Section 1 - Name
This organization, originally founded as the Maryland Recreation Society in 1948, and subsequently entitled the Maryland Recreation and Parks Society, Inc. in 1959 shall be known and distinguished as and shall be the MARYLAND RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED, hereinafter referred to as the Corporation, and affiliate of the NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARK ASSOCIATION.
Section 2 - Definition of “Recreation and Parks”
The term "Recreation and Parks" includes, but is not limited to service to the total citizenry for its enjoyment, health, and general well-being through the continuous provision and upgrading of areas, facilities, leadership and programs that will enhance the recreational and parks pursuits of all mankind. It includes areas and programs administered for recreation and park purposes by: all levels of government,; private, semi-private, organizations and institutions, , agencies serving' youth, serving agencies; therapeutic recreation and inclusion services,; commercial establishments; as wellveil as the recreational and parks pursuits of families and individuals.
It also includes the acquisition, conservation, preservation and restoration of physical and natural resources. It includes the education of lay and professional individuals for the wise use of leisure by the collection and the dissemination of information to keep pace with the cultural, and recreational, and parks, natural resource sites and the community service needs of our changing society.
Section 3 - Territory of Operations
The territory in which the Corporation shall operate is the State of Maryland within the United States of America.
Section 4 - Registered Office
A. The registered office of the Corporation shall be the current legal address of the Department of Natural Resources. The Board of Directors is empowered, by exception, to change by amendment to this section, the location of the registered office within the State of Maryland.
B. An administrative office may be designated by the Board of Directors within the State of Maryland. The Board of Directors hereby is granted the empowered to change the location of the administrative office, as well as and the Board is further granted the power to establish and discontinue other offices at places where the Corporation is qualified to do business.
C. The corporate agent of the Corporation upon whom the process of said corporation may be served is the elected Secretary Treasurer of the Corporation.
Section 5 - Seal
A. The meaning of the Corporation emblem and colors is as follows:
THE OUTER CIRCLE represents the all-encompassing opportunities of recreation and parks.
THE OCTAGON represents eight basic leisure services:
1. Volunteerism/Service Opportunities (e.g., serving on boards, coaching, service learning)
2. Special Events/Social Recreation (e.g., parties, festivals, tournamentslarge and small special events)
3. Music and Dance (e.g., performance, instruction, listening, all types of dancing) and Drama (films, movies, puppets, reenactments, theatre, drama clubs)
4. Sports and Games (e.g., competitive, leagues, individual, team sports)
5. Visual Arts/Arts and Crafts (e.g., ceramics, photography, jewelry making, cooking, painting, sculpture)
6. Outdoor Recreation Nature/Environmental Activities (e.g., camping, nature crafts and activities, education, team building course)
7. Self Improvement/Hobbies/Leisure Education (e.g., stress management, how-to classes, collecting, gardening) and Cognitive and Literacy Endeavors (creative writing, book clubs, museums)
8. Trips, and tTours and tTourism (e.g., day trips, field trips, adventure tourism)
1) Outdoor Recreation; 2) Social Recreation; 3) Sports, Athletics and Games;
4) Performing and Visual Arts; 5) Parks and Recreation Facilities; 6) Special Events;
7) Tourism; 8) Reading, Writing, Speaking and Hobbies.
THE COLOR GREEN represents nature and the presence of life.
THE COLOR GOLD represents the importance and value of recreation and parks.
THE COLORS RED AND BLACK represent Maryland's Coat of Arms.
THE DATE 1948 represents the establishment of the Corporation.
B. The Corporation may approve additional identification (such as logos) of individual branches. This identification shall be approved by the Board of Directors after official request by the Branch officers. On approval, the specific description shall become a part of the Branch CharterConstitution and By-Laws. All such identification and/or insignia shall specifically incorporate the name of the Corporation by either the approved full name, or by the approved initials, “MRPA”.
Section 1 - Purposes
The particular purposes for which the Corporation is formed are as follows:
A. To organize all professional recreation, parks, conservation and leisure services personnel into one Corporation in the State of Maryland.
B. To organize only persons, students, and allied personnel whose interests are commensurate with recreation, parks, conservation and leisure services principles and practices into one Corporation in the State of Maryland.
C. To formally affiliate with and conform to stipulations contained in the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Recreation and Parks Association.
D. To communicate and cooperate with organizations, governments, industries and agencies having similar or related interests in establishment, maintenance and development of systems for delivery of leisure services.
E. To gather and disseminate information relative to recreation, parks, conservation and leisure servicesd to the membership and to the public through research and publication.
F. To provide opportunities for training and advancement of professional, lay and allied personnel and students in recreation, parks, conservation and leisure services through sponsorship and conduct of training sessions, workshops and conferences.
G. To identify problems in the leisure services fields and to propose solutions in areas of concern to the general membership as wellveil as to the general public served.
H. To do anything necessary and proper for the accomplishment of any objectives herein set forth or which shall be recognized as proper and lawful objectives of service--all of which shall be consistent with the public interest.
