Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board: June 2017 Update
“Through mutual trust, strong leadership, and shared values, we will improve the health and wellbeing of Surrey people”
About the Health and Wellbeing Board
Surrey’s Health and Wellbeing Board is a forum for health and social care leaders in Surrey to come together and improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Surrey. The Board holds a meeting in public or a business meeting in private every month. It has several responsibilities:
Leadership: The Board leads partners in improving the health and care of Surrey residents
Integration: The Board encourages health and social care organisations to work together and produce more joined-up, co-ordinated services.
Understanding Needs: The Board identifies the health and social care needs of Surrey’s residents. This information informs its strategy.
The Health and Wellbeing Board: June 2017
The Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board held a public meeting on 1 June 2017. This update provides a summary of the meeting.
What was discussed:
- Board business:
-Update on Better Care Fund Graduation
-Partnership Board protocol
-Board Membership changes
- Case Study: Young carers in Surrey schools
- Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board Communications and Engagement update
- Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016
Who was there:
Councillor Helyn Clack(co-chair), Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and Health, Surrey County Council
Dr David Eyre-Brook, Guildford & Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group
Ruth Hutchison, Surrey County Council
Sue Robertson, North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group
Tom Kealey, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
Andy Brooks, Surrey Heath Clinical Commissioning Group
Eileen Clark, Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group
Peter Gordon, Healthwatch Surrey
Councillor Clare Curran, Cabinet Member for Children
Jane Dempster, North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group
Heidi Fahy, East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group
David Munro, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner
Jamie Gault, CEO, Action for Carers Surrey
John Bangs, Carers’ Strategy and Development Manager, Surrey County Council
Simon Turpitt, Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board
Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager
Board Business
Presented by:
Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager
What was discussed:
Update on Better Care Fund Graduation
Following on from the April Health & Wellbeing Board discussion, an Expression of Interest for Surrey to graduate from the current Better Care Fund programme oversight was submitted to NHS England, after being signed off by all partners of the Health & Social Care Integration Board. A draft version was circulated to all Health & Wellbeing Board members for comment, and the final version was distributed also. We hope to hear about the success of this application after the General Election, but before the end of June. If we are successful, we will be among the first 6-10 systems nationally who are able to evidence enough local maturity to deliver on the conditions of the BCF, though manage its own assurance and oversight.
Partnership Board protocol
Following a request by the Police and Crime Commissioner the Partnership Board protocol has been amended to add the Local Criminal Justice Board. The revised protocol was circulated to Board Members ahead of the meeting for approval.
Board Membership changes
Both Peter Waddell and John Kingsbury have stepped down from their roles as the Leaders of Runnymede Borough Council and Woking Borough Council respectively. This means that they have both relinquished their roles as representatives on the Health and Wellbeing Board. Two new Members will be appointed from among the Surrey Leaders’ Group at the end of the month and so the Board will return to full Membership. The Board would like to thank both Peter and John for the valuable contribution they have each made to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
What was agreed:
The Board agreed to the changes made to the partnership protocol.
Case Study: Young carers in Surrey schools
Presented by:
Jamie Gault, CEO, Action for Carers Surrey
John Bangs, Carers’ Strategy and Development Manager, Surrey County Council
What was discussed:
The Board heard about the work taking place in Surrey Schools to improve identification and support of young carers including through the development of a new play “People Like Us”. This was delivered in 15 Surrey Schools and seen by about 3000 young people and also by over 150 education, health and social care professionals. A high quality filmed version has been made to help disseminate this in Surrey Schools and more widely and will provide a valuable resource for awareness raising.
What was agreed:
The Board commended the work that has been undertaken for young carers and endorsed the approach of encouraging Surrey schools and colleges to make use of the resource and to work together with staff from health, social care and Action for Carers’ Surrey Young Carers to identify and support young carers.
Surrey Health and Wellbeing Board
Communications and Engagement update
Presented by:
Victoria Heald, Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager
What was discussed:
The Board was presented with an update on activity and progress relating to communications and engagement, provided support for overcoming current challenges and endorsed the next steps.
The Board heard of the successful co-ordination of the winter 2016/17 campaign and how the Health and Wellbeing Board Communications and Engagement Sub-group has developed a co-ordinated summer campaign.
