N. Smith Knaresborough House

Clerk of the Council Knaresborough

North Yorkshire


Tel: (01423) 864080


18th February 2014

To: The Town Mayor and Members of Knaresborough Town Council

Dear Councillors:

I hereby summon you to the following meeting of KNARESBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL (PLANNING MATTERS) to be held at Knaresborough House, Knaresborough on:

MONDAY 24th February 2014

7.30 p.m. in the Council Chamber

Please see the Agenda for the meeting below:

Yours faithfully

N Smith

Clerk of the Council

Note: Members are reminded of the need to consider whether they have any personal or prejudicial interests to declare on any of the items on this agenda and, if so, the need to explain the reason(s) why.

Queries should be addressed to the Monitoring Officer Mr P Jordan 01423 556029

COUNCIL AGENDA for Planning Matters –24th February 2014

1. To receive Apologies for inability to attend the meeting

2. Councillors’ Declarations of Interests

3. KTC Public Speaking Session

4. To consider and if thought fit, approve as a correct record, the Minutes of:

4.1 Council Meeting held on Monday 10th February 2014 (ca)

5. Business remaining from previous meeting:

5.1 To consider proposed date change for Mayor Making – Friday 23rdMay 2014

6. To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations as may be appropriate:

Ref No: / Applicant: / Details of Application:
14/00372/FUL / Mr & Mrs R Hodgson / Change of Use from a Guest House to a dwelling – Munic Villa Hotel, 47 Kirkgate.
14/00396/FUL / Mr & Mrs N Dunlop / Erection of two storey and single storey extensions – 34 Woodpark Avenue.
14/00481/PNH / Mr Andrew Credland / Prior notification of change of use from office (B1) to Flat (C3) – Park House, 10 Park Square.
13/04890/FUL / Mr N Davy / Erection of elevated decking – 23 Stockwell Lane.
14/00473/FULMAJ / Broadacres Housing Association / Erection of 5 dwellings and 6 flats, formation of car parking and landscaping and demolition of existing dwelling (site area 0.17ha) – Ivy Cottage, Stockwell Lane.

* Item to be determined by Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) Head of Planning or Head of Planning/Chair of Planning Committee. ** Item to be determined by HBC’s Planning Committee

7. Planning Correspondence:

7.1 Planning Enforcement Notice(s) 1 (ca)

7.2 TPO 09/2014 - Stockwell House, 9 Stockwell Rd (ca)

8. To note the HBC Planning Committee Meeting – Tuesday 25th February, at 2.00 p.m. –

Council Offices, Crescent Gardens, Harrogate, at which the following applications for Knaresborough are to be discussed:

8.1 None for Knaresborough

9. Correspondence:

9.1 The following items are to be discussed:

9.1.1 Bus Subsidy Reduction Information – Email dated 10th February 2014

from Passenger Transport Team, North Yorkshire County Council (Knaresborough

Information (ca) whole document available in the meeting)

9.1.2 Minerals and Waste Joint Plan - Issues and Options Consultation (February - April 2014) - communication from Plans and Technical Services Team Leader, NYCC (letter (ca), booklet (available in the meeting), consultation document (on website NYCC))

9.1.3 Email from Dr Lodh re Ripley Road footpaths (ca)

9.2 The following items are to be tabled at the meeting:

9.2.1 Letter from Andrew Jones from MP dated 11 February concerning the gates at Knaresborough Train Station.

10. Reports from the Clerk:

10.1 Schedule of Accounts February 2014 (ca)

11. Information Exchange

Note: Members of the public and press are invited to attend the meeting as observers. Only Town Councillors are entitled to vote at the meetings. A list of Councillors is available on the Council’s website, and notice board at Knaresborough House. The Agenda papers may be examined and purchased at the Town Clerk’s office, Knaresborough House, Knaresborough (Monday – Friday 9 am – 12.30 pm)

A copy of the agenda in larger print is available on request.

Please contact the Clerk’s office during office hours which are (Monday – Friday 9am – 12.30 pm) if you have any queries or need further information on this Agenda (details above)

Emergency Procedures for Meetings – Fire

Details on fire evacuation procedures are displayed in the Council Chamber. Members and visitors are requested to familiarise themselves with these procedures and the location of fire exits, throughout the building.