Outset Teacher Education E-portfolio
Guide for Trainee Teachers
Please register via the University of Buckingham Moodle site. There you will find a button marked My E-portfolio. Once you have registered you will receive an automated email to confirm that your email address is accurate and activate your account. You cannot login until you have activated your account via this email. Occasionally spam filters block these emails so please check your spam if you do not receive the automated email within 10 minutes of registering.
Once your account is activated you will have access to your e-portfolio. The next time you access the e-portfolio via the University Moodle site you should be able to access your e-portfolio without a further login.
Home Page
Your welcome page should look something like this.
Change password
If you wish to change your password, click the link at the top right hand side of the page. Please note that a new password will need to be 6 or more characters in length and contain at leastone uppercase letter, one number and one non-alphanumeric character.
Once you access your portfolio the page will look something like this (after a while!):
On the left hand side you can see a list of all the people who can see your portfolio (other than Provider Administrators, who are not listed).
To add people to this list click the Share button. You may then give Read access to people who just wat to view your portfolio, or Read/Write access to people who can edit your portfolio and confirm your progress (such as your mentor and tutor).
The Standards Progress tracker shows your qualitative progress against the ITT descriptors for meeting the Teachers’ Standards. This graph only shows the progress that has been triangulated and confirmed by you and your mentor and tutor.
The Standards Evidencegraph shows the evidence that you have uploaded in relation to each Standard. If you click on the graph you can access this evidence.
Other Evidencecontains other evidence that you have uploaded (such as course documentation, summative reports etc) that is not presented as evidence in relation to individual Teachers’ Standards.
Click the blue Tracker button. This gives the detail of your progress against individual standards. Once you Meet the Standards, you must upload evidence to support your claims.
How to use the e-portfolio to identify targets and monitor your progress?
- Acknowledge your progress so far
Read the descriptors for each Standard carefully and discuss your progress with your mentor. If you meet the descriptor tick the icon on the tracker next to it and a tick will appear in the box marked T (for Teacher; the other boxes are M for Mentor and V for Verifier (your tutor)).
- Set targets
With your mentor, use the graphs on the portfolio home page and the tracker to help identify your targets for development. Remember, the graph on the left on the portfolio home page only shows the progress that has been triangulated and confirmed by you and your mentor and tutor; the detail for your progress in relation to each Standard can be seen on the Standards Tracker page. Targets should be identified in consultation with your mentor and you should then write up your progress against the targets on the appropriate documentation.
- Upload evidence
You will find templates at the bottom right hand side of your portfolio home page. Download and save the template that you need, complete it and then upload it to the Standards’ Trackerpage. You are advised to upload documents in relation to individual Teachers’ Standards as this will provide the best evidence of your progress against the Standards. For the first two levels – Familiarisationand Consolidation you do not need to upload evidence. However, once you claim to meet the Standard you must upload evidence to demonstrate this. Click the Add Evidence button and then click Please select evidence type choosing the type of evidence that best fits what you are uploading. Then navigate to find the evidence you wish to upload. Once you have uploaded the evidence will appear on the page. You will also be able to find it on your home portfolio page, both via the graph on the right and also under Other Evidence according to the type of evidence you identified.
If you wish to amend evidence after you have uploaded it, you will need to navigate to the page on which you uploaded it, download it, amend it and upload it again. You can delete the original by clicking the small x to the right of the page to which the document was originally uploaded. You need tofirst select an evidence type before the files box becomes active and you can click the x.
Once you have uploaded the evidence, remember to tick the icon so that you can move to the next level. If you make a mistake you can click the icon next to the individual
statement to remove the tick.
- Review progress and identify new targets
As you progress new targets will emerge. It has often been said that great teachers are reflective practitioners. Use the descriptors on the Standards Tracker to review your progress and reflect on both your achievements and areas for further development. The more detail you include in relation to pupils’ learning and progress, the better. As you progress spend more time reflecting on the progress of the pupils; who is making good progress and what more can you do to help others? Don’t be afraid to include case studies and examples of what you have done to ensure good pupil progress, especially in relation to Standards 2, 5 and 6.
- Upload reports
At Assessment Points, you, your mentor and tutor must upload summative reports. You will find templates for Summative Reports at the bottom right hand side of your portfolio home page. Download and save the template that you need, complete it and then upload it to the Standards’ Trackerpage. The final tab on the Standards Tracker is entitled Summative Reports. Click this, find the correct Assessment Point and then click Please select evidence typeand select Assessment/Summative Reports. Click Select ‘Assessment/Summative Reports’ report and then navigate to find the completed report you wish to upload. Once you have uploaded the report it will appear on the page and also under Other Evidence on the trainee’s portfolio home page.
Outset Teacher Education
August 2016