The Board recognised the challenge regarding a reliance on online channels of communication. Suggestions to reach residents other than social media included: waiting area screens in GP practices, hospitals, office receptions, making use of patient participation groups, Family Information Services. The Board requested further information to understand the communication channels used and the residents these reach e.g. the number of materials distributed, who to and how many.
What was agreed:
- The Board noted the achievements regarding communications and engagement since December 2016 and endorsed the activity of the Health and Wellbeing Board Communications and Engagement Sub-Group over the next 6 months
- For the Communications and Engagement Sub-Group to evaluate the distribution of off-line materials and to produce a diagram outlining channels of communication and engagement.
- The Board agreed to a further update on communications and engagement in December 2017 to include feedback of off-line materials distributed during the joint summer campaign.
Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016
Presented by:
Simon Turpitt, Independent Chair, Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board
What was discussed:
The Independent Chair of the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) presents the SSAB Annual Report each year. This item informed Health and Wellbeing Board members of progress in implementing the SSAB Annual Plan and priorities for the following year.
The SSAB seeks to assure itself of the effectiveness of safeguarding adults in its area. SSAB has an independent chair whose primary duty is to ensure that the main statutory agencies work together to improve practices which protect and promote the safety of adults at risk of abuse and neglect in Surrey. It was agreed that it is very important for the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board to continue to work together in a collaborative way in order to have a understanding of the range of abuse and neglect issues that can affect adults and of the importance of balancing safeguarding with empowerment, as required by the Care Act.
What was agreed:
- The Health and Wellbeing Board considered and noted the Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report Executive Summary
- Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to work to identify opportunities for the two Boards to work jointly to achieve shared priorities.
Spotlight on: New combined NHS 111 and GP Out-of Hours service in Surrey
Time to get involved.
If you are a resident in Surrey, you are invited to help us shape plans to procure a new combined service for NHS 111 and GP Out-of-Hours. We would like to hear your views and experiences of the current services and what changes you would like to make if you had the opportunity to. We want to make sure we provide the very best care for the Surrey population and your feedback will help us ensure the new providers are committed to meeting the needs and aspirations of the population.
What is happening at the moment?
NHS England has issued new Integrated Urgent Care Guidance that stipulates GP Out-of-Hours and NHS 111 should be an integrated service. For this reason, along with the fact that both contracts are coming to an end across Surrey in March 2019, North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), in partnership with CCGs in East Surrey, Guildford and Waverley and Surrey Downs have decided to jointly procure the new service for these respective areas.
Why get involved?
We want to make sure that the new service reflects the needs of our population and includes the views of the public, as well as organisations across health and social care, local government and the voluntary sector. We launched an extensive engagement campaign in June 2017, talking to colleagues across the system on how we can work together to ensure the best outcomes for our population. We are also reaching out to the public with a wide spread series of events around town centres in Surrey.
This is a real opportunity to make this service, that already rates in the top 15% in the country, even better. But we need your help and valuable feedback to do this. After all, the service is for you!
Ways to get involved
Take a survey Please share your views with us by taking the online survey. Alternatively, please email us to request a freepost printed copy.
Meet us
We will be visiting town centres across Surrey throughout June and July. Please visit our website for more information. Our team will be happy to talk to you about our plans and listen to any feedback that you may have.
Work with us
Do you work in the health, social care, voluntary or local government sectors? If so, please feel free to contacton discuss how your organisation can be involved.
What the Board will focus on next
The Board will hold a business meeting in private on 6 July 2017. Items on the agenda include:
- Update on measures to reduce police attendance at acute trust sites in Surrey
- Healthwatch Surrey Annual Report
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- Health and Wellbeing Board review
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Read the minutes
To read the minutes of previous formal Board meetings, visit the Surrey County Council Website:
Attend the board meetings
The Board regularly holds meetings in public. Anyone is welcome to observe these meetings, and ask the Board members questions about the items discussed. To find out details of the next meeting, visit the Board’s page on the Surrey County Council website:
If you have any questions or comments about this update, please contact us:
Phone: 03456 009 009
Text: 07527 182 861