Teacher: Sandra Upite

Room: 422

Email: (preferred method of contact)

Phone: 928-634-7531 Ext. 4422


Text: No text required; class set and readings will be provided

Office hours: before/after school, lunch

Course Background:

Earth Science is the study of the Earth, its structure, composition, and history. You will learn about the processes that shape the Earth, cause weather, and create the universe. Major topics include earth history, plate tectonics, the rock cycle, weathering, weather and climate, the solar system, and the universe.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will learn the fundamental concepts that define the field of earth science.

Students will analyze and report on geologic data collected in the field or lab

Students will read, discuss, and synthesize literature in earth science.


Grades are based on points.Large projects or tests will be weighted to reflect the extra amount of time and effort required to complete them. You will be graded on the following assignments: tests, quizzes, labs, classwork, projects, bell work, and homework.

Grade A=100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70% D=69-60% F=59-0%

Make-Up Work:

If you are absent please check my website or the whiteboard in class for work to be completed. You will need to make-up missed quizzes or tests during office hours.

All late assignments without an excuse will be marked down 30%. Students will have one week to complete and turn in any missing assignments. After that week, late assignments will not be accepted.

Extra Credit:

There will several opportunities for extra credit. Successful completion of a project or assignment can add up to as much as 5% of the final grade. Extra credit will be rewarded for signed progress reports.

Materials for class:


Loose notebook paper




Dry erase marker

Class Expectations:

Be in your seat and quietly working when bell rings

Stay in seat during instruction

Raise hand and wait for permission to speak

Listen when others are speaking

Respect the rights and needs of others

No cellphone use, food or drink in class

Consequences (names erased once a week):

1.  Warning: Name on board

2.  First Check: 5 min. Thurs lunch detention

3.  Second Check: 10 min. Thurs lunch detention, action plan

4.  Third Check: 15 min. Thurs lunch detention, call home

5.  Forth Check: full lunch detention, ALC

6.  Fifth Check: Referral

Student Success

I am here for all of you! My goal is to make sure everyone is successful! If extra help is needed I am usually available before/after school and during lunch.

Parents/Guardians: I encourage you to contact me if you have questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions. My goal is to work together to ensure your student’s success! I check my email throughout the day and will return messages as soon as possible.

***Please return this page signed and dated.

I, ______(please print student name), have read and understand the guidelines and course outline. I also understand by signing and turning in this sheet by the due date, I will have earned a completed grade for this first assignment.

Student Name Printed ______

Student Signature______


Parent Name Printed ______

Parent Signature ______

Date ______