Logo Contest

The Capital Area “Regional Recycling Coordinating Committee” (R2C2) is sponsoring a contest for students with graphic arts talent a design our new logo.


The R2C2 was formed in 1989 by the recycling and solid waste coordinators within Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties. Representatives of the counties of Ingham, Eaton and Clinton, the cities of East Lansing and Lansing, charter townships of Delhi, Delta and Meridian, the United States Post Office, the Lansing Principal Shopping District, Granger Recycling Center and Michigan State University have met informally for more than 10 years.

The group's primary objective is to share information on waste reduction, recycling activities, green purchasing, energy reduction, alternative energy development and green community development to maximize the effectiveness of programs and community education about those programs in the Mid-Michigan area. As such the group facilitates regional collaboration to provide services to residents, to increase the number and scope of services offered, avoid the duplication of services, promote cost efficiencies by maximizing economies of scale and sharing costs and undertake numerous cooperative educational projects..

R2C2 coordinates reuse and recycling days for electronic waste, hard and soft cover books, magazines, telephone books, consumer and producer agricultural plastics, and compost bin and rain barrel distributions. R2C2 also collaborates on educational and promotional activities. To this end, representatives have jointly coordinated activities including the Tri-County Waste Reduction Awards Program, shared displays and programs at events such as the Department of Environmental Quality’s Annual Earth Day Celebration and the Home Show, shared promotion of upcoming programs in Lansing community newspapers, and the development of special programs to celebrate America Recycles Day.

The following web sites from R2C2 members will give you an understanding of regional activities in the tri-county area:

Ingham County www.ingham.org/hd/ENVHLTH/Waste_Management/Waste_Services.htm

Eaton County www.eatoncounty.org/Departments/Eaton_County_Department_of_Resource_Recovery.htm

Clinton County www.clinton-county.org/waste/waste_mngmt.htm

City of Lansing www.lansingmi.gov/pubserv/wastereduction

City of East Lansing (click “City government” then “Public Works”) www.ci.east-lansing.mi.us/

Delhi Township www.delhitownship.com/PublicServices.htm

Meridian Township www.re-news.net/meridian/

Delta Township www.deltami.gov/recycling

Granger Recycling www.grangernet.com/waste

Michigan State University http://www.ecofoot.msu.edu/


The contest is open to all high school students (ages 13-18) in Clinton, Eaton, and Ingham Counties. You may enter this contest individually or in a design team of not more than two students. If a design team of two students wins, the prize will be split between each student and each student on the team will receive an award certificate. Students may submit a maximum of two entries. Each entry must be submitted separately.


Submit a new logo for R2C2 no later than midnight on Wednesday, December 31, 2008. E-mail your awesome design in jpeg format to Kathy Donahue at , with “R2C2 Logo Contest Entry” in the subject line. Keep a copy of your e-mail until receipt is verified.

In the body of your e-mail, include your name(s), mailing address(es) (street, city, zip), the name of your high school, and teacher if applicable. Include contact phone number(s) or e-mail address(es).

Logo designs should reflect the attitude and spirit of what R2C2 is and what we do. Also include a “design brief” with every entry (in the body of the email). In two paragraphs (200 words max.) discuss: a) the statement of the PROBLEM—tell us what you see as the need the logo has to fill; b) the SOLUTION to the problem—explain how your logo design solves that problem (or, what is the identity that you wanted to create).

A statement (in the body of the email) must accompany each entry from the designer certifying the originality of the submitted work.


Your original graphic file may be in Paint, Photoshop, Illustrator, or any other illustration program you choose (submit all contest entries as a JPEG file).

The design must be printable in all black or all white (reverse coloring).

The design must be adaptable to grayscale for mass photocopying.

Do not sign the logo, as that would interfere with anonymous judging.

Do not use more than 3 colors in the design.

The logo should look good at various sizes, such as full size for a T-shirt, or reduced to a 1-inch letterhead size, in color and black and white

The logo may or may not include the words “R2C2” or “Regional Recycling Coordinating Committee.”

The design may or may not include a slogan.

Within the limits established above, the shape and size of the logo are up to the designer. Whether or not the logo has a border is up to the designer.

R2C2 seeks a gender nonspecific logo, so if the logo contains a male human, it must also contain a female human; if the logo contains a female human, it must also contain a male human

Although you are free to look at other logos and materials during the research phase of your project, remember to respect copyright laws! A good logo includes meaningful color selection, a simple design that will not become

outdated over time, and support for multiple media applications. For additional guidance visit:


By participating in the competition, you grant R2C2 permission to use your design in any and all materials in connection with their organization.

Students must follow all instructions outlined in the contest rules. Pay particular attention to the information required in the body of the email you submit. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.

Designers are strongly encouraged to have their teacher examine their entries for feedback and revision before submitting them to the competition.

If you have questions or need more information please contact Kathy Donahue at

PRIZES: The designer of the winning logo will receive $100, second place will receive $75, and third place will receive $50; each of the top three logo designers or design team members will receive award certificates. Prizes and certificates will be awarded by R2C2 at one of their meetings. The intangible prize is to participate, to add your participation to your resume, and if your logo is chosen by the organization, to see it used and appreciated for years to come!