2015-2016 CRSC Parent/Skater Handbook

Table of Contents

Contact/Resource Information 2
President’s Message 3
Skate Canada ‘Position Statement on Bullying’ 4
2015-2016 Skating Schedule 5
Dates to Remember 6
Program Definitions 7
Pre CanSkate “tiny tots” 7
CanSkate 7
STARSkate / Intermediate / Senior 7
Adult Teens CanSkate 9
Adult Teens Skate 9
Adult CanPower 9
Youth CanPower 9
Buy-On Ice Procedures 9
Skater’s Code of Conduct 10
Skate Canada’s Parent Code of Conduct 11
Financial Information 12
Coaching Fees
Fund Raising 12
Communications 15
Helmet Requirements 15
Volunteers 15
AGM (Annual General Meeting) 15
Halloween Costume and Potluck 15
Skate Sharpening 15
Clothing Exchange Program 16
Fun Days 16
Trophies and Awards 17
Process for Choosing a Coach 18
Profiles of our Professional Skating Coaches 18

Contact/Resource Information

President Lynda Ostashek
Vice President vacant
Secretary Diane Bouchard
Treasurer Lynda Ostashek (pro tem)

Test Chair Heather Bowles
Fund Raising Bonnie Strauman
Registrar Lynda Ostashek (pro tem)

Club Coaches
Program Director Jannine Ranniger
Learn to Skate & CanPower Director Rae Anne Hesketh

Campbell River Skating Club
Msg Phone 250-287-2989
web site http://campbellriverskatingclub.com/

Vancouver Island Region Chair Lynne Henderson-Drake

Vancouver Island Region (Zone 6)
web site http://viregionskating.blogspot.ca/

British Columbia/Yukon Territory
Phone (toll free) 1-888-752-8322
web site http://www.skatinginbc.com/

Skate Canada
web site http://www.skatecanada.ca/

President’s Message

On behalf of the Campbell River Skating Club I welcome you to our next season of skating. Much of the information in this Handbook remains unchanged from last year; however, there are changes so happy reading! Our web site is also a wealth of information so please feel free to check us out there as well -- http://campbellriverskatingclub.com/.

I am always open to receiving your feedback so if there is anything that can help us improve in the way we deliver our programs or if we can improve our administrative processes to help you better I would love to hear from you. You can email .

As fundraising is such an important piece to our Club, you will see that we have made some additional changes and built on the success from last year. Therefore the Campbell River Skating Club is asking that all members participate in fundraising activities throughout the skating season. Fundraising helps our club and ensures affordable fees for families.

Important Information for Fundraising in 2015/2016

Fundraising for our club is important and we ask for everyone’s support. All skaters and skaters’ families benefit from the fundraising we do. We are creating events, selling items, and doing promotions to fulfill and exceed our fundraising commitments to support all skaters and the Club. Let’s join together and make this an awesome year because our kids are worth it!

Happy Skating,
Lynda Ostashek


Bullying is a form of harassment and is considered to be “personal harassment” as defined in the Skate Canada Membership Complaint Policy section 9. (c). Skate Canada’s complaint policies are contained in the Policies and Procedures section of the rule book available on the Members Only portion of the Skate Canada web site under Technical & Programs > Rules > 2013 Official Rule Book > Policies & Procedures > Bylaws.


Skate Canada strongly condemns bullying, will not tolerate bullying by any of its members and is committed to raising awareness of this issue and preventing and eliminating bullying behavior within Skate Canada. Skate Canada recognizes that bullying can have a serious adverse impact on personal dignity, self-esteem, confidence, personal safety, performance, enjoyment of skating and of life itself.

All Skate Canada members have the right to participate in a safe, supportive and caring environment free from harassment and they have the responsibility to contribute to the protection and maintenance of this environment.


Bullying is a form of personal harassment and includes physical or verbal abuse that occurs once or repeatedly and may involve an imbalance of power. Bullying is intended to hurt and humiliate the victim and may include:

-  Insulting or derogatory remarks or gestures

-  Rude or vulgar language or gestures

-  Shouting, yelling, swearing, name-calling

-  Persistent unwarranted criticism

-  Public ridicule

-  Verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation

-  Hitting, kicking, pushing or other types of forceful physical contact

-  Bullying may occur in-person or through electronic means including e-mail, texting and social media.


If a member has experienced bullying behavior, or has witnessed another member being bullied, the member may submit a complaint to the Complaint Review Officer at the Skate Canada national office as per the process in the Skate Canada Membership Complaints, Hearing and Investigation Procedures Policy.

