JUNE 4, 2008

6:30 P.M.

Members Present: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Kellyann Tolomeo, Richard Ogen and Robert Maschio. Councilman Joseph Duncan was not present. Also present was Solicitor William Kaufmann with City Administrator Raymond Townsend not present.

PUBLIC WORKS SUPERVISOR HARRY WOZUNK submitted pictures to Council Members regarding 232 Seabreeze Court. Wozunk and Engineer Jim Verna have been working on conditions in this area for awhile. Storm water took out a wall due to dramatic wave action. Five contractors have been asked for pricing for this project with three coming back already with prices from $4,800.00 to $12,000.00. This work will be done in two phases with emergency work done first then the cosmetic work.

MAYOR HENFEY stated the Florimont property is moving along and we are working with our Solicitor Drew Cafiero. Henfey spoke of the awarding of the overlay bid this evening.

COUNCIL PRESIDENT ROSENELLO reviewed information on the Morey’s Pier application to NJDEP. They are applying to install a sheet metal bulkhead on City property due to concrete collapse. Engineer Petrella called it a cantilever bulkhead.

MAYOR HENFEY spoke about a taxi cab problem recently with our cabs not taking people off the island. Henfey will be mailing a letter to all cab owners. Solicitor Kaufmann noted he is not sure that we can force them to carry off shore patrons but feel we can require this to be posted in all cabs. Mayor Henfey asked for Council’s help with several events upcoming. Rosenello will attend the June 12th – 2:30 Luncheon for retiring members of the Margaret Mace School. McCullion will attend the AARP luncheon at Neil’s to present a commendation for their 10th Anniversary of our local group.

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that Council now return to open session. Carried. 6:49 PM


JUNE 4, 2008

7:00 PM

A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held on the evening of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated that “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 3, 2008.”

ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Robert Maschio, Richard Ogen and Kellyann Tolomeo. Councilman Joseph Duncan was not present. Also present were Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella. City Administrator Raymond Townsend was not present.

MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, that the minutes of the regular meeting of May 20, 2008, special meeting May 20, 2008 and special meeting of May 27, 2008 be approved as read. Carried.



RE: Thanks for supporting 17th Annual Bike Ride


JUNE 4, 2008

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by McCullion, that the above communication be received filed. Carried.


RE: 2007 Annual Audit Report

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by McCullion, that the above communication be received filed. Carried.


RE: Application for Raffle License – 9/28/08

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Notice of Public Hearings Pursuant to Local Lands and Buildings 6/12 and 6/26

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that the above communication be received and filed. Carried.


RE: Application for Special Permit for Social Affair June 27, 28 and 29th

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Application for Special Permit for Social Affair July 11, 12 and 13th

On a motion by Maschio, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Restoration of Lighthouse Phase IV

Thursday, June 19th, - 10:00 AM

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Ogen, that the above communication be received and filed. Carried.


RE: To Begin Process for Title Change

Fire Lieutenants and Fire Captains

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that the above communication be received and approved. Carried. (Result of binding arbitration)


MAYOR HENFEY stated he received a letter from Carol Gannett thanking the Fire and Rescue coming to her aid recently.


Police Department:

Michael P. Stachecski Parking Enforcement 6/4/08

Brittany Carty Parking Enforcement 6/4/08


JUNE 4, 2008

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.

Public Works Department:

George S. Aument Laborer/Seasonal 6/4/08

Rose A. Holliday Laborer/Seasonal

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.

Fire Department:

John Donahue Seasonal Fire/Emt

Scott J. Tilton Seasonal Fire/Emt

Jason Rowello Seasonal Fire/Emt

George Budnick Seasonal Fire/Emt

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.

Recreation Department:

Kaitlyn Livoy Recreation Aide 6/5/08

Katie Lydon Recreation Aide 6/5/08

Joseph Schiff Recreation Aide 6/5/08

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Tolomeo, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.

Beach Patrol:

Abby Minark Lifeguard/Seasonal 5/28/08

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, the above appointments be confirmed. Carried.



RE: Refund for Overpayment of Real Estate Taxes

The above resolution was offered by Maschio, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Supporting Assembly Bill A-1105 Authorizing On–Line Publication of Municipal Legal Notices

The above resolution was offered by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Land Use Regulation Program Application form on Behalf of the City of North Wildwood in Connection with an Emergency Bulkhead Project to be Undertaken by the Morey Organization, Inc.


JUNE 4, 2008

The above resolution was offered by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Awarding Contract to Keystone Ridge Designs, Inc. for the Furnishing of Benches

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Ogen, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Rejecting Bids Received on Contract for Furnishing Trash Receptacles and Authorizing Direct Negotiation of the Contract

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Maschio, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Awarding Contract to American Asphalt Company, Inc. for 2008 Street Resurfacing Program, Phase 1

The above resolution was offered by Tolomeo, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Issuance of Amusement Game Licenses

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Maschio, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


ORDINANCE NO. 1536 - On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1536 be placed on its second reading. Carried.

