Title: HROP Sports Medicine / Athletic Training Lesson 4

By: Byron Zinselmeir, MA ATC

Primary Subject: Athletic Training / Sports Medicine

Secondary Subject:Math, Science, Computers, and Internet

Grade Level: 10-12

Concept / Topic to Teach:

How to develop and maintain healthy eating habits, and how to adjust as your needs increase or decrease.

Develop a basic understanding of eating disorders and how to identify individuals that might need help.


Log a single days worth of eating and determine the nutrient value in that day’s eating.

Required Materials:

LCD Projector

Computer Lab

Anticipatory Set (Lead In):

Studentsshould recall the information gained from the food label and basal metabolism labs

Step by Step Procedures:

Day 1- Students are to get onto the website

and use the program provided to calculate your day’s calorie intake.

Day 2 /3- Read and Review in class the “Daily Needs Readings” – very long and may require answering several student questions. Students will determine their individual requirements from the information provided in the readings and put that information into their notes for this unit.

Day 3 – Hand out the Body Composition Testing worksheet and allow students 80% of class time to finish. Have a class discussion to identify any knowledge gaps, and get a feel for the class’s interest. If class is very interested, this activity could be expanded.

Day 4 / 5–Show the eating disorders power point discuss questions as they arise. Hand out the Fad Diets / Body Image worksheet and allow student to complete in the computer lab.

Day 5 / 6 - Nutrition Test Review – comprehensive to the beginning of lesson three. Give the test the day following the review.

Plan for independent work:

Completion and personal evaluation of Food Log

Daily Needs Reading if needed

Closure / Transition

Answer student questions during the review and remind them this is the end of a unit.


Completion of labs and worksheets

Nutrition Test

Connections to other Subjects:

Math – calorie calculations

Science – Body Composition testing methods, and fad diets discussion

Computers and Internet – food log website, Body Composition worksheet, and fad diet / body image worksheet.