2015-2016 Skating Schedule

Campbell River Skating Club

Rev. Nov 13/15

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
3:45-4:30 CanSkate
4:30-4:45 FLOOD
4:45-5:15 Senior Skills/Dance
5:15-5:30 Senior Spins
5:30-6:30 Senior FS/Stroking
6:30-6:45 FLOOD
6:45-7:30 CanSkate Adult/Teen
7:30-8:15 CanPower Adults / 10:00am-10:45am
PreCanSkate (TT)
3:30-4:00 STARSkate/Int Skills
4:00-4:15 STARSkate/Int Spins
4:15-5:00 STARSkate/Int FS
5:00-5:15 FLOOD
5:15-6:15 Senior FS/Spins / 3:30-3:45 STARSkate/Int Spins
3:45-4:45 STARSkate/Int FS/Stroking
4:45-5:00 FLOOD
5:15-6:00 CanSkate
6:00-7:00 Senior FS / 3:30-4:15 CanPower Youth
4:15-4:30 FLOOD
4:30-5:00 Int/Senior Skills
4:45-5:15 Int/Senior Dance
5:15-5:30 Int/Senior Spins
5:30-5:45 FLOOD
5:45-6:00 U-Need-It
6:00-6:45 Int/Senior FS
6:45-7:00 FLOOD
7:00-7:45 Senior FS
7:45-8:45 CanSkate Adult/Teen / 7:00am-8:00am
Int/Senior FS
3:15-3:45 STARSkate Dance
3:45-4:15 STARSkate Skills
4:15-4:30 STARSkate Spins/Stroking
4:30-5:15 STARSkate FS


These dates are provided as general information only and are subject to change. Details for each event or occasion will be sent out under separate cover.

Executive meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month. If anyone is interested in attending please contact the Executive at . Meeting dates/location may change dependent upon the needs of the Executive.

  • September 5 Program Assistant Training
  • September 8 Skating Starts
  • September 22 Pre CanSkate starts
  • October 12 Thanksgiving no skating
  • October 16-18 Autumn Leaves Competition, Chilliwack
  • October 29 Halloween Costume Party and Potluck
  • November 5-8 BC Sections, Coquitlam
  • November 13-15 Vancouver Island InterClub
  • December 6 Test Day
  • December 21-January 1 Christmas Break no skating
  • January 9/16 Program Assistant Update Clinic
  • January 31 Dance Partnering
  • February 6-8 Regionals, Juan de Fuca, Victoria
  • February 8 Family Day no skating
  • February 21 Test Day
  • March 4-6 Super Series
  • March 22-28 Easter Skating Break
  • April 8-10 VISI Competition, Parksville
  • April 17 Test Day

We have an opportunity to extend our ice into May/June 2016.
Are you Interested? Y ¨ N ¨
Contact to vote.


The programs offered may change from year to year depending on registration and interest. However, the majority of the programs listed below are our foundation programs.

PRE CANSKATE Tuesdays, 10-10:45 a.m.

Pre CanSkate or fondly referred to as our Tiny Tots is a fun introduction for pre-schoolers aged 3 to 5 years where they Learn to Skate through music and games. Group lessons are Tuesday mornings with Block A starting September22, 2015. Instruction will be given by Skate Canada certified Coaches with assistance from Adult Program Assistants.

CANSKATE Mondays 3:30-4:30 p.m. and Wednesdays 5-6pm

NEW AND EXCITING CanSkate Program is Skate Canada's flagship learn-to-skate program, designed for beginners of all ages. When you sign up for CanSkate you will be in a program that focuses on fun, participation and basic skill development. You will earn badges and other incentives as you learn fundamental skating skills. Lessons are given in a group format and led by NCCP Certified Professional Coaches. Professional coaches are assisted by trained Program Assistants.

All skaters working on up to and including stage 5 will be required to wear a CSA approved skating/hockey helmet on the ice. Higher than stage 5 is up to the discretion of the parent(s)/guardian(s).

Both Coaches will determine when a skater is ready to move to the STARSkate program. At that time the Executive will coordinate a meeting between Parent and each Coach respectively. From there the Parent choses a Coach for his/her skater.

STARSKATE [Skills, Tests, Achievement, Recognition – this is what STARSkate is all about!]

Private lessons are available once a skater moves into the STARSkate program. When a skater registers he/she is paying for ice; Coach costs are billed directly by the Coach to the skater.

STARSkate offers opportunities for skaters of all ages to develop fundamental figure skating skills in the areas of ice dance, skating skills, free skate and interpretive skating. Unique in Canada, this program teaches figure skating skills in a group and/or private lesson format in a progressive and sequential manner and includes specifically designed awards and incentives. Skaters have the opportunity to take Skate Canada Tests through a nationally standardized testing system.

