High HamHeadteacher:

LangportMrs Jane Rosser DipHE,

SomersetBEd Hons, MA, NPQH

TA10 9BY

Tel: (01458) 250735

Fax: (01458) 252748

Wednesday 16th June 2010

School Structure and Staffing Updates for 2010/2011

Dear Parents/Guardians

I am writing to let you know the staffing and class structure for the next academic year. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, I am in school and available all day

tomorrow – please give me a ring or pop in.

Last week we held the new parent’s evening for Reception parents and therefore I am now in a position to set the class structure for the year. Next week the children will be working for a session with their new class teacher and your child will be told who their new teacher is tomorrow.

For the last few years we have had small Reception classes which has meant we needed to have a R/1 class. However, this year we have 28 pupils starting and therefore we will have a purely Reception class. The stability in the numbers in the other classes throughout the school means the classes will move on as a whole class. For example, Ash will become Cedar, Cedar will become Elm, Elm will become Maple, Maple will become Oak and Oak will obviously become Willow.

This class structure will remain in place for the whole of the 2010/2011 academic year and then we will review it depending on how many pupils are joining Reception in September 2011. The class structure is not set in stone and will always reflect the current numbers of pupils on roll. As I know you are already aware, your child continues with the next steps of their education regardless which class they are in.

We also have changes regarding the staffing structure. Mrs Edwards is continuing with the final year of ‘Every Child Counts’ programme and consequently will be teaching part-time. Therefore we will sadly be saying farewell to Mrs Tiller who has worked really hard in Elm class this year. Mrs Tiller had a one year contract to work full time at High Ham and I am sure you will all join me in thanking her and wishing her the best as she develops her teaching career. To accommodate the needs of the funded maths programme we are restructuring some of the staffing positions for one year. Mrs Targett will be working full-time and Miss Peach will be in school for part of two additional days. Mr Tom Thayer will also be leaving having completed his GTP (Graduate Teacher Programme) year andwe wish him well in his new post in Bridgwater. Next year we will employ another GTP: Mrs Katharine Burleton who is currently working at Brookside in Street. We are also really lucky to have Mrs Rosie Thorner joining the High Ham team from September on a permanent basis for two afternoons a week. Mrs Thorner is an experienced PE teacher and is an expert in her field. Not only will she be teaching some PE lessons but she will also develop whole school sport across the curriculum as well as extra curricular activities. We are also working with ‘JB’s Music’ who will be teaching whole class music sessions from year two upwards. This will involve some whole class teaching of musical instruments and details of this will follow in the Autumn term.

As you can see we have lots of exciting changes which I have summarised below;

Class / Year Group / Teacher / Notes / Classroom
Ash / Rec / Mrs Frost / One afternoon a week Mrs Burleton will teach the class / Where Ash are now
Cedar / 1 and 2 / Ms Carroll / One afternoon a week Mrs Burleton will teach the class / Where Cedar are now
Elm / 2 and 3 / Mrs Targett / Although these teachers are changing year groups they are both highly skilled and experienced in their new year groups / Where Maple are now
Maple / 3 and 4 / Mrs Redwood / Where Elm are now
Oak / 5 / Miss Peach and Mrs Edwards / Mrs Burleton will also be working with both classes throughout the week and will attend both residentials. Mrs Edwards and Miss Peach will be going to Kilve. Mrs Wills and Mrs Harris will be going to Pinkery. / Where Oak are now (Main school)
Willow / 6 / Mrs Wills / Where Willow are now (Main school)

Your child’s class teacher is currently writing their end of year reports which will be sent home on Friday 9th July. During the week after the reports are sent home you can make an appointment to see them if you have any outstanding issues you wish to discuss.

I hope this new structure makes sense, should you have any questions/queries/concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Jane Rosser
