AP Chapter 9 Study Guide

Jacksonian America

  1. What were democratic reforms and how was democracy expanded during the Age of Jackson? What groups were excluded from this widening of political opportunity?
  2. How have historians differed over the nature of “Jacksonian Democracy”? (Where Historians Disagree)
  3. What was John C. Calhoun's theory of nullification as set forth in the South Carolina Exposition and Protest?What was the “Nullification Crisis”?
  4. What was the major point of disagreement between Webster and Hayne? What arguments were advanced on either side, and what was the ultimate result of the Webster-Hayne Debate?
  5. What were the whites' attitudes toward Native American tribes? How did they contribution to the decision in favor of their removal westward?
  6. Explain the Supreme Court's decisions regarding the Indian tribes in Worcester v. Georgia and Jackson's response. What’s was Jackson’s view regarding Indian “removal”?
  7. What was Jackson's opinion on the Bank of the United States (BUS)? On what did he base his views? What other factors contributed to his stand?
  8. How did Jackson respond to the efforts to re-charter the Second BUS? What did Biddle do? What were the results of the “Bank War”?
  9. How did the Supreme Court under Roger B. Taney differ from the court under John Marshall? What groups profited from Taney's decisions?
  10. How did the ideology & “party philosophy” of the Whigs differ from that of the Democrats?Who were the Whig leaders?
  11. What caused the Panic of 1837? What effect did it have on the nation? on the Van Buren and the Democratic Party?
  12. Why did the Whigs select William Henry Harrison as their presidential candidate in 1840? How did his “Log Cabin Campaign” set a new pattern for presidential contests?
  13. What was the origin of the split between John Tyler and Henry Clay? What effect did it have on the administration? on the Whig Party?
  14. What were the accomplishments of Whig diplomacy? (Include: Aroostook War, Webster-Ashburton Treaty, and Treaty of Wang Hya)
  15. What is Andrew Jackson’s legacy as president?

Alexis de TocquevilleDemocracy in America / “Trail of Tears” / William Henry Harrison
King “Mob” / Indian Removal / John Tyler
Dorr Rebellion / The Seminole War / The Caroline and Creole Affair
The Second Party System / Nicholas Biddle / Aroostook War
The Spoils System / “Hard” and “Soft” Money / Webster-Ashburton Treaty
John C. Calhoun - Nullification / Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge / Treaty of Wang Hya
Martin Van Buren / The Whig Party / Penny Press
Peggy Eaton Affair / Anti-Mason Party
Webster-Hayne Debate / Clay’s American System
Nullification Crisis / Election of 1836
Black Hawk War / Distribution Act
Five Civilized Tribes / Panic of 1837
Removal Act / Specie Circular
Worcester v. Georgia / Log Cabin Campaign