The Clerk read Ordinance No. 1536 by its title, as required by Law, known as “An Ordinance Authorizing the Purchase of Real Property for Public Purposes.” This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request. Mayor Henfey gave an overview of the Ordinance stating it will involve County Open Space monies with the City being given a $1.00 per year lease on this property.

The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1536 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. Hearing none, he then asked the Clerk if she had received any objections in writing, the Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1536 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1536 duly adopted.


JUNE 4, 2008

ORDINANCE NO. 1537 - On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1537 be placed on its second reading. Carried.

The Clerk read Ordinance No. 1537 by its title, as required by Law, known as “An Amendment to Ordinance #1533, Known as the “Salary Ordinance” Fixing and Determining the Salary and Compensation Ranges to be Paid to the Elective and Appointive Officers of the City of North Wildwood, in the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey, Providing for the Raising of the Amounts Thereof by Taxation and Providing for the Time and Meeting of Payment Thereof.” This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.

The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1537 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. Jim Koch, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked if this Ordinance lowers or raises salaries with the answer “stays the same”. Harry Gale of E. 25th Avenue asked if this if for fire police or the career firemen. Gale was told career firemen due to binding arbitration to bring them in parity with other career firefighters. Gale asked how many are affected with the answer being four members. Council President then asked the Clerk if she had received any objections in writing, the Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1537 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1537 duly adopted.


On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #09-08, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.

