Mr. Trzepinska

Honors World History

The Fishbowl Debate – September 23rd – 50 point assignment

Debating issues with Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism

The purpose of this activity is to help students engage in a debate. Students will be divided into two groups; the inner group and the outer group. The inner group will be the debaters; the outside group will be listeners. Each group will have a responsibility

Inner Circle

-Students should address that question and start to engage in discussion amongst themselves

-I am there to correct a factual error, or referee a heated argument, or to pose another question when the discussion peters out

•Ask each other questions.

•Pose alternative points of view.

•Disagree directly, but politely with each other.

•Support the idea/point just made by a student by presenting a fresh example.

•Make an interesting connection to another point made previously, or from something you researched

•Make a well-reasoned prediction or hypothesis.

Outer Circle

-Be quiet, listen to the discussion, and take notes on discussion sheet especially things that they feel should have been addressed by the inner circle discussion but were missed, or that they disagree with, or questions that they would like answered based on what was said in the initial discussions].

-At some point I will stop the discussion and turn to the outer circle. This is their chance to make comments or ask questions of the inner circle.

-Once “Round 1” is over, the outside group will go inside on the inside group will go outside.

The debate will only be as good as you make it. I will help you get started, but this should be run by the students. Being that this is our first one I don’t expect it to happen right from the start, but since this is your activity you should have a say in structure of the debate. Decide how you will do the following as a class and create the rules for the debate:

  1. How do you decide what topic you will discuss?
  2. How do students switch from the inner to the outer circle?
  3. How do you determine who speaks?
  4. How do you decide who is on the inner and outer circle?
  5. How long do you give someone to speak? Should there be a time limit

Students will be graded on participation and quality of notes. Students should come to the Fishbowl with notes prepared. Notes should be about the beliefs and practices of each religion and philosophy as you will not know which you will be assigned so be prepared to debate from different points of view. You may take notes right in this document

25 points will be your notes. I will be collecting the notes that you bring to class with you and the notes that you take during the debate. I will be grading them on content, organization, and facts. Start your research notes on the next page. These should be much more than our PowerPoint Notes.

25 points will be your participation. Each student will start out with 13 points. Points will be added for participation, following the rules, being respectful. Points will be deducted for disruptive behavior, disrespecting classmates, not following rules

Start your research notes on this page. You can use whatever format your are comfortable with (Outline, bullet points, etc.). Your notes must reflect and show that you understand the beliefs of the philosophies and religions. Make these as detailed as possible

You can use this chart to fill in your notes during the debate. Take notes on what is going on and when youhave questions to ask.

My Notes
-What is being said?
-What are the main points and arguments?
-What questions are being asked? / My Thoughts
-I think/feel that
-I agree/disagree with
-If wonder if…