Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Crystal Brewer Date: October 15, 2014 (3 groups)

Activity: Lesson 1- STEP UP to Better Grades

Grade(s):3rd & 4th

School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:

The number of students in grades 3-8 with a failing grade on their report card for the 1st or 2nd 6-week grading period will be reduced by 50 % at the end of the 1st semester.

ASCA Student Standards addressed:

A:A1.2, A:A1.4, A:A1.5, A:A2.1, A:A2.2, A:A3.5, A:B1.1, AB1.3, C:A1.4, C:A1.7C:C2.3, PS:A1.1, PS:A1.6, PS:A1.9, PS:A2.6, PS:B1.2, PS:B1.11

Learning Objective(s):

Students will gain on overview of good study habits and an introduction to STEP-UP to Better Grades


1.Book: STEP UP to Better Grades by Robin Zorn

2. dry erase board (classroom)

3.dry erase markers(classroom)

4.copies of pre/post-test

5.pencils (student’s)

6.folders for students



The school counselor will distribute the pre/post-test (Appendix A) to the students and ask them to answer the questions.


The counselor will begin the session by going over the behavioral expectations for the group. (Appendix B) The counselor will ask the students to raise their hands if they would like to receive better grades in school. The counselor will draw steps on the dry erase board and have students guess what they are seeing. She will then ask the students what steps are used for. (They are used to get somewhere, to climb up). She will discuss with the students how some steps are short and some are long. She will then share with the students that they are going to learn some study habits by going up STEPS. The counselor will then write the words STEP UP along the steps. The counselor will tell the students that each letter represents a different study habit that they will be learning to help them succeed in school


The counselor will ask the students what a habit is and then lead the students in a discussion about good habits and bad habits. She will share that research tells us that it usually takes 21 days of doing something for it to become a habit, so developing good study habits will take motivation and effort from them. The counselor will then pass out the Good Study Habits worksheet and ask the students to take a few minutes to brainstorm at least 3 things they believe are good study habits. They should write at least one answer on each car. After the students have completed the worksheet, they will share their answers with the groups and the counselor will compile a list on the white board. The counselor will then read the story of Molly and Tom’s Career from the book “STEP UP to Better Grades” to the students. The students will then answer the following questions:

Who had bad study habits?

What were some of the poor study habits Molly had in the story?

What were some of the good habits Tom had in the story?

What kind of career do Molly and Tom have?

Who is their supervisor?

Who do you think will get selected to do the very important task?


The school counselor will instruct the students to place their worksheet into their folders and place their folders into the designated space.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: The number of students who participate in the group will be documented by the school counselor.

Perception Data: The school counselor will conduct a pre/post-test in order to determine a change in attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

Outcome Data: The first and second 6-week failure report will be compared with the semester failure report to examine the number of students who increase their failing grades to passing grades by the conclusion of the first semester.


Pre Test

Appendix A

(Adapted from STEP UP to Better Grades by Robin Zorn)

Question / Yes / No
  1. I have a quiet place at home to study and do my homework.

  1. I bring all necessary materials to class with me daily (pencil, paper, book, etc.)

  1. I do my homework and projects ahead of time instead of waiting until the last minute.

  1. I pay attention in class.

  1. I follow directions in class the first time they are given.

  1. I hand in my homework on time.

  1. I study for tests using different techniques.


(Appendix B)

  1. Come to group and be on time.
  2. Be respectful
  3. Do not talk while Mrs. Brewer is talking
  4. Follow directions and Stay on Task
  5. Do not talk about other people’s business that you learn about in group.

Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Crystal Brewer Date: October 22, 2014 (3 groups)

Activity: Lesson 2- SPACE- having a good study space

Grade(s):3rd & 4th

School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:

The number of students in grades 3-8 with a failing grade on their report card for the 1st or 2nd 6-week grading period will be reduced by 50 % at the end of the 1st semester.

ASCA Student Standards addressed:

A:A1.2, A:A1.5, A:A2.2, A:A3.1, A:A3.2, A:A3.5, A:B1.1, AB1.3,A:B1.4, C:A1.4, C:C2.3, PS:A1.1, PS:A1.2, PS:A1.6, PS:A1.8, PS:A1.9, PS:A2.6, PS:B1.2, PS:B1.11

Learning Objective(s):

Students will learn the importance of keeping their homework space free from distractions.


1.Book: STEP UP to Better Grades by Robin Zorn

2. dry erase board (classroom)

  1. dry erase markers(classroom)
  2. copies of pre/post-test
  3. pencils (student’s)
  4. folders for students
  5. Do’s and Don’ts Cards (copied from book)
  6. Copies of My Study Space Activity Sheet
  7. 2 sets of index cards with each containing a letter to spell Responsibility



The counselor will begin the session by going over the behavioral expectations for the group. (Appendix B) The counselor will remind the students that we will be learning the 6 study habits to help them STEP UP to better grades. She will then draw the steps on white board and place an S on the bottom step. She will say the s stands for “Space” and then she will write the word next to the step. She will ask the students what space has to do with study habits. She will share that having a good and quiet space at home to study and do their homework is important to them doing their best in school.


