Shawkat Mohammed Bayoumi Aly

Birth 19th March 1973, Assiut, Egypt

Citizenship Egyptian

Marital status Married and has two sons

Work address Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity,

Assiut, Egypt 71516

Positions Lecturer, 2009 (until now)

(Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity)

Assistant lecturer, 2002

(Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity)

Demonstrator, 1995

(Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity)


1.B.Sc. (Chemistry) May 1994

AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt

2.M.Sc. (Charge-transfer Complexes) May 2002

AssiutUniversity, Assiut, Egypt

Thesis title: Charge Transfer Complexes of some Azoles and Azines with

Electron Acceptors

Supervisors : Prof. Mohamed Raafat Mahmoud & Prof. Maher M. A. Hamed

3. Ph.D. (Photophysical Chemistry), March 2009

Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada

Thesis title: Photo-induced Energy and Electron Transfer in Organic and

Organometallic Polyads, Oligomers and Polymers

Supervisors: Prof. Pierre D.Harvey& Prof. Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz


1. 2005-2009 scholarship from the Egyptian government for the Ph.D. study at SherbrookeUniversity inCanada

2. 2010-2011Post-doctorate scholarship at SherbrookeUniversity in Canada

Positions and Experience


  1. In 1995 I was appointed as a demonstrator at the Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity.
  2. In 2002 I was promoted to an assistant lecturer at the Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity.
  3. In 2009 I was promoted to a lecturer at the Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, AssiutUniversity.
  4. In 2010 I was working as a postdoctorate at Pierre D. Harvey's lab at University of Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.

Instrument Experience

During the study for the M. sc. at Assiut University and Ph. D. at Université de Sherbrooke, I was responsible for conducting the experiments and maintenance of the following instruments:

  • Hewlett-Packard diode array UV-visible spectrophotometer model 8452A
  • Varian Cary 50 UV-visible spectrophotometer with powder cell holder
  • Double monochromator Fluorolog 2 instrument from Spex
  • TimeMaster Model TM-3/2003 apparatus from PTI
  • Flash photolysis with a Luzchem spectrometer using the 355 nm line of a YAG laser from Continuum (Serulite).


Research for the degree of M. Sc.:

The research within the course of the study for the master degree involved UV-Visible spectroscopic investigation on the charge-transfer complexes between some azole and azine donors with σ- and π-electron acceptors. The study involved calculation of the formation constant of the donor-acceptor systems at different temperature and in different solvents. The thermodynamic parameters and the ionization potential of the donors were estimated, as well, based on the spectroscopic band of the formed charge-transfer complexes.

Research for the degree of the Ph. D.:

The research within the course of the Ph. D. involved photophysical studies on some dyad and tryad systems as well as inorganic polymers for photonic applications. The studies carried on the investigated compounds were achieved by recording the emission and excitation spectra using a double monochromator Fluorolog 2 instrument from Spex. The excited state lifetimes of the studied systems have been obtained using a TimeMaster Model TM-3/2003 apparatus from PTI. The source was nitrogen laser with high-resolution dye laser (FWHM ~ 1400 ps) and the fluorescence lifetimes were obtained from deconvolution or distribution lifetimes analysis. The analysis of the triplet state for the examined systems were done by measuring the flash photolysis spectra and the transient lifetimes were measured with a Luzchem spectrometer using the 355 nm line of a YAG laser from Continuum (Serulite), and the 530 nm line from OPO module pump by the same laser (FWHM = 13 ns).


Book Chapter:

1)“Introduction to Photophysics and Photochemistry” Shawkat M. Aly,
Charles E. Carraher, Jr., and Pierre D. Harvey, In Macromolecules Containing
Metals and Metal-Like Elements,volume10, Eds. Abd-El-Aziz, Carraher, Pittman, Sheats, and Zeldin, Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc., Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada, 2010.


1)M. M. A. Hamed; E. M. Abdalla; Sh. M. Bayoumi “Charge Transfer Molecular Complexes of some Pyrazoles with– and -Electron acceptors” Spectrosc. Lett.2003, 36 (4), 357-372.

2)Claude P.Gros;Shawkat Mohammed Aly; Maya El Ojaimi; Jean-MichelBarbe; FredericBrisach; Alaa S.Abd-El-Aziz; RogerGuilard; Pierre D.Harvey “Through Space Singlet-Singlet and triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer in Cofacial Bisposphyrins Held by the Carbazoyl Spacer”J. Porph. Phthalocyan. 2007, 11(3-4), 244-257.

