MStores Off-Site Storage
Warehouse Program
The MStores Off-Site Storage Warehouse Program was developed by Tom Peterson, Associate Hospital Director of Operations and Support Services. It was created for the purpose of assisting Hospital departments with their storage needs. Specifically Tom sought to create a system that would eliminate the need to store items in the halls, as it is both a JCAHO and CMS violation.
The MStores Off-Site Storage Warehouse Program is a web based inventory management system. The Support Services department operates a physical warehouse located at 3580 Varsity Drive, here in Ann Arbor. We have set up a website that allows departments to:
1. View an itemized list of all inventories they are keeping at the warehouse.
2. Request that items get picked up from their offices and shipped to warehouse.
3. Request that items get returned to them from the warehouse.
The cost for this warehousing/shipping service is paid for by Hospital Operations and Support Services.
1. Any Hospital department can request a free account via the website.
2. Departments can store anything they want as long as it is not perishable or dangerous to handle (i.e. HAZMAT).
3. There is no limit to the quantity of items a department may store at the warehouse. However, this is not the Hospital “garage”; please do not store items that should be disposed of as it does cost the hospital money to store these items.
4. Likewise, there is no limit to the number of pickup/delivery requests that a department may make. But again, this service does cost the Hospital money so we would ask that you use it intelligently.
5. Also, we do allow the storage of files/records. However, please do not abuse this. If your department is storing copious amounts of paperwork then you should be using Corrigan for that.
6. There is a 3-business-day turn around time on all requests. Meaning if you submit a request to have items picked up from your office and sent to the warehouse or vice versa, we will complete that request within 3-business-days.
7. For the purposes of this program, the business day ends at 3:00 p.m. So, if at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, you request that an item be returned to you from the warehouse, that request is considered to have been made on Tuesday. Therefore the item may not be returned to you until Friday.
8. Service around the holidays may take longer than 3-business-days, as we are short staffed.
9. We do not allow rush orders. So, do not store an item at the warehouse that you may need returned to you in less than 3-business-days. Likewise, we will not go over to the warehouse and open it up for you so you can pick up the item yourself because you need it sooner than 3-business-days.
10. Your physical access to the warehouse will be extremely limited. We will try to accommodate you if you need to physically go to the warehouse to access your inventory, but this will be based upon the program administrator’s availability.