an Ombudsperson institution, issues related to the electoral system, democracy within political parties, access to politics, gender equality in political participation, accountability and transparency are areas that could be further supported taking into consideration the comparative advantage of the United Nations(UN) in Turkey. The UN is best placed to support a comprehensive, coordinated and coherent approach of the relevant stakeholders to the implementation of recommendations made by various UN Human Rights mechanisms, specifically the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) held in January 2015.
The main body of recommendations to the country calls for the effective functioning of the NHRI in line with the Paris Principles, enactment of the legislation on discrimination, elimination of violence against women and promotion of gender equality, with particular focus on women’s participation to decision making processes. The UPR is regarded as an opportunity for an extensive evaluation of the human rights situation and the recommendations made at the end of the review could lend greater impetus to the reforms.
From the same perspective, and as is the case in a number of countries, independence of the judiciary, impartiality of the public administration, transparency of the legislative process, freedom of speech, assembly of associations and access to information are some of the areas that will benefit from the UN’s support. This is best done through strengthening oversight of implementation of international human rights recommendations and further accelerating compliance of constitutional/legislative/policy reforms and practices with international human rights standards. De-centralization is another area that provides scope for collaboration. The Tenth National Development Plan (NDP) aims at a strong, diverse, pluralistic and sustainable civil society but arrangements for civil society participation in policy-making and monitoring need to be strengthened and institutionalized.
With respect to human rights, the Tenth NDP speaks of enhancing human rights in the light of universal principles, and a strategy has been adopted to reduce the number of cases sent to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). With a view to ensuring the achievement of the Government’s targets in this area, the UN in Turkey will use its comparative advantage to contribute to the Government’s efforts to promote access to justice and legal empowerment, anti-corruption, public/local administration reform with a focus on civic engagement and civilian and parliamentary oversight of the security sector.
Within this background, one of the 4 pillars of the new UN Development Cooperation Strategy (UNDCS) for Turkey (2016-2020) focuses on Democratic Governance and Human Rights, with the main result to be achieved as follows: By 2020, central and local administrations and other actors more effectively protect and promote human rights, and adopt transparent, accountable, pluralistic and gender sensitive governance systems, with the full participation of civil society, including the most vulnerable. As part of the One Programme approach that the UNCT adopted with respect to the system’s implementation of the UNDCS, a Results Group on Democratic Governance and Human Rights, chaired by UNDP, has been established and activated as of January 2016. The Result Group on Democratic Governance and Human Rights will ensure the implementation of the UNDCS outcome 4 through a Joint Work Plan (JWP) devised on annual basis with the cooperation of the UN agencies contributing to outcome 4.
Within this framework, this Terms of Reference (ToR)is prepared for the purpose of deploying a Human Rights Specialist (HRS) in the Office of the Resident Coordinator (RCO). The HRS will strengthen the capacity of the RCO in providing technical support and guidance to the UN Country Team (UNCT), including through the UN RG on Democratic Governance and Human Rights. The HRS will identify and recommend proposals and actions for enhancing inter-agency coherence and coordination in line with UNDCS priorities, the simplification and harmonization procedures and, as appropriate, initiating actions for implementation, including joint planning and programming.
The Human Rights Specialist will support the UN system agencies towards better coordination, strategic prioritization, and follow-up of their human rights related activites. The HRS will also update the UNCT on human rights related activities and developments.
2Functions & Required Field of Specialization
In general terms, the Human Rights Specialist is responsible for:
- Supporting the work of the UNCT in mainstreaming human rights into operational activities for development;
- Promoting international human rights standards and principles and advocating for human rights as a common UN value in dialogue and interactions with national actors.
In cooperation with relevant UN entities, facilitating access to knowledge and expertise on human rights available within the UN system;
- Supporting a coordinated UN approach, in accordance with relevant mandates of the UN Agencies, for building national capacitiesin implementing human rights and other universal UN norms and standards to which the government has committed itself.
- Following human rights developments in the country and updating the UNCT accordingly
The HRSshall report to the Resident Coordinator (RC)and act as a technical resource and adviser to the UN Results Group on Democracy and Human Rights and the UNCT. The HRS is expected to participate in relevant UNCT and UNRGs meetings where s/he may be requested to provide advice with a view to integrating human rights into UNCT’s work.
1. Policy and Programming advice
1.1. Support the RC, the UNRGs and the UNCT in integrating human rights into their programmes and activities, in particular the UNDCS and other key strategic planning tools, including by building UNCTcapacities in applying a human rights-based approach to their programmes and activities, conducting situational assessments and a mapping of UNCT capacities and needs, facilitating country-level coordination through the Result Group on Human Rights and Democracy.
1.2. Advise the RC, the UNRGs and the UNCT in developing strategies and programmes to build and strengthen national capacities and institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights, based on assessment of national context, capacities and priorities.
1.3. Support the RC, the UNRGs and the UNCT in promoting human rights as a common UN value and upholding international norms and standards through advocacy and awareness raising.
