Sharon PTO Welcome Meeting

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

President’s Report-Shenan Jones

·  Thank you to Michele Phillips and Laura Miller for the great Reading Rally success

·  Thanks to Anne Gillin for putting together the Book Swap and Muffin Mania

·  Thank you to Shanyn McCourt and Michele Phillips for putting on the Mother/Son event at Evolve

·  Thank you Amy O’Neil for helping us learn with COSI and our kids

·  Thank you Shelley Tanski for helping out with Sports Day

·  Vote to approve the minutes for February (found & updated on Highland website)

1st- Candy Pulis

2nd- Michele Phillips

Important Dates


7 COSI Assembly

8 Sports Day

8 Book Fair Begins

12 PTO Meeting 9:30 AM

15 Father/Daughter Dance – Tickets still available! Each child will receive a framed photo.

19 Celebration of the Arts, 6:30-8pm

22 Spring Clean Up, 3-6pm Mrs. Steinmetz’s class has taken this one on! Sign -up genius sent out

23 Spring Clean Up, 10am-3pm

25 Safety Lessons, K-2

26 Safety Lessons, 3-4

28 Play Production, The Lion King, 7pm

29 Volunteer Tea, 2pm

29 Play Production, The Lion King, 7pm

30 Play Production, The Lion King, 2pm


2 Teacher Appreciation Week- Superhero Theme!! Teachers classroom door’s will be decorated and they will receive shirts, mugs with cake mix and other various gifts. A lunch will be provided by Olive Garden on Thursday. Friday will be “Pay it Forward” day, kids will express how they “pay it forward”. Teachers will also be presented with a gift certificate.

4 5th Grades DARE Graduation

4&5 Plant Sale- Flowers will be delivered on the 3rd. Help is needed preparing flowers/cutting etc.

10 PTO Meeting 9:30 AM

11 5th Grade Parent Orientation at HMS, 6:30pm

13 5th Grade Field Day

16 5th Graders visit HMS

17 5th Grade Band/Orchestra Concert, at HHS

20 5th Grade Picnic/Celebration

26 Last Day Carnival- sign up genius to be sent out soon

Mrs. Reed

·  Mrs. Reed requested approval to use the remainder of funds (784.75) in the sign account to prepare for Parent Leadership Day. She has already cleared this with all other staff members. An outdoor banner and other signs, including some mounted throughout the school, will be created. In the future the school may be open to other teachers and businesses to come in for a nominal fee and experience how our school has implemented the “Leader In Me” program.

·  She also hopes the printing budget will again be approved for the following school year.

·  In addition to this, Mrs. Reed and other staff members hope we support the “Leader In Me” and technology in the future.

Treasurer’s Report-Lori Murduck

·  Lori went over our finances. We have 25,767.00 in the bank and more still coming in.

·  Playground monies will be used to cover the robotics program.

·  14,677.30 of unallocated funds.

·  Vote to approve treasurer report.

1st- Candy Pulis

2nd- Shelly Tanski

New Business

·  Vote on Newly updated By-Laws

1st- Amy O’Neil

2nd- Lisa Pallante

·  Nominations for our 2016-17 PTO officers- Positions will be voted on in May’s meeting.

President- Michele Phillips

VP of fundraising- Becky VanKirk

VP of communications- Emily Barnett

VP of activities- Christina Hollabaugh

Secretary- Pamela Murray

Co-treasurers- Anne Hrics and Lisa Pallante

·  Vote on nominations

1st- Pamela Murray

2nd- Lori Murduck

·  Science Olympiad- One partner dropped out and we have agreed to cover these costs. In the future this program will receive $700.00

Vote to approve this adjustment in funds and to cover these fees.

1st- Emily Barnett

2nd- Becky VanKirk

·  Budget Planning for 2016-17

·  Started reviewing each item in the budget.

·  Basket Raffle- Will adjust to 2 baskets per grade and will also solicit businesses. This entire program to be revamped.

·  Clean-up- 1200.00

·  Fall Festival- 2,000.00

·  Holiday Shoppe – 9,000.00

·  Play -not meant to be a source of income. Yet we cleared $2500.00. Many other area schools pay well over 2,000 for someone to come in and run a school play. We have decided to give a generous gift of 500.00 to the two directors for devoting their time and energy over this 4 plus month process.

·  Vote to approve this gift

1st- Emily Barnett

2nd- Anne Hrics

·  Spiritwear-will set up at open house. Decided to take this on ourselves. No longer need to go through the high school. Talk of covering a newly registered kindergartener’s shirt was mentioned.

·  Will meet again April 26th at 9:30 to continue with the budget.

Old Business

·  Reading Rally

·  Play Rehearsal is going well and we are getting excited for “The Lion King”

·  Book Bingo

·  Book Swap


·  Mother/Son Event

·  Math Madness

·  Muffin Mania

·  Sports Day

·  Volunteer Appreciation

Any committee that was missed which has information that needs to be shared or discussed?

Adjourn 11:29a.m.

·  Vote to adjourn

1st- Emily Barnett

2nd- Michelle Tanski

Next Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10th 9:30 AM LATCHKEY ROOM.

Remember to keep checking Sharon website for PTO updates!