Skaters do specific skills, dance and free skate lessons with a coach geared to a skater’s ability, test and competition level and interest. Skaters should be able to work on their own. Off-ice training is also recommended (e.g. dance or fitness). Most participate in tests and compete.

The STARSkate program consists of figure skating skills in four areas – Skating Skills, Ice Dance, FreeSkate and Interpretive. Each area is divided into the following levels:

Primary Level Tests

§  Skating Skills: Preliminary, Junior Bronze

§  Free Skating: Preliminary, Junior Bronze

§  Dance: Preliminary, Junior Bronze

§  Interpretive: Introductory

Intermediate Level Tests

§  Skating Skills: Senior Bronze, Junior Silver

§  Free Skating: Senior Bronze, Junior Silver

§  Dance: Senior Bronze, Junior Silver

§  Interpretive: Bronze

Senior Level Tests

§  Skating Skills: Senior Silver, Gold

§  Free Skating: Senior Silver, Gold

§  Dance: Senior Silver, Gold, Diamond

§  Interpretive: Silver, Gold

In the Campbell River Skating Club,
Skaters need to pass their preliminary free skate to move to the Intermediate level; and,
Skaters need to pass their junior bronze free skate to move to the Senior level.

Dance Partnering and Tests Days are coordinated by the Program Coordinator and the Test Chair. Dates below are subject to change.

Adults/Teens CanSkate (13 years+) Mondays 7:00-7:45 p.m. and Thursdays 7:45-8:45 p.m.

Everyone welcome to come out and learn to skate at any age. There is a 45 minute group lesson taught by Jannine Ranniger.

Adult/Teens Skate Mondays 6:45-7:30 p.m. and Thursdays 7:45-8:45 p.m.

This program targets young and mature skaters that want to get back on the ice to get some exercise and hone their skills. If you are interested, there are private and group lessons available on this session. When you register you are paying for the ice; private lessons are available through our two Professional Club Coaches.

Adult CanPower Mondays, 7:30-8:15 p.m.

Teaches the players how to develop speed, power and agility on the ice through a variety of new techniques, drills and exercises. Players also develop power skating techniques and the goal is to continue to turn hockey players into powerful skaters by using these proven skills. This session is taught by Rae Anne Hesketh for the full 45 minutes.

Youth CanPower (6 years and up) Thursdays, 3:30-4:15 p.m.

Teaches the players how to develop speed, power and agility on the ice through a variety of new techniques, drills and exercises. Players also develop power skating techniques and the goal is to continue to turn hockey players into powerful skaters by using these proven skills. This session is taught by Rae Anne Hesketh for the full 45 minutes.

“Buy On” Ice Procedures

If you are a STARSkate, Intermediate or Senior Skater you have the opportunity to “Buy-On” to a session that you are not registered for but qualify to skate on. Often this happens when a coach, skater and/or parent want an extra session to work on a difficult skating skill, or a little extra ice time when preparing for a test or competition. A “registered skater” is someone who is already skating on other Club sessions and wishes to skate an extra session but does not wish to purchase the ice time for the remainder of the year. If a session is “full”, then no Buy-Ons are allowed.

The cost is $13/hr for a skater that is registered in our regular sessions and $20/hr for a skater who is not registered in a regular session.

When you choose to come for an extra Buy-On session and BEFORE going on the ice:

1. Please sign in on the clipboard that is located on the counter under the window.

2. Pay the current fee by cheque or cash. Ensure that the skater’s full name, session(s) chosen and money are all together in a ziplock bag (located outside the Skating Club office) and place the payment and information into the door mail slot.


On Ice Rules:

1.  Skaters are to be at the rink on time for all practice and lesson sessions. Speak with your coach if there is a problem being on time.

2.  No food, gum or drinks other than water bottles on the ice.

3.  No “fooling around” on the ice (pushing, racing, kicking the ice etc.) No rowdiness or swearing will be tolerated. If a skater continually misbehaves, the coaches have the right to ask the skater to leave the ice for the remainder of the session.

4.  If a skater should fall on the ice, it is important that the skater gets up immediately if not injured. Failing to do so is dangerous to the skater who has fallen and other skaters.

5.  For safety reasons, long hair is to be tied neatly back from the skater’s face.

6.  Skaters having their solo played have the right of way.

7.  In Skills & Dance skaters having their dance/skill music played have right of way.

8.  Skater or Skaters in a lesson and Coaches giving a lesson have right of way.

9.  Skaters are not allowed on the ice before their allotted time and must leave the ice promptly at the end of their allotted ice session.

10.  Players boxes are out of bounds at all times (except for tying skates).

11.  Skaters are expected to work on all ice sessions without standing around wasting time as this impedes the progress of other skaters.