The school counselor will then tell the students that she is going to show them a series of cards. Each card will have a picture of something that is a “do” or “don’t” for a good study space. The students are to tell her if the picture shows a do or don’t as she calls on them. The counselor will show the cards and ask different students to tell whether it is a “do” or “don’t” and why. The counselor will then give each student a copy of the My Study Space worksheet and ask them to take a few minutes to complete the sheet. They are to place an X on anything that should NOT be in their study space and circle anything that should. Once the students are finished, the counselor will lead that students in a discussion about which items should have been circled and which should have been crossed out. The counselor will then instruct the students to place the worksheet in their folder and she will divide the group in half. Give each group a group of mixed up index cards and tell them that they are to work together to see who can spell the word the fastest. Once a group has correctly spelled the word “RESPONSIBILITY” tell the students that knowing what they should do and actually doing it are two different things. Ask who is responsible for making sure they have a good study space at home. Ask what some other areas are that they might need to take responsibility for?


The school counselor will instruct the students to place their folders into the designated space.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: The number of students who participate in the group will be documented by the school counselor.

Perception Data: The school counselor will conduct a pre/post-test in order to determine a change in attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

Outcome Data: The first and second 6-week failure report will be compared with the semester failure report to examine the number of students who increase their failing grades to passing grades by the conclusion of the first semester.

Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Crystal Brewer Date: October 29, 2014 (3 groups)

Activity: Lesson 3- TOOLS- Staying organized

Grade(s):3rd & 4th

School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:

The number of students in grades 3-8 with a failing grade on their report card for the 1st or 2nd 6-week grading period will be reduced by 50 % at the end of the 1st semester.

ASCA Student Standards addressed:

A:A1.2, A:A1.4, A:A1.5, A:A2.1, A:A2.2, A:A3.1, A:A3.2, A;A3.4, A:A3.5, A:B1.1, AB1.3, C:A1.4, C:A1.7, C:C2.3, PS:A1.1, PS:A1.6, PS:A1.9, PS:A2.6, PS:B1.2, PS:B1.11

Learning Objective(s):

Students will learn the important tools of a student.


1.Book: STEP UP to Better Grades by Robin Zorn

2. dry erase board (classroom)

  1. dry erase markers(classroom)
  2. pencils (student’s)
  3. folders for students
  4. toolbox with school supplies
  5. Copies of Name that Tool Activity Sheet
  6. Copies of What Happened to My Grade Worksheet



The counselor will begin the session by going over the behavioral expectations for the group. (Appendix B) The counselor willremind the students that we will be learning the 6 study habits to help them STEP UP to better grades. She will then draw the steps on white board and place an S and T on the bottom steps. She will say the s stands for “Space” and then she will write the word next to the step. She will say t stands for “Tools” and she will write the word next to the step. She will ask the students what the tools used by different professionals: doctors, construction workers, chefs. She will then ask the students what are the tools of a student. She will show the students the toolbox and some of the school supplies in it and discuss how each of these items is important for their success.


The school counselor will give each student a student planner and show them how they are to be completed. She will discuss with them the importance of writing down assignments and test dates. She will talk with them about how important it is to plan ahead for school assignments. The school counselor will tell the students that many students find themselves with a failing grade because they receive one or two bad grades for assignments they don’t turn in. The school counselor will give each student a copy of the worksheet “What Happened to My Grade” and have them work to figure out the averages. She will lead the group in a discussion of how one bad grade can hurt their average. She will then give the students a copy of the “Name that Tool Crossword” worksheet and then have them work independently for a few minutes before working together as a group and sharing answers.


The school counselor will instruct the students to place their folders into the designated space.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: The number of students who participate in the group will be documented by the school counselor.

Perception Data: The school counselor will conduct a pre/post-test in order to determine a change in attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

Outcome Data: The first and second 6-week failure report will be compared with the semester failure report to examine the number of students who increase their failing grades to passing grades by the conclusion of the first semester.

Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Crystal Brewer Date: November 12, 2014 (3 groups)

Activity: Lesson 4- ENDING- Goal Setting and Prioritizing

Grade(s):3rd & 4th

School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:

The number of students in grades 3-8 with a failing grade on their report card for the 1st or 2nd 6-week grading period will be reduced by 50 % at the end of the 1st semester.

ASCA Student Standards addressed:

A:A1.2, A:A1.5, A:A2.2, A:A3.2, A:A3.5, A:B1.1,A;B1.2, AB1.3, AC:1.4, C:A1.3, C:A1.4, C:A1.6, C:A1.7, C:C2.3, PS:A1.1, PS:A1.3, PS:A1.9, PS:A1.10, PS:A2.6, PS:B1.9, PS:B1.10, PS:B1.12

Learning Objective(s):

Students will learn the importance of setting goals.