1.4 Keep UNCT abreast of human rights related rules, regulations, bills and motions in the country.
2. Facilitating Engagement with UN Human Rights Bodies
2.1. Support the RC, the UNRGs and UNCT and national partners in their engagement with international human rights mechanisms such as the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), Treaty Bodies and Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council,
3. Capacity Building Support
3.1. Upon request, and under the guidance of the Resident Coordinator, in cooperation with relevant UN agencies, provide advice andorganize trainingand technical assistance to the Government and other national stakeholders.
3.2. Facilitate the access by UNCT and, where requested, national partners, to specific expertise they require, including by drawing from resources and capacity available in Headquarters and Regional Offices of UN agencies.
3.3 Build/Develop capacities of UN staff on human rights if and when required.
3Timing, Duration and Place of Work
The Assignment is planned to start on 15 July2016 and completed by 15 July 2017. TheHRS is expected to invest maximum 20 days per month. The total number of days to be invested in the whole assignment shall not exceed 240 daysin 12 months.The Human Rights Specialistshall work closely with UN Agencies in Turkey.
The HRS shall be deployed in the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Ankara and will work under the overall management of the Head of the Office of the Resident Coordinator. The HRS will report to the UN Resident Coordinator.
In case of need for assignment-related travel by the HRS, as authorized by the Head of the Office of the RC economy class travel and 4 Star accommodation shall be borne by the UN through official UN Travel Agent.
4Deliverables AND Payment
The HRS shall prepare ‘Monthly Progress Reports’ at the end of each month and submit these as deliverables. ‘Monthly Progress Reports’ shall indicate the progress achieved against overall activities and number of days invested in that respective month. The HRS shall be paid monthly, on the basis of the number of days invested in each month upon acceptance and approval of the services provided by him/her in that respective month. The HRS shall also prepare a timesheet that shows the number of days invested for the specific month and submit this to RC with the Monthly Progress Report for acceptance and approval of the RC. The payment will be made in TL.
5 Qualification and Skills Requirements
Qualification and skills:
- S/he shall have an advanced university degree in human rights, public or international law. A combination of relevant academic qualifications and extensive experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree;
- Full proficiency in English and Turkish.
- Having computer literacy is required.
- Advance knowledge on International Human Rights Treaties, Conventions and other related Legal Framework
General professional experience:
- A minimum of 7 years of applied professional experience at national and international level in the field of human rights. Proven familiarity with the UN system and its development cooperation work is an asset;
- Working experience with human rights institutions and civil society organizations particularly on human rights related activities;
Specific professional experience:
- S/he is expected to have extensiveknowledge and experience on Human Rights Mechanisms, Human Rights Tools and International Human Rights Treaties
- Experience of developing effective human rights mechanisms and tools would be an asset;
- Commitment to UN core values, particularly human rights;
- Mature judgment and initiative;
- Proven ability to provide strategic direction and ensure an effective work structure to maximize productivity and achieve goals;
- Ability to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
- Ability to work under pressure against strict deadlines;
- Ability to present complex issues persuasively and clearly;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Annex II: Price Proposal Guideline and Template
The prospective IC should take the following explanations into account during submission of his/her price proposal.
- You are asked to propose your professional daily fee rate, which will be multiplied by the number of working/days indicated in the Terms of Reference to establish the total contract amount.
- The fee rate should be indicated in Turkish Liras (TL).
- The fee rate should be indicated in gross terms and hence should be inclusive of costs related to tax, social security premium, pension, visa (if needed) etc.
- UNDP will not make any further clarification on costs related to tax, social security premium, pension, visa etc. It is the applicants’ responsibility to make necessary inquiries on these matters.
- The payments to be made will be calculated on the actual number of working/days to be invested and reported (through timesheets when needed) by the consultant for fulfillment/delivery of corresponding activities/deliverables unless otherwise indicated in the Service Requests. The number of working/days to be reported by the consultant cannot be more than the number of working/days, indicated in the service request allocated for the fulfillment/delivery of corresponding activities/deliverables.
- Travel and accommodation costs will be borne by UNDP in accordance with article 10 of the TOR.
- Once proposed and accepted, the fee rate cannot be changed.
- Please (a) copy the below text into a word processor, (b) indicate your daily fee rate as explained above, (c) do not change any part of the standard text (changing the standard text may lead to disqualification), (d) sign the document, (e) scan the signed version of the price proposal, and (f) send it as an attachment back to UNDP by replying to this email.
Terms of Reference | Page 1
Price Proposal Submission Form
To:United Nations Development Programme
Post:Human Rights Specialist
Ref: UNRCO/2016-01/HRS
Dear Sir / Madam,
I, the undersigned, offer to provide professional consulting services to UNDP within the scope of the referred Assignment.
Having examined, understood and agreed to the Procurement Notice and its annexes, the receipt of which are hereby duly acknowledged, I, the undersigned, offer to deliver professional services, in conformity with Annex I (Terms of Reference) of the Procurement Notice.
My daily consultancy fee rate is: ______Turkish Lira
I confirm that the price (daily fee rate) that I quote is gross, and is inclusive of all legal expenses, including but not limited to social security, income tax, pension, visa etc., which shall be required by applicable laws.
I agree that my proposal shall remain binding upon me for 30 days.
I understand that you are not bound to accept any proposal you may receive.
Price Proposal | Page 1