3)Alaa S.Abd-El-Aziz; Hany M.Mohamed; Shawkat Mohammed; ShamsulhaqZahid; AtharAta; Ahmed H.Bedair; Ahmed M.El-Agrody; Pierre D. Harvey “Synthesis of Novel Benzocoumarin Derivatives and Their Biological and Photophysical Studies” J. Heterocyc. Chem.2007, 44(6), 1287-1301.

4)KarlGagnon; Shawkat Mohammed Aly; Anne Brisach-Wittmeyer; Diana Bellows; Jean-Francois Berube; Laurence Caron; Alaa S.Abd-El-Aziz; Daniel Fortin; Pierre D.Harvey“Conjugated Polymers of Platinum(II)-Bis(ethynylphenyl)quinone Diimine” Organometallics 2008, 27(10), 2201-2214.

5)Shawkat M. Aly ; Charfedinne Ayed ; Christine Stern ;Roger Guilard; Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz ; Pierre D. Harvey “Triplet Energy Transfers in Electrostatic Host−Guest Assemblies of Unsaturated Organometallic Cluster Cations and Carboxylate-Containing Porphyrin Pigments” Inorg. Chem.; 2008; 47(21); 9930-9940.

6)Shawkat M Aly, Cheuk-Lam Ho,Wai-Yeung Wong, Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz, Pierre D. Harvey“The First Examples of Intrachain Electron and Energy Transfers in Conjugated Organometallic Oligomers and Polymers”Chem. Eur. J.2008, 14, 8341 – 8352.

7)Sebastien Clement;Shawkat Mohammed Aly; Karl Gagnon; Alaa S.Abd-El-Aziz; Michael Knorr; Pierre D.Harvey “The First A-Frame-Containing Organometallic Polymer; Taking Advantage of the Site Selectivity in PdPt-Mixed Metal Bimetallics” J. Inorg. Organometallic Polym. Mater. 2008, 18(1), 104-110.

8)Sébastien Clément;Shawkat Mohammed Aly; Daniel Fortin;Laurent Guyard;Michael Knorr; Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz; Pierre D. Harvey"Probing the Electronic Communication of the Isocyanide Bridge Through the Luminescence Properties of the d9-d9 [ClPt(µ-dppm)2Pt(CN-PCP)]+ and A-Frame [ClPd(µ-dppm)2(µ-C=N-PCP)PdCl]Complexes (PCP = [2.2]-paracyclo -phane)" Inorg. Chem.2008, 47 (23), 10816-10824.

9)Diana Bellows; Émilie Gingras;Shawkat M. Aly;Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz, Mario Leclerc; and Pierre D. Harvey“Organometallic and Conjugated Organic Polymers Held Together by Strong Electrostatic Interactions to Form Luminescent Hybrid Materials” Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47 (24), 11720-11733.

10)Alaa S.Abd-El-Aziz; Patrick O.Shipman; Edward G.Neeland; T. ChristopherCorkery; Shawkat Mohammed; Pierre D.Harvey; Hany M.Mohamed; Ahmed H.Bedair; Ahmed M.El-Agrody; Pedro M.Aguiar; Scott. KroekerBenzo[f]- andBenzo[h]Coumarin-Containing Poly(methyl methacrylate)s and Poly(methyl methacrylate)swith Pendant Coumarin-Containing Azo Dyes Macromolec. Chem. Physic.2008, 209(1), 84-103.

11)Cheuk-Lam Ho; Chung-Hin Chui; Wai-Yeung Wong;Shawkat M. Aly; Daniel Fortin; Pierre D. Harvey; Bing Yao, Zhiyuan Xie; Lixiang Wang “Efficient Electrophosphorescence from a Platinum Metallopolyyne Featuring a 2,7-Carbazole Chromophore” Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2009, 210, 1786-1798.

12)Shawkat M. Aly; Cheuk-Lam Ho; Wai-Yeung Wong; Daniel Fortin; Pierre D. Harvey “Intrachain Electron and Energy Transfers in Metal Diynes and Polyynes of Group 10&11 Transition Elements Containing Various Carbazole and Fluorene Hybrids”, Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 6902-6916.

13)Diana Bellows;Shawkat M. Aly; Claude P. Gros; Maya El Ojaimi; Jean-Michel Barbe; Roger Guilard; and Pierre D. Harvey “Energy Transfers in Monomers, Dimers and Trimers of Zinc(II) and Palladium(II) Porphyrins Bridged by Rigid Pt-Containing Conjugated Organometallic Spacers”, Inorg. Chem., 2009, 48, 7613-7629.

14)Sébastien Clément;Shawkat M. Aly; Jérôme Husson;Daniel Fortin; Carsten Strohmann, Michael Knorr; Laurent Guyard; Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz; Pierre D. Harvey“A-Frame-Containing Organometallic Oligomers Using the Homo- and Heterobimetallic M(µ-dppm)2M’ (M = Pd, Pt and M’ = Pd, Pt) Building Blocks, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.2009, 2536-2546.

