The 46th Filo edition: Textile and Fashion Archives by Centro Rete Biellese

The 46th edition of Filo has a surprise in store for exhibitors, visitors and journalists: “La Filatura e il Tessile”, an exhibition curated by Centro Rete Biellese Archivi Tessili e Moda, which has been realized exclusively for the Yarns and Fibres’ Exhibition.

Visiting the exhibition – located in the areas near the entrance to Filo – it is possible to admire some valuable textile collections gathered by Centro Rete Biellese through its patient activity of preserving every kind of textile archives (paper documents, audio-visual ones, images, stories). The main goal is to enhance textile industry within Biella area, a cultural heritage between history and future.

Danilo Craveia, responsible for Archivi Storici Biellesi, explains that “The archives of companies of the textile-fashion system represent the memory of the product, its know-how and excellence. Therefore, we do not have to think about the term ‘archive’ as a synonym of ‘old’, ‘obsolete’, but we have to match it with the term ‘future’: archives can indeed become a source of inspiration for new products and new projects. Through the investment into the rescue of these resources, as Centro Rete Biellese does, it is possible to produce awareness and new opportunities; in other words, it is an investment for the future”.

Mr. Craveia goes on stating that “We have accepted with enthusiasm the invitation of Filo to organise an exhibition within the 46th edition of the fair. Indeed, we share together with Filo some of the main principles: attention to quality, Made in Italy’s enhancement (which, in our case, is mainly Made in Biella), but especially the willingness to offer to companies within the textile and fashion’s system more and more new opportunities for development and growth. We are confident that participants at Filo will visit our exhibition with interest and curiosity. It is our hope that, once visited it, they could gain the certainty that also the attics of their companies are full of heritage made up of ideas and textile solutions that await only to be re-discovered”.

Biella, the 28th of September 2016

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