Faculty Council MeetingAcademic Center 3413plus videoconferencing

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 04:06 PM by Jeff Fritz, Faculty Council President. A total of 22 Faculty Council members were present with three of those attending via a videoconference link toroom A111 of the Hutto Center. (A quorum required 20 members.)

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the March 05, 2015 regular meetingwere distributed at this meeting and electronically in advance of the meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes and the minutes were approved as distributed (Motion: Craig Collins/Second: Sandra Creech).

Treasurer’s Report: Secretary-Treasurer John White presentedthe report for the period March 05, 2015 through March 26, 2015.

  • The General Operating Account had a beginning balance of$3561.23. There were no deposits or disbursements. The ending balance was $3561.23.
  • The Retirement Gifts Account had a beginning balance of $800.37. There were no deposits or disbursements. The ending balance was $800.37.
  • The College Account (Operating Expenses) had a beginning balance of $520.97.There were no deposits or disbursements. The ending balance was $520.97.

Committee Reports:

  • Faculty Development Leave Grant: Robb Cabaniss, Chair
  • Mary Fairlie’s application to receive the grant for 2015-2016 was approved by the Board of Trustees on March 23, 2015.
  • Faculty Advancement Committee: FC President Jeff Fritz reported for Abbe Wallace, Chair
  • No new applications.
  • Elections:David Sprague, Chair
  • Nominations are continuing.
  • Social: FC President Jeff Fritz reported for Claudia Turner, Vice President and Chair
  • Retirement receptions will be coming later this semester. FC recognition of retiring faculty members will take place at department receptions, rather than the college-wide Retirement Reception during Fall Zero Week.
  • Faculty Orientation Group: Kimberly George, Chair
  • No report.
  • Barnhart Award: Craig Collins, member, reported for Kate Darnell, Chair
  • Two nominations have been received as of Wednesday, March 25.
  • Ways and Means: Diane Ring, member, reported for Bill Cornelius, Chair
  • The Annual Faculty Survey is currently active.
  • Satellite and ISD: Brice Olivier, Chair
  • The committee prepared a charge to the Professional Consultation Committee (PCC) to seek clarification or action, as appropriate, on four matters: (1) A request for a comprehensive re-evaluation of the use of space at TCAT; (2) Clarification for exclusively non-Main Campus faculty as to their “primary location;” (3) Clarification of the roles and duties of the Dual Credit Coordinator; and (4) A request that Zero Week activities for non-Main Campus personnel be held every Zero Week. The full text of the charge is attached to the minutes. A motion was made and seconded (Brice Olivier, Craig Collins) to charge the PCC with discussing these matters with Dr. Barron. The motion passed without opposition.
  • Policy Manual Review (a TC committee):Paul Foutz, member, reported
  • The committee is continuing to meet monthly.
  • Benefits (a TC committee):
  • No report.
  • Athletic (a TC committee):
  • No report.
  • Information Technology Advisory Board (a TC committee):FC President Jeff Fritz reported
  • The committee has met once with the main subject of discussion being passwords.
  • Safety and Security (a TC committee):
  • No report.
  • Professional Consultation (PCC): Jeff Fritz, President and Chair
  • The PCC met with TC President Glenda Barron and Vice President, Educational Services Mark Smith on Thursday, March 12.Drs. Barron and Smith were notified of the vote of no confidence which the FC passed at the March 05, 2015 regular meeting and were told that the FC is gathering details of particular concerns and problems so that an informed discussion can be held later. The proposed change in faculty titles was also discussed. Drs. Barron and Smith expressed concern that the proposed policy seems to be creating an undesirable sense of division among the faculty. A decision was made to survey all faculty, not just FC members, to discuss the pros and cons of the proposed policy.
  • Ad hoc committee on Faculty Titles (Misty Lenox, Chair):
  • Report appears under “New Business” below.
  • TC ad hoc committee to Discuss Sick Leave:
  • The committee has not yet met.

