THTR 163
Introduction to Sound Design and Technology
Spring 2010
Instructor: Sandra Venegas Córdova
Class Time: Tuesday 3:30pm – 5:20pm
Office Hours: By appointment.
Office Location: VPA building room B187
Office Phone: 494–5116
Objectives: After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Develop the necessary elements for a sound design
- Locate resources within the sound area for Purdue Theatre
- Participate as an efficient member of a sound crewmember.
Requirements: Each student in the course shall be required to:
- Attend and participate during each class period
- Complete 7 quizzes and 4 exercises
- Complete a final project
Quizzes: Throughout the semester, seven quizzes will be given at the beginning of the class period and will generally cover topics from the previous week. Quizzes can only be taken during the designated class time – there is no opportunity to make up a missed quiz. The lowest quiz score will be dropped, so only six of the seven quiz scores will apply toward your final grade.
Exercises: Four exercises will need to be completed, two of the which will be electronic files that should be e-mailed to the instructor on the due date, and two which will be in class demonstrations of some basic tasks. For the demonstration exercises, you will be given a copy of the exercise at least one week in advance so you will know what tasks will be required.
Attendance and Participation: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Because there is no textbook, in class discussions and demonstrations are the core learning components of the course. Therefore regular attendance is the key to success in this class. Attendance is graded, with 2 points awarded for being in class for a total of 26 points throughout the semester. Absences are 0 points for the day.
Final Project: The final project for this class will be a “work-in-progress” throughout the semester. You’ll be given a short scene from a play for which you must create sound cues that will ultimately be “performed” for the class during the final class period. You should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the sound design process as well as an ability to create a very simple sound score.
There are three main elements that you must prepare for the final project:
- A spotted script (from exercise 1) – an electronic script prepared according to in class instructions
- A cue list (from exercise 2)– an electronic cue list prepared according to in class instructions
- A Qlab workspace – a Qlab workspace that contains at least 5 sound cues, one of which must be a music cue. You must also include at least 2 fade cues, one of which must be a replacement / autofade cue. These are minimum requirements – you’re welcome to include as many cues as you’d like.
Grading: The grading is based on the quiz scores, exercise scores, class participation, attitude, and completion of the final project. The breakdown for each component is as follows:
Quizzes (Six 20 point quizzes / Lowest Quiz Dropped)120 points(35%)
Exercises (Four at 20 points apiece) 80 points(24%)
Attendance (Thirteen 2 point opportunities) 26 points(8%)
Participation 10 points(3%)
Final Project 100 points(30%)
A (90%)302 points
B (80%)268 points
C (70%)235 points
D (60%)201 points
Load ins / Load outs: There are three theatre productions and one dance concert during the semester and although you are not required to participate in the Load ins and Load outs for the shows, they do provide you with great opportunities to learn more about the sound systems and earn some extra credit points in the process. Each Load in or Load out that you attend will be worth 5 points toward your final grade. If you are a student with a sound emphasis, it is highly recommended that you participate in Load ins and Load outs not only for the experience and extra points, but also to help make yourself known to the other students in the sound area. Being involved and proactive about your success are traits that will serve you well long after you graduate from school. Dates and other specifics regarding Load ins / Load outs will be communicated to you throughout the semester.
Fall 2008 Classroom Schedule:
January 12 / Introduction to course / Tour of the studio and MCL
19 / Sound fundamentals / Tour of theatre sound systems (Hansen & Mallet)
26 / Sound design process / Working with the script / Final project explanation / Quiz 1 – Sound Fundamentals and Theatre Sound Systems
February 2 / Introduction to sound equipment / Signal flow (recording studio) / Quiz 2 – Sound Design Process
Exercise 1 - Spotted Script
9 / Paperwork (cue sheets, line diagrams, speaker plots, hook up lists) / Quiz 3 – Basic Sound Equipment & Signal Flow
16 / Board Operation Basic sound system setup / Exercise 2 – Cue Sheets
Quiz 4 Basic sound system and paperwork
23 / Creating and editing sound effects 1 (MCL – introduction to DP) / Quiz 5 – Board and Playback Operation
March 2 / Creating and editing sound effects 2 (Studio and MCL –using DP to create custom sound fx) / Quiz 6 – Digital Performer and DAW Basics
9 / Creating and editing sound effects 3 (MCL – final project cues) / Exercise 3 – Digital Performer Demonstration
16 / Spring Break
23 / Playback systems: CD, minidisc, SFX, Qlab / Creating a Qlab workspace (MCL)
30 / Qlab – beyond the basics (MCL)
April 7 / The tech process / Assisting discussion / Final project preparation (DP and Qlab) / Quiz 7 – Qlab Basics
Exercise 4 – Qlab Demonstration
14 / Final project preparation (DP and Qlab)
21 / Final project preparation (DP and Qlab and file preparation) / Final Project – Completed Files
28 / Final Project Class Presentations