The Project:ArgumentativeImperialism Power Point Project 50 points
BackgroundImperialism is defined by the New World Encyclopedia as “the forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial conquest or by establishing economic and political domination of other nations that are not its colonies.” (New World Encyclopedia par. 1). There are 5 forms of imperialism: give economic and /or military aid, establish a sphere of influence, control a puppet state or satellite or protectorate, own a colony, and annex land. (Read the attached handout for more information).
Some people argued that the US foreign policies around the world are imperialist (or neo-imperialism). Identify a country that is currently being influenced by the US. Identify the form of imperialism being practiced and cite evidences to support your claim. Explain whether the US action is helping or harming the country that is being influenced. Remember, this is an “Argumentative” Power Point in which you are arguing that US imperialistic action is going on and it’s helping or hurting the host country.
7 – 10 slides
1.A blank slide does not count
2.You may have more than 10 slides (NO more than 15)
Title Slide must include: name, title, date, and period
Content Requirements:
1.Explanation of the type of imperialism being practiced
2.Historical background (Why did the US implemented this foreign policy) –foreign policy is
how a country treats another county.
3.Argument: is the US action helping or harming the host country. Explain & defend.
4.Counter argument
5.Works cited page
Appropriate font(s)
Appropriate color combinations
At least 3 different, appropriate layouts (in other words, all the slides must not be organized the same way)
At least 5 appropriate imported images. These images may be photos, maps, charts, graphs, or similar images relevant to the topic. The images must be legally obtained. If you borrowed images from other websites/sources, you must cite your sources.
You must use both text effects (animation) and slide transitions (I taught you this in our last project). You must include at least1 video file and 1 audio file (the audio could be your recording or a sound effect). Video and sound effects must enhance and not detract from the presentation.
Overall appearance is appealing, follows visual literacy guidelines, and contains few or no spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
Colorful, neat, interesting, and thought provoking.
Presentation: You will have 10 minutes to present to the class. Please email me () prior to our meeting so I can include you in the lesson.
Make sure everything works.
Commanding with a clear voice, shows confidence, and demonstrates ability to answer class questions.
Helpful hints:
Here’s the link I shared with the class in our last project on downloading free sounds. Remember, you will need to sign up for an account before you can download the file for free.
Here’s how to download a YOUTUBE file:
1.Go to Youtube and search for a video file.
2.Review the video content to ensure that it’s appropriate and historically accurate. For this project, you should search for a news report from CNN or some of the major news agencies on US foreign policies related to topic (nation) you choose.
3.At the URL while in YOUTUBE, type SS between the period and youtube and then press “enter”.
This will take you to a download link.
4.Look at the download link on the right and click on MP4 360b (this is the best for our project. It’s not high definition and will not take a lot of space). Once it finishes downloading, you should be able to view it in Window Media. Save it to the desktop or drag it to the desktop. Once you have it on your desktop, you can embed the video /sound into your PowerPoint.
Embedding video/sound into PowerPoint.
1.Open a slide and move your cursor to the “Insert” tab.
2.Click on “movie” or “sound” located at top right of the tool bar. Once you click on movie, it will open a window (find “desktop” and then find the video or sound you want to embed into the PowerPoint). Click on the Video and it will say “How do you want the movie to start?” …automatic or when click. YOU CHOOSE what is best for you.
Lastly, and most important, you MUST create a folder on your desktop and PUT your PowerPoint and the video /or sound you included in your PowerPoint in it. Otherwise, when you play it on my computer in class, it will not work. The VIDEO AND AUDIO MUST be in the folder!
Have fun learning and see you soon!