Unfinished Business:

  • (None)

New Business:

  • Review Proposed Policy Regarding Faculty Titles:
  • As a result of the PCC’s discussion with the Administration (see PCC report above), a survey was conducted to provide all faculty (not just FC members) with an opportunity to weigh in on the proposed change in faculty titles. The survey received 99 responses. The main question of the survey asked if the respondent felt that the proposed policy on faculty titles would have a negative effect on the faculty at TC. The responses were 33 people answering “yes” and 66 “no.” The remaining questions asked the respondent to explain the reason the change would have a negative effect, to propose possible improvements to the policy, and provided an opportunity for general comments. The explanations and comments reflected strong feelings on both sides of the matter.

After discussion of the results and discussion of the proposed policy, a motion was made and seconded (Talma Botts, Cynthia Martinez) to withdraw the proposed policy from consideration by the Administration and the Board of Trustees. The motion passed with no recorded opposition.

A motion was made and seconded (Sandra Creech, Robb Cabaniss) to survey all faculty with one yes-or-no question: Is a change of faculty title desired? The motion passed with no recorded opposition. Paul Foutz (Division Director, Math, Science, and Physical Education) suggested that the survey be conducted through the Directors of each academic division.


  • Items from the most recent Board of Trustees meeting: Trustee Michael Thompson has resigned because he no longer resides within the TC District boundaries. Operations at TC’s Cameron Education Center are being suspended for an indefinite time due to lack of enrollment. Employees are reminded that their insurance through TC is handled by the Employee Retirement System (ERS) while retirement is handled by the Teacher Retirement System (TRS)
  • The next Faculty Council meeting will be on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 04:00 PM. (location to be determined).

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned by consensus at 05:25 PM


John C. White, Secretary-Treasurer 2014-2015

TEMPLE COLLEGEMarch 26, 2015

Faculty Council MeetingAcademic Center 3413 plus videoconferencing

Satellite and ISD Campuses Committee Charge to the Professional Consultation Committee:

1. Request for a Comprehensive Re-examination of Building Space at the TCAT Center:

The building space at the TCAT center seems to not be utilized efficiently here are some of our concerns:

  • Office Space—Many full-time faculty members are required to share office space with multiple other instructors. More secure and individualized office space is not just a desired element, but would great enhance productively and the ability of instructors to talk confidentially with students. It also seems that office space is divided unequally between faculty members.
  • There is only one true “Smart Classroom”—There are two other sets of Smart Classroom units, but they are housed in computer labs. That arrangement is not the most conducive for many instructors.
  • Overuse and Underuse of Classrooms—Some classrooms seem to be used all the time and some infrequently. Could the space be rearranged to allow for separate computer labs and Smart Classrooms?

2. Request for Clarification on Primary Duty Location for Off-Campus Faculty:

  • Several faculty members are unsure which location is their primary location. This matters in terms of travel forms, but also in terms of office space.
  • Faculty members should have permanent and appropriate office space at their primary location

3. Clarification of the Role and Duties of Dual Credit Coordinator:

  • Which duties fall under the scope of the Dual Credit Coordinator? Frustration is felt because faculty members’ expectations of the Dual Credit Coordinator are not being met, but perhaps that is a result of not understanding the role of the Dual Credit Coordinator correctly.

4.Zero Week Meetings

  • A request was made by the previous Ad Hoc Committee to have Zero Week meetings (every Zero Week) for both Dual Credit and faculty who meet off campus. We would like to issue a new request for these meeting.
  • We appreciated the Dual Credit meeting in the Fall 2014 Zero Week, but would like to see a similar meeting every Zero Week. Different faculty members teach Dual Credit each semesters and procedures for Dual Credit change frequently.
  • We would like to have a separate Off Campus Faculty meeting where Off Campus Faculty could talk with appropriate administrators and received clarification on expectations and concerns.