Notes from PPG
Only 3 attendees (2 more arrived late)
TO DO: Ring Desmond re: PPG Meetings
Complaints re: car park and struggling for spaces.
Patient Donation £200
- Confirmed it was a donation to the Practice not the PPG
- Second high chair
- TV screen in Reception like Toft have - ADT
Feedback from McMillan Coffee Morning/PPG Promotion
- 2 new members signed up (J. McGarry and J. Kennon) – both work though so were unable to attend the meeting.
- £110 rose for McMillan (including proceeds raised in the surgery). Venue felt to not really be ideal for the coffee morning as the kitchen was quite far away.
- Feedback to the CCG was mainly about the lack of transportation system in Knutsford (bus service unreliable so struggle to get to the practices).
Flu Clinic Feedback
- A lot of patients from the other practices attended.
- Average waiting time for AF screening 40 mins, flu vaccines within 2-3 minutes. Filing in the forms delayed the flu vaccines – can we look at a different process for 2018.
- PPG felt the morning of the clinic was quite chaotic but settled down once it got going in the afternoon.
- Parking difficult due to car wash.
- Went quite around 1.30pm and picked back up again around 3.00pm
PPG Chairs Meeting
- 6 monthly meeting with Dr Lawn – to be held in January.
- Healthwatch meeting – only 7 attendees. NAPP came to discuss their annual conference in London, asked to consider a more local venue. PPG asked if the Practice ever paid the £40 joining fee to NAPP when it was “Friends of the Practice”.
Team Knutsford
- Next HealthVoice meeting 14th Feb, Curzon, 1-4pm re: Team Knutsford.
- PPG asked if local feedback is being gathered from patients about Team Knutsford, what they know of it and if they have noticed any change.
- Team Knutsford left PPG Leads waiting 30 minutes last week at Toft Road before telling them the meeting had been cancelled. Very unhappy.
- PPG told about Madeeha.
- Updates given to PPG about what Team Knutsford are doing. Suggestion that library might be able to help with the directory of services as they used to hold this information, they were given some funding in the past to develop an online service directory.
- Lions – message in a bottle initiative discussed – PPG suggested inviting them to 2018 flu clinic.
- PPG section on website needs updating – HELEN – then can we let Jacqui know so she can review/change if she wants too.