Board Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2017
Attendees:Sean O’Connor, Jen Sjolstedt, Terie Seymour, Karen Mullen, Lisa Thornton, Jason Crotty,
Mike Foley, Mike Connor, Krissy Donohue, Chris Nylen
Opening Remarks
- Sean delivered the agenda to all attendees and opened the meeting.
- Coaches Meeting Travel 3/20 at SHS Cafeteria 7pm – Season starts 4/1
- Coaches Meeting Town 3/27 at Wampatuck School 7pm – Season Starts 4/8
Treasurer’s Report(Seymour)
- Need $30k in revenues to match last year
- $80k in savings minus approximately $40k in expenses should leave us $40k plus the additional revenues, we should end up around $70k
Registrar’s Report(Holland)
- Lanyards for all spring coaches/personnel/etc have arrived; need all coaches/volunteers to complete new CORI process; info to come via separate email from MYSA – Cisco will follow up with those that haven’t completed
- Cisco to coordinate a “lanyard day” at his office – Open house before the parade 3/18 – more info to follow
- Jen will send another reminder for people to register; target to send by Fri, 3/10
- U8/U10 Late Fee as of 3/20 ($25)
B 1st/2nd (Crotty) - X Town B 7th/8th (Hearn) - 5 teams
G 1st/2nd (Foley) -X Town G 7th/8th (Thornton) - 4 teams
B 3rd/4th (Seymour) - 2 Travel X Town B 9th/10th – 8 registered
G 3rd/4th (Nylen) - 2 Travel X Town G 9th/10th – 2 registered
B 5th/6th (Donahue) - 5 Teams B 11th/12th – 8 registered, rumors of more
G 5th/6th (Mccarthy) - 5 Teams G11th/12th – none
B U19 (Keaney) 1 team
G U19 - tbd
Uniform Update(Flaherty/Mullen)
- Travel uniforms to be delivered to Michelle this week and will be handed out at coaches meeting 3/20
- Town uniforms ordered and will be delivered to Karen and handed out at coaches meeting 3/27
Coastal League Update(O’Connor)
- All teams are in
Player Clinics(Smith)
- To be run by FCUSA
- Working on clinics to be same days/times as last year -
- Younger kids Monday and Wed 4-7 @Flannery
- Older kids Wednesday Night Turf 7:30-9 @ SHS Turf
- Please encourage your players to attend clinics!!
Field(Connor/Vegnani) – ongoing
- Mike requested field permits, same days/times as Spring 2016 - should have field permits on 3/8
- Coaches should email Mike for practice/fields and times
- Reminder – If you take a field slot time, please make sure you are using it, due to the lack of field space, unused fields will be noted
- Remind DPW – the U8 field at Hatherly needs to be shorter than last Spring
- Frank has ordered balls, med kits, wheel kits, sand bags and U8 goals for Hatherly
Referee Update(Cassandra/Jen)
- Cantwell still working on changing ages for refs to get younger refs approved (will not happen for spring season)
- Jenn and Cassandra connecting to raise referee fees by $5.00
- 14 Sponsors, 5 new - $3,070
- Mike will get Jen new sponsor logos for website
Picture Day (Foley)
- Looking at beginning of June for picture day. Deciding between Eastern Exposures or a new vendor, NESP.
General Updates- (ongoing)
- We need a volunteer to coordinate with Revs. They have some great promotions to offer the club!!
- Need Treasurer – Sad to see Terie go
- SSC Field Feasibilty study contribution approved if needed up to $1,500
- BOD voted and approved SSC Scholarships to graduating Seniors - 4 @ $1,000
- Approved donation for Run for Scituate
- Board voted in favor of FCUSA/SSC Affiliation to enhance the program - more info to follow
- is creating a fan wear link to sell SSC merchandise - more info to follow
Next Meeting: Monday April 10, 2017