Progress Report No 7

LIFE00/ ENV/EE/000924


Annex 2

Annex 2. The analyse of the scope of networking established under the project

International co-operation projects:

  1. WACOSYS (Monitoring and Control System for Wastewater irrigated Energy Plantations)

Participants of the project:

Hydro-Air GMBH, Germany (coordinator);

Bioazul S. L., Spain;

Stab Tratamento de Aguas e Biotecnologia LDA, Portugal;

Munitsipaalasutus Karjäär, Estonia;

Antonio Ramos Fernandez, Spain;

Profactus Recycling & Heating BV, The Netherlands;

Estonian Agricultural University, Estonia;

Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland;

Technologie Transfer Zentrum Bremerhaven EV., Germany.

The aim of the WACOSYS-project is to develop, test and optimise a monitoring and control system (WACOSYS-system) for wastewater irrigation of SRP`s (short rotation plantations) which guarantees SRP-operators a safe and more efficient production of their plantations. That will strengthen the competitiveness of SRP produced biomass against other fuels and combustibles and will ensure compliance with European and national environmental legislation. The project will test the performance efficiency of the WACOSYS system for it’s practical and commercial application within existing SRPs working with different clones from willows and poplars under different climate conditions.

This new project enables to disseminate the methods used in the current project in practice of different EU countries. Business sector will also have better knowledge to perform several tasks in operating with vegetation filters in the future.

  1. BIOPROS (Solutions for the safe application of wastewater and sludge for high efficient biomass production in Short-Rotation-Plantations)

Participants of the project:

European Biomass Industry Association (beneficiary), Belgium.

Asociacion Agraria Jovenes Agricultores Granada, Spain;

Bulgarska Asociacia na Fermerite, Bulgaria;

Ulsters Farmers` Union, United Kingdom;

Krajowy Zwiazek Rolnikow Kolek i Organizacj Rolniczych, Poland;

Eestimaa Talupidajate Keskliit, Estonia;

Zwiazek Slaskich Rolnikow, Poland;

Confederazione Generale Dell`agricoltura Italiana, Italy;

Cz Biom – Ceske Sdruzeni pro Biomasu, Czech Republic;

Slovenska Asociacia pre Biomasu, Slovakia;

International Ecological Engineering Society, Switzerland;

Helmut Lamp, Germany;

Antonio Ramos Fernandez, Spain;

Grzegorz Plonka, Poland;

Ättevälja OÜ, Estonia;

Agroimpex LTD, Bulgaria;

Biomasa, Zdruzenie Pravnickych Osob, Zdruzenie (Zvaz Spolok), Slovakia;

Bioazul SL, Spain;

Laqua Treatment AB, Sweden;

ETA-Energia, Transporti, Agricoltura S.R.L., Italy;

Verein zur Foerderung des Technologietransfers and der Hochschule Bremerhaven EV, Germany;

Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Estonia;

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversiteit, Sweden;

Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura, Italy;

Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Poland.

The aim of the BIOPROS project is to gain knowledge about the economic, ecological and technical feasibility of SRPs for different local conditions and to transfer it to their SME members (farmers, engineers). This will contribute to promote SRP biomass production between SMEs throughout Europe. Main focus will lay on the safe and efficient application of wastewater and sludge to gurantee high yields and sufficient treatment performance without any negative environmental or hygienic impact. Lack of knowledge and prejudices against the application of human wastes by potential SRP-operators shall be minimised during the project as well as barriers against the general application of SRP-biomass.

This new project enables to gather information about usage of short rotation energy plantations for purification. We hope that the project will consist synergy in order to promote economically reasonable usage of renewable bioenergy.

National co-operation network:

Preparatory project for the State Program for the Different Usage of Renewable Sources of Energy

Participants of the project:

Estonian Agricultural University;

Estonian Handling Centre of Technical cultures:

Tallinn Technical University;

The aim of the project is to gather information about:

-EU and Estonian legislation about production of different energy crops and about renewable energy production;

-Growth possibilities and production of different plant species including oil-plant, ethanol-plants and biomass-for heating plants;

-Heat values and possible problems while using different plant species for energy production;

-Database of Estonian distant heating plants that are using biomass;

-Analyse of Tartu county land availability for biomass production and needs of the distant heating plants of the same county;

-Economic budget of producing energy from willow plantations.

The information will be analysed and suggestions will be made about activities that should be taken in order to promote usage of renewable energy from biomass in Estonia.

This project will give the basic information material in order to help the authorities and administrators of the Estonian Ministry of Environment and Estonian Ministry of Agriculture to design the prospects of activities to promote renewable energy production from the biomass.