Weighted estimates for solutions of a Sturm-Liouville equation in the space

N.A. Chernyavskaya

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,Ben-GurionUniversity of the Negev,Beer-Sheva, Israel

N. El-Natanov

Department of Computer Sciences and Mathematics, ArielUniversityCenter of Samaria, Ariel, Israel

L.A. Shuster

Department of Mathematics, Bar-IlanUniversity,Ramat Gan, Israel

Abstract.We consider an equation


where and for some Under these conditions, (1) is correctly solvable in

1. Introduction

In this work, we consider an equation


where and


Moreover, we always assume that equation (1) is correctly solvable in This means (see [4, Ch.III, §6, no.2] that the following assertions hold:

  1. for any function , there exists a unique solution of (1),
  2. there is an absolute constant such that the solution of (1), satisfies the inequality


Throughout the sequel, stands for absolute positive constants which are not essential for exposition.

Our general goal is to study the possibility of strengthening the a priori inequality (3). More precisely, we find requirements for a given weight function under which the solutions of (1), satisfy the estimate


2. Prelminaries

In the sequel, we assume that condition (2) holds and we do not mention it again in the statements.

Theorem 1. [2] Equation (1) is correctly solvable in if and only if there exists such that Here


Lemma 2. [3] Under condition (5), for a given consider the equations in


Each of the equations of (6) has a unique finite solution. Denote the solutions of equation (6) by , and d, respectively. Thus for a given the functions , (introduced in [1]) and (introduced by M. Otelbaev, see [5]) are well-defined.

3. Results

We now give the following definition.

Definition 1. Let and be continuous positive functions defined in We say that they are weakly equivalent in (and write if there is a constant such that for all , the following inequalities hold:


Remark 2. It is useful to note that if (7) (with constant ) are established only for

Theorem 3. For the validity of estimate (4) it is necessary, and under the condition also sufficient, that the inequality holds. Here


In the next two theorems, we find requirements to the function under which

Theorem 4. The functions and are weakly equivalent in if where


To state Theorem7, we need some parametrization of the set of functions

Definition 5. If there exist constants and such that for all and every the inequalities


hold, we say that the function belongs to the class (and write where

Lemma 6. For every we have

Theorem 7. Let , Then


4. Example

We consider the equation


where We show that the solution of the equation (12), , satisfies the inequality


if and only if


[1] N. Chernyavskaya and L. Shuster, On the WKB-method, Diff. Uravnenija 25 (1989), no.10, 1826-1829.

[2] N. Chernyavskaya and L. Shuster, A criterion for correct solvability of the Sturm-Liouville equation in the space , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2001), no.4, 1043-1054.

[3] N. Chernyavskaya and L. Shuster, Classification of initial data for the Riccati equation, Bollettino dela Unione Matematica Italiana 8, 5-B (2002), 511-525.

[4] R. Courant Partial Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1962.

[5] K. Mynbaev and M. Otelbaev, Weighted Function Spaces and the Spectrum of Differential Operators, Nauka, Moscow, 1988.
