Preschool-age (ages 3-5)–BestPractice
- Crowded Single LEA symbols or HOTV Visual Acuity Test for 5 feet -children are tested at a five foot distance.
This chart needs to be used in conjunction with occluders. The BEST PRACTICE occluders are surgical tape or an adhesive eye patch.The ACCEPTABLE PRACTICEoccluder is the specially constructed occluder glasses.
Surgical Tape Adhesive Eye Patch Occluder Glasses
EyE Check Screener with LEA Symbols - 5-foot vision screening test using LEA Symbols pediatric symbols is designed to employ evidence-based screening principles for children aged 3 to 5 years. The kit includes both the BEST PRACTICE adhesive eye patch and ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE specially constructed occluder glasses.
- Welch Allyn SureSight Vision Screener - performs a screening test with the push of one button from 14 inches away. The instrument has visual and audio cues that engage the child's attention. The screening tool automatically measures and indicates abnormal readings. Must use the referral criteria specified in the Vision in Preschoolers Study (VIP) Phase II.
- Retinomax – performs a screening within 6 seconds, which is good for infants and children.
Preschool-age (ages 3-5) –AcceptablePractice
- LEA Symbols 10 Foot Flip Chart -. Uses LEA symbols to test preschoolers at a 10 foot distance Includes one practice card, two line sizes of 20/40 for 3 year olds, two lines sizes of 20/32 for 4+ year olds, response key, flash cards. Pages are offset for easy flipping.
This chart needs to be used in conjunction with occluders. The BEST PRACTICE occluders are surgical tape or an adhesive eye patch. The ACCEPTABLE PRACTICEoccluder is the specially constructed occluder glasses.
Surgical Tape Adhesive Eye Patch Occluder Glasses
- The Plus Optix Vision Screener - Five-second, automatic test makes patient compliance easier.Lights and sounds engage child’s attention. Minimal cooperation is necessary, making it equally effective for youngchildren. Screens for common vision problems.
- Welch Allyn Spot Vision Screener – screens both eyes from a nonthreatening 3 foot distance. Lights and sounds engage child’s attention. Touchscreen display allows for one button activation. Screens for common vision problems and meets AAP screening guidelines for detection of amblyopic risk factors.
If you have any questions, please contact Shelby LaTona, Community Health Manager, at (414) 765-0505 or .