1.Book: STEP UP to Better Grades by Robin Zorn

2. dry erase board (classroom)

  1. dry erase markers(classroom)
  2. pencils (student’s)
  3. folders for students
  4. Copies of Beginning to Ending Worksheet Cards
  5. Copies of Long and Short
  6. Copies of The Future is Mine Worksheet
  7. Beach ball



The counselor will begin the session by going over the behavioral expectations for the group. (Appendix B) The counselor willremind the students that we will be learning the 6 study habits to help them STEP UP to better grades. She will then draw the steps on white board and place an S, T, and E on the bottom steps. She will remind the students what the S and T stand for and write the corresponding word and then tell them that E stands for “Ending” and write the word. She will tell the students that in order to get somewhere, you have to know where you are going. It is important to think about what the “ending” is that they have in mind. It is important that students have short-term and long-term goals. The counselor will discuss some different short-term and long-term goals that the students might set for themselves.


The school counselor will write the word SMART on the board vertically and tell the students that a good goal is a SMART goal. The counselor will discuss what each letter represents and write it on the board: S- specific, M-measurable, A-achievable, R-realistic, and T-Timely. The counselor will have the students move to an open space and tell them we are going to make a SMART goal by trying to keep the beach ball in the air for 20 hits without dropping it. The counselor will let the students work to complete the activity and then lead a discussion about whether it was a SMART goal. The counselor will then divide the students into 2 groups and give them each a set of “Beginning to Ending- Doing the Laundry” cards. She will ask them to work in their groups to try to put the items in order as quickly as possible. After the students have completed the activity, the counselor will discuss with them the importance of doing things in the correct order. The counselor will pass out the “Now and Later” worksheet and ask the students to work independently to complete items 1-4. After the students are finished, the group will discuss priorities and how it is important for students to learn to set priorities in order to achieve their goals. The students will then be instructed to place the worksheet in their folders and will be given a copy of “The Future is Mine” worksheet. The students will be instructed to write or draw 3 things they imagine they will have accomplished by the time they graduate from high school. The students will be allowed to share their answers with the group if they choose to do so.


The school counselor will instruct the students to place their worksheets in their folders and place their folders in the designated space.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: The number of students who participate in the group will be documented by the school counselor.

Perception Data: The school counselor will conduct a pre/post-test in order to determine a change in attitudes, skills, and knowledge.

Outcome Data: The first and second 6-week failure report will be compared with the semester failure report to examine the number of students who increase their failing grades to passing grades by the conclusion of the first semester.

Lesson Plan

School Counselor: Crystal Brewer Date: November 19, 2014 (3 groups)

Activity: Lesson 5- Pay Attention

Grade(s):3rd & 4th

School Counseling Program Goal(s) addressed:

The number of students in grades 3-8 with a failing grade on their report card for the 1st or 2nd 6-week grading period will be reduced by 50 % at the end of the 1st semester.

ASCA Student Standards addressed:

A:A1.1, A:A1.2, A:A1.5, A:A2.2, A:A3.2, A:A3.5, A:B1.1, AB1.3, C:C2.3, PS:A1.1, PS:A1.6, PS:A1.9, PS:A2.6, PS:A2.7, PS:B1.2

Learning Objective(s):

Students will learn the importance paying attention.


1.Book: STEP UP to Better Grades by Robin Zorn

2. dry erase board (classroom)

  1. dry erase markers(classroom)
  2. pencils (student’s)
  3. folders for students
  4. Bean bags



The counselor will begin the session by going over the behavioral expectations for the group. (Appendix B). She will then draw the steps on white board and place an S, T, E, and P on the bottom steps. She will remind the students what the S, T, and E stand for and write the corresponding word and then tell them that P stands for “Pay Attention” and write the words by the corresponding step. The counselor will lead the students in a discussion about what it looks like, sounds like, and feels like to pay attention. She will discuss the importance of not just “looking” like you are paying attention in class.


The school counselor will give each student a bean bag and tell them that she is going to read them a story. Their job is to listen carefully and each time they hear the word “right” they are to pass the bean bag to the person on their right and every time they hear the word “left” they are to pass the bean bag to the person on the left. The counselor will read the story as the students pass the bean bags. After the story, the counselor will ask a series of questions to see how well the students actually remember the story. The counselor will then lead a discussion about how difficult it can be to pay attention when we are focusing on something that is not related to what the teacher is trying to tell us. The counselor will then tell the students to stand by their chairs. She will lead them in an activity called “which one” where she will give them 4 different directions and then tell them which number direction they are to act out. Following the activity, the counselor will lead the group in a discussion of how it takes focus and concentration to pay attention in class sometimes.