Check # / Check Date / Vendor / Amount
21116 / 5/23/2008 / TREASURER STATE OF NEW JERSEY / 108.00
21117 / 5/27/2008 / CITY OF NW - SALARY ACCT / 321,904.86
21118 / 5/30/2008 / A&M PRODUCTS / 691.60
21119 / 5/30/2008 / ATLANTIC TIME SYSTEMS, INC. / 2,610.00
21120 / 5/30/2008 / AT&T / 280.41
21121 / 5/30/2008 / AT&T / 34.29
21122 / 5/30/2008 / AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES / 1,694.23
21123 / 5/30/2008 / ATLANTIC CITY SURF / 192.00
21124 / 5/30/2008 / ASPHALT PAVING SYSTEMS, INC / 535,998.10
21125 / 5/30/2008 / AVAYA INC / 252.33
21126 / 5/30/2008 / A SAFE KEEPING / 284.76
21127 / 5/30/2008 / BRIGHT SIDE PUBLISHING / 54.00
21128 / 5/30/2008 / COURT HOUSE OFFICE SUPPLIES / 398.46
21129 / 5/30/2008 / H B CHRISTMAN & SON / 124.70
21130 / 5/30/2008 / CMC MUN CRT JUDGES' ASSOC / 75.00
21131 / 5/30/2008 / CAPRIONI PORTABLE TOILETS / 244.00
21132 / 5/30/2008 / CAPE COUNSELING SERVICES / 1,281.25
21133 / 5/30/2008 / CASA PAYROLL SERVICES / 304.96
21134 / 5/30/2008 / CAFIERO AND BALLIETTE / 5,062.50
21135 / 5/30/2008 / COASTAL LANDSCAPING / 1,015.97
21136 / 5/30/2008 / COUNTRYWIDE TAX SERVICES / 1,123.29
21137 / 5/30/2008 / CAPE LUMBER,FENCE & STONE CO. / 242.66
21138 / 5/30/2008 / RAYMOND TOWNSEND / 98.63
21139 / 5/30/2008 / COMCAST / 490.00
21140 / 5/30/2008 / COMCAST / 10.30
21141 / 5/30/2008 / ROBERT CARUSO / 781.50
21142 / 5/30/2008 / COLONIAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY / 252.32
21143 / 5/30/2008 / CHANGER EXCHANGE / 5,022.00
21144 / 5/30/2008 / CAM CONSULTING GROUP LLC / 1,750.80
21145 / 5/30/2008 / LINDA DAVENPORT / 750.00
21146 / 5/30/2008 / DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF NJ / 7,971.66
21147 / 5/30/2008 / DOLCE ITALIA / 130.00
21148 / 5/30/2008 / DUFFY STRING BAND / 1,000.00
21149 / 5/30/2008 / DELL COMPUTER CORP. / 4,310.00
21150 / 5/30/2008 / DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERV / 766.76
21151 / 5/30/2008 / DYNAMIC IMAGING / 3,840.00
21152 / 5/30/2008 / DUFFIELD ASSOCIATES INC / 2,100.00
21153 / 5/30/2008 / BARBARA DOLAN / 100.00
21154 / 5/30/2008 / EXTERIOR IMAGES / 19,425.00
21155 / 5/30/2008 / ENFORSYS FIRE SYSTEMS INC / 818.00
21156 / 5/30/2008 / FUTURE MINING & RECYCLING, INC / 38.25
21157 / 5/30/2008 / FIRE HOUSE MAGAZINE / 49.95
21158 / 5/30/2008 / FILE ANNEX, INC. / 28.69
21159 / 5/30/2008 / GALL'S INC. / 468.00
21160 / 5/30/2008 / GROVE SUPPLY, INC. / 65.64
21161 / 5/30/2008 / GLOBAL CONNECT / 59.52
21162 / 5/30/2008 / GNL DOOR & HARDWARE LLC / 935.80
21163 / 5/30/2008 / GATEWAY INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS / 2,972.87
21164 / 5/30/2008 / GRANT GRAPHICS / 15,634.96
21165 / 5/30/2008 / GMAC MORTGAGE / 1,262.52
21166 / 5/30/2008 / CAPE MAY COUNTY HERALD / 179.00
21167 / 5/30/2008 / HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES / 2,607.02
21168 / 5/30/2008 / HERITAGE PUZZLE / 112.17
21169 / 5/30/2008 / THE HARDWARE STORE / 79.41
21170 / 5/30/2008 / WILLIAM HENFEY / 104.88
21171 / 5/30/2008 / LIGHTHOUSE MARKETING LTD / 380.38
21172 / 5/30/2008 / HORIZON BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD / 119,807.96
21173 / 5/30/2008 / ISLAND TROPHIES / 124.00
21174 / 5/30/2008 / ITC TELECOM / 3,287.00
21175 / 5/30/2008 / INST. FOR FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY / 6,750.00
21176 / 5/30/2008 / JOHN J. CALLAHAN ROOFING / 685.00
21177 / 5/30/2008 / KINDLE FORD / 19,626.48
21178 / 5/30/2008 / LEADER PRINTERS / 462.50
21179 / 5/30/2008 / LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY / 31.90
21180 / 5/30/2008 / MATCO TOOLS / 558.08
21181 / 5/30/2008 / MC MANIMON & SCOTLAND, LLC / 600.00
21182 / 5/30/2008 / MARLBORO FARM MARKET & GARDEN / 159.97
21183 / 5/30/2008 / MOSSBROOKS TIRE & AUTO CENTER / 160.98
21184 / 5/30/2008 / KEITH MC GEE / 45.95
21185 / 5/30/2008 / MASTERMAN'S / 23.00
21186 / 5/30/2008 / DONNA MONTEMURO / 985.52
21187 / 5/30/2008 / OFFICE OF NATHAN VAN EMBDEN / 80.00
21188 / 5/30/2008 / MASS MARKETING INC. / 120.00
21189 / 5/30/2008 / ROBERT MICHAUD / 21.90
21190 / 5/30/2008 / WILLIAM T. MAHONEY / 840.41
21191 / 5/30/2008 / N.J.R.P.A. / 1,845.00
21192 / 5/30/2008 / NORTH WILDWOOD BD OF EDUCATION / 530,564.50
21193 / 5/30/2008 / N.J. CAREER FIRE CHIEF'S ASSOC / 250.00
21194 / 5/30/2008 / OFFICE SERVICES / 353.49
21195 / 5/30/2008 / OLD DOMINION BRUSH / 765.77
21196 / 5/30/2008 / THE PRESS / 82.88
21197 / 5/30/2008 / PARAMOUNT SANITARY CHEMICAL CO / 1,077.76
21198 / 5/30/2008 / PIER "47" MARINA / 484.67
21199 / 5/30/2008 / PEDRONI FUEL COMPANY / 9,334.78
21200 / 5/30/2008 / PITNEY BOWES INC / 335.18
21201 / 5/30/2008 / PERFORMANCE VAN SHOP INC / 190.00
21202 / 5/30/2008 / PARA PLUS INTERPRETER / 179.88
21203 / 5/30/2008 / V.E. RALPH & SON, INC. / 957.28
21204 / 5/30/2008 / RAWDEN'S OFFICE SERVICE LLC / 24.00
21205 / 5/30/2008 / SEASHORE SIGN / 368.00
21206 / 5/30/2008 / SMELTZER & SONS / 59.99
21207 / 5/30/2008 / SOUTH JERSEY AUTO SUPPLY / 75.36
21208 / 5/30/2008 / STAPLES / 481.69
21209 / 5/30/2008 / SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO / 709.87
21210 / 5/30/2008 / TURN OUT FIRE EQUIPMENT / 1,525.20
21211 / 5/30/2008 / VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES / 51,664.24
21212 / 5/30/2008 / VERIZON WIRELESS / 448.49
21213 / 5/30/2008 / VERIZON / 1,589.22
21214 / 5/30/2008 / VIC JERAD GOLF CARTS / 21.78
21215 / 5/30/2008 / TED KINGSTON, INC. / 3,229.15
21216 / 5/30/2008 / CITY OF WILDWOOD / 24,650.00
21217 / 5/30/2008 / WASTE MANAGEMENT / 47,145.68
21218 / 5/30/2008 / PAT WALL / 95.04
21219 / 5/30/2008 / WELLS FARGO HOME MTG. / 3,002.00
21220 / 5/30/2008 / WIRELESS ELECTRONICS, INC. / 132.50