15)Michael Knorr, Fabrice Guyon, Abderrahim Khatyr; Christian Däschlein; Carsten Strohmann;Shawkat M. Aly; Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz;Daniel Fortin; and Pierre D. Harvey “Influence of the Dithioether Spacer Rigidity on the Luminescent (Cu2I2)n (n = 2, 3) Cluster Size in their Coordination Polymers”, Dalton Trans 2009, 948-955.

16)Karl Gagnon;Shawkat M. Aly; Daniel Fortin; Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz; Pierre D. Harvey“The First Organometallic Version of Polyaniline in its Emaraldine Form”J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym. Mater.2009, 19, 28-34 (special issue for Takakazu Yamamoto).

17)Sébastien Clément;Shawkat Mohammed Aly;Diana Bellows;Daniel Fortin;Carsten Strohmann;Laurent Guyard;Alaa Abd-El-Aziz;Michael Knorr; and Pierre D. Harvey“Properties of the “[M(dppm)2M’]2+ Building Blocks (M, M’ = Pd or Pt):Site Selectivity, Emission Features and Frontier Orbital Analysis” Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48(9), 4118-4133.

18)Shawkat M. Aly, Cheuk-Lam Ho, Wai-Yeung Wong, Daniel Fortin, Pierre D. Harvey “Intrachain Electron and Energy Transfers in Metal Diynes and Polyynes of Group 10-11 Transition Elements Containing Various Carbazole and Fluorene Hybrids” Macromolecules, 2009, 42(18), 6902-6916.

19)Alaa S. Abd-El-Aziz, Patrick O. Shipman, Paul R. Shipley, Britta N. Boden, Shawkat Aly, Pierre D. Harvey “Homo- and Co-Polymers of Norbornene Containing Aryl- and Hetaryl-Azo Dyes Synthesis and Sensing Properties” Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2009, 210, 2099- 2106.

20)Diana Bellows, Thomas Goudreault, Shawkat M. Aly, Daniel Fortin, Claude P. Gros, Jean-Michel Barbe, Pierre D. Harvey “Through-Bond versus Through-Space T1 Energy Transfers in Organometallic Compound-Metalloporphyrin Pigmennts” Organometallics,2010, 29(2), 317-325.

21)Michael Knorr, Fabrice Guyon, Abderrahim Khatyr, Megali Allain,Shawkat M. Aly; Antony Lapprand,Daniel Fortin, and Pierre D. Harvey “Unexpected formation of doubly bridged cyclo-1,2-dithian 1D coordination Cu2I2-containing luminescent polymer”, J. Inorg. Organomet. Polym, 2010, 20, 534-543.

22)Michael Knorr, Abdoulaye Pam, Abderrahim Khatyr, Carsten Strohmann, Marek M. Kubicki, Yoan Rousselin, Shawkat M. Aly, Daniel Fortin, and Pierre D. Harvey“Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward Et2S: a Reinvestigation on the self-assembly of luminescent Copper(I) coordination polmers” Inorg. Chem., 2010, 49, 58 34-5844.

23)Guillame Langlois, Shawkat M. Aly, Claude P. Gros, Jean-Michel Barbe, and Pierre D. Harvey“Rational synthetic design of well-defined Pt(bisethynyl)/Zn(porphyrin)oligomers for potential applications in photonics” New J. Chem., 2011, 35, 1302-1314.

24)Michael Knorr, Fabrice Guyon, Marek M. Kubicki, Yoan Rousselin, Shawkat M. Aly, and Pierre D. Harvey“Effect of t-BuS vs. n-BuS on the topology, CuCu distances and luminescence properties of 2D Cu4I4/RS(CH2)4SR metal–organic frameworks” New J. Chem.,2011, 35, 1184-1188.

25)Simon Lamare, Shawkat M. Aly, Daniel Fortin, and Pierre D. Harvey“Incorporation of zinc(II) porphyrins in polyaniline in its perigraniline form leading to polymers with the lowest band gap” Chem. Commun., 2011 Advanced article.

26)Jean-Michel Camus, Shawkat M. Aly, Christine Stern, Roger Guilard, and Pierre D. Harvey“Acceleration of the through space S1 energy transfer rates in cofacial bisporphyrin bio-inspired models by virtue of substituents effect on the Förster J integral and its implication in the antenna effect in the photosystems” Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 8817-8819.

27)Shawkat M. Aly, Hannah Guernon, Brigitte Guérin, and Pierre D. Harvey“Polyoligopeptides functionalized zinc(II)porphyrins: Step towards artificial hemes” J. Porph. and Pthalocyan., 2011, 1-12.