Moving FWDProgram– Referral Form
Referral Agency/School Details
Date of Referral: ______Agency/School Referring: ______
(Please Note: If a school referral, please obtain a name and signature from either the Vice Principal or the Principal).
Vice Principal Principal Name:______Signature:______
Referee contact details:
Name: ______Phone: ______
Email: ______
Relationship to young person (eg: SWC, case worker, relative): ______
PLEASE NOTE: It is a pre-requisite for Moving FWD participants to have a case manager. Where a referral is made to Moving FWD without this, the young person will be linked to Council’s Outreach Program to assist further, prior to their participation on Moving FWD.
Young Persons Details
Gender:______Age:______years D.O.B. ____/____/____
Cultural Identity:______Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
Is an interpreter required? Yes No Specify language:
Home Address:______
Home Phone:______Young Person’sMobile Phone:______
Email: ______
Residential Status:
With parent/guardian Homeless Other: ______
Emergency contact person: ______
Mobile Phone: ______Relationship: ______
Current Social Supports: family, guardians, siblings and significant others
Current Welfare Supports: is the young person currently linked with any support services or workers?
NameOrganisationContact Number
Has the young person currently / previously had DHS involvement?: Yes No
If yes, please detail: Child Protection Youth JusticeDisability
Referral Information
Physical Health: does the young person have any physical and/or medical health issues? Yes No
Condition: Please specify e.g. ASD, intellectual disability, epilepsy, allergies, hearing/sight impairments, ABI etc. / Diagnosed /Undiagnosed
(D / U) / How the condition presents/ management of/ special requirements/ treatment/ medication etc.
Mental Health: does the young person have any mental health issues? Yes No
Condition: Please specify e.g. ADHD, ODD, anger management, depression, anxiety, PTSD/grief, eating disorder, poor communication/social skills etc. / Diagnosed /Undiagnosed
(D / U) / How the condition presents/ management of/ special requirements/ treatment/ medication etc.
Is the young person currently/previously experiencing suicidal ideation/self-harming behaviours?
Please detail history below: Yes No
Alcohol & Other Drugs: does/has the young person have/had any AOD issues? Yes No
Type: Please specify e.g.alcohol, binge drinking, ice, methamphetamines,cannabis etc. / Current Use/ Previous Use( C / P ) / Please specify effects, rate of use (often/ occasional), last date of use, current/ previous treatment/counselling etc.
Legal History: does/has the young person have/had any legal issues? Yes No
Type: Please specify e.g. Fines, debts, criminal offences (detail) etc. / Current / Previous( C / P ) / Please specify details, e.g. pending legal charges, court dates, sentences, restrictions etc
Education and Training: is the young person currently attending school/training? Yes No
Current/ last school/college attended: ______
Completed Year level:______Left school when: ______
Contact details: ______
Employment: is the young person currently employed? Yes No
Details: ______
Is the young person currently under a traineeship/apprenticeship? Yes No
Does the young person have a Job Service Provider? Yes No
Does the young person have issues with literacy/numeracy/reading? Yes No
What kind of work/study would the young person like to undertake in the future?
Does the young person engage in any activities/hobbies regularly? Yes No
Details: ______
Please describe any other issues/reasons for referral that Program staff may need to be aware of:
Participant Consent
All referrals to Moving FWD/OutreachMUST BE DISCUSSED with the young person. Where possible, also discuss with the young person’s family/support network.
A worker from Hume City Council Youth Counselling and Support Unit will contact the young person for further information and to organise an initial meeting.
Where a referral is made for a young person without a case manager, the referral will be provided to Council’s Outreach program for follow up prior to their participation in Moving Forward.
Please indicate below that the young person has agreed & is aware their details have been passed on to Hume City Council Youth Services.
Yes I have discussed this referral with the young person
Yes I discussed this referral with the young person’s parent/guardian
No I have not discussed this referral with the young person’s parent/guardian
Worker Signature:______Date:
RETURN TO: (Please note that referrals via email are preferred)
Moving FWD Program OfficersHume City Council Youth Services
PO Box 119
Dallas 3047 / Email:
Tel: 9205 2556
Office use only
First contact date:______Worker: ______
File Number: ______
Yes I have consent to seek further information
Referral appropriate for Outreach? Yes No
Follow up action:
Referral appropriate for Moving FWD? Yes No
Follow up action: ______
Moving FWD is funded byHume City Council Youth Services.
Privacy Statement
Council collects personal and health information to provide you with Counselling and Support services. Council complies with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001 when collecting and using this information. The information may be shared with Commonwealth and State Government service providers as considered appropriate but will not otherwise be released except as required by law. You may access this personal and health information by contacting Council on 92052200.
C:\Users\virginiaw\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\UF57EKZ9\REFERRAL DRAFT.doc