Whole year study or work abroad
including British Council teaching placement / 15% of full tuition fee rate / Yes / Yes – up to a maximum overseas rate of £6,600 / Yes – up to a maximum of £3,387 / Amounts are yet to be finalised. / Yes
Part year study abroad and part year work abroad (24 weeks or more in total) / 15% of full tuition fee rate / Yes / Yes – up to a maximum overseas rate of £6,600 / Yes – up to a maximum of £3,387 / Amounts are yet to be finalised. / Yes
Study or work abroad placement
for less than 1 academic term (less than 10 weeks) / Full tuition fee rate / Yes / Yes – up to a maximum of £5,555 / Yes – up to a maximum of £3,387 / Yes if eligible* / Yes
Home (UK) or EU Students on a Year Abroad in 2014/15: What funding can I receive?
NON-ERASMUSWhole year study abroad / 15% of full tuition fee rate / Yes / Yes – up to a maximum overseas rate of £6,600 / Yes – up to a maximum of £3,387 / Amounts are yet to be finalised. / Yes
Whole year work abroad (paid or unpaid**) e.g. Year in Industry / 15% of full tuition fee rate / Yes / Yes – reduced rate loan of approximately £2,808 / No / No / No
Study or work abroad placement
for less than 1 academic term (10 weeks) / Full tuition fee rate / Yes / Yes – up to a maximum of £5,555 / Yes – up to a maximum of £3,387 / Yes if eligible* / No if work Yes if study
* Eligibility criteria for the UoB Fee Waiver and Bursary: Student with an annual household income under £25,001 and in receipt of the full Maintenance Grant from Student Finance England
** Some unpaid work placements do attract additional funding, however the type of work undertaken must comply with strict criteria. Contact Student Finance England for more information on 0845 300 5090
Combination of ERASMUS and NON-ERASMUS placements:
Students who spend part of a full year studying or working abroad under the ERASMUS scheme and part of a full year studying or working abroad NOT under the ERASMUS scheme will have their maintenance loan adjusted for these different parts of the year. E.g. for the ERASMUS weeks of study or work the maintenance loan would be paid pro rata following the above ERASMUS rates, funding would then change to the Non-Erasmus rates for the remaining weeks abroad.
Students on a half year abroad and half year studying in Bristol will pay tuition fees at the full fee rate. The maintenance loan will be paid pro rata according to the number of weeks the student is working or studying abroad and for thenumber of weeks spent in Bristol.
Please Note:All figures quoted here are based on communications from Student Finance England and are based on a student who started studies in 2012 or later.