Advanced Algebra II w/Trigonometry Grading Policy
Mr. Halstater
“Grades are a necessary evil of High School”
–K. Halstater
Your grade in this class will be determined by dividing the number of points you have earned on each assessment by the total number of possible points that could have been earned in each marking period.
There are 4 types of assessments:
1)Tests – generally between 80 and 120 points each. Tests will be announced in class, giving you plenty of time to prepare. There are generally 2 or more tests per marking period that serve as a culmination of numerous, larger ideas.
2)Quizzes – generally between 30 and 80 points each. Quizzes will be announced and will be cover less material than a test. The number of quizzes will vary each quarter depending on the number of small ideas per chapter.
3)Homework Checks – generally between 5 and 15 points. While homework will be checked daily, not every assignment will be included in your grade. The number of graded homework checks will vary with the overall work ethic of the class and number of assignments per quarter. The safest bet is to do your homework, not because it might be graded, but becausecompleting homework is the single, best way to ensure your success in class.
4)Classwork/Preparedness – this will be assigned at the end of each quarter. Generally, you will receive 20 or 40 points if you participate in class, have all of your class materials each day and go to the board on a regular basis. Your classwork grade will drop if you are unprepared, not participating in or late* to class.Some, but not all, examples of being unprepared are: no pen or pencil, no notebook, no paper in your notebook, no calculator on a day when you are asked to bring one, not taking notes, not making corrections on homework assignments, quizzes or tests we are going over in class. You may lose points for other actions as well, however I will clearly outline my expectations before any deductions take place.
This should be a free 100% towards your grade, but if you do all your work and rarely or never participate in class your classwork grade will not increase or decrease you overall grade.
*The number of points lost for being late to class will increase as the number of times a student is late to class increases as this will lead to an exponential loss of information due to missing discussions and class time, the others do not go up in value as the year progresses
If you have any questions regarding the grading policy or your specific grades, see me as soon as possible. I will try to assist you the best I can.