I. To operate for charitable, scientific, educational liaison and advocacy purposes, consistent with the current Internal Revenue Code approved as appropriate and pertinent to Corporation functions.
Section 2 - Powers
In the pursuit of these purposes, but not in limitation thereof, the Corporation shall be authorized:
A. To collect and disseminate statistics and other information.
B. To recommend and adopt.
C. To conduct investigations and research, and submit reports with reference to methods.
D. To advance lawful and fair practices, customs, and usages.
E. To further professional and vocational training and education of those connected with or desirous of becoming affiliated with the field of recreation and parks.
F. To disseminate information of a general economic, social, and governmental character, to analyze subjects relating thereto, and present the views of the members to other organizations, the government, and the public.
G. To collect revenues and pay expenses related to the business of the organization.
H. To incur debt.
Section 1 - Corporate Membership
The incumbent officers of the Corporation shall also serve as the Trustees of the Corporation.
Section 2 - Other Membership
Any person, organizations, agency or firm interested in or in support of the recreation and parks movement may become a member of the Corporation provided hereinafter or in the By-Laws, Article I
Section I - Election
The officers of the Corporation shall be President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer, and Secretary-Treasurer-E elect, and Secretary. The Officers shall be elected by the members of the Corporation as provided in the By-Laws.
Section 2 - Installation
The Officers of the Corporation shall be installed at the Annual Meeting, as provided in the By-Laws.
Section 3 - Term of Officers
The Officers shall hold office for one (1) year and until their successors are elected and assume office. The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall be succeeded by the duly elected Secretary-TPresdient-Elect and Treasurer-Elect, respectively, as provided in the By-Laws. The Officers shall have the usual powers and duties of such offices, as provided in the By-Laws.
Section 4 - Vacancies
The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill vacancies in any said office for unexpired terms, with the exception of the offices of President-Elect and Treasurer. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Secretary-Treasurer, the Secretary-Treasurer-Elect shall assume the office, and be entitled to complete the unexpired term, as well as, his/her own term as Secretary -Treasurer. Should the office of President-Elect become vacant, there shall be a special election conducted by special nominating and election committees in the most expedient manner possible. The new incumbent for the vacancy shall be elected by members of the Corporation as provided in the By-Laws.
In the event of a vacancy for the position of Immediate Past President, the Board of Directors shall select the most recent Immediate Past President who is willing to accept the responsibilities of the unexpired term.
Section 1 - Members
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Officers and, the Chairsman of each special interest Branch, and the Chairman of the MRPA/MARC Delegation, all of whom shall be Active Members of the Corporation.
Section 2 - Eligibility
Membership on the Board of Directors shall be consistent with the definition of membership classification as stated in the By-Laws.
Section 3 -Duties
The Board of Directors shall conduct the business of the Corporation as provided herein and in the By-Laws. The Board of Directors shall act upon requests of the Special Interest Branches and Committees, shall be accountable to and shall make periodic reports to the Executive Council and General Membership.
Section 4 - Absence
Any members of the Board of Directors absent from a meeting shall communicate with the President or Vice Presidentof Secretary stating the reason for - the absence. In the event there are three (3) consecutive unexcused absences on the part of any member of the Board of Directors, that position may be declared vacant by the Board of Directors
Section 1 - General
The Executive Council shall be comprised of the Board of Directors, the Secretary-Treasurer-Elect, the Past Secretary-Treasurer, and the Chairsman of each Standing and Special Committee, all of whom shall be Active Members of the Corporation.
Section 2 - Eligibility
Membership on the Executive Council shall be consistent with the definition of membership classification as stated in the By-Laws.
Section 3 - Duties
The Executive Council shall supervise the programmatic functions of the Corporation as provided herein and in the By-Laws. The Executive Council shall act on requests of the Special Interest Branches and Committees and shall make periodic reports to the General membership.
Section 4 - Absence
Any member of the Executive Council absent from a meeting shall communicate with the President or the SecretaryVice President Secretary/Treasurer stating the reason for the absence. In the event there are two (2) consecutive unexcused absences on the part of any member of the Executive Council, that position may be declared vacant by the Board of Directors.
Section 1 - Standing Committees
A. Awards Committee
B. Conference Committee
C. Education & Training Committee
D. Legislative Committee
E. Marketing & Communications Committee
F. Membership & Recruitment Committee
G. Professional Standards Committee
H. Resource Development Committee
I. Scholarship Committee
J. Conference and Training Committee
K. Inter-Agency Coordination
L. Legislative Committee
M. Membership and Recruitment Committee
N. Public Relations Committee
O. Professional Standards Committee
P. Resource DevelopmentWays and Means Committee
Q. Education & Training Committee
R. Awards Committee
S. Scholarship Committee
The President shall appoint for his/her term of office the Chairman of each Standing Committee. The duties of each committee shall be defined in the Policiesy and Procedures Manual.
Section 2 - Ad Hoc Committees
The President may appoint for his/her term of office the Chairman of any Ad Hoc Committees necessary to carry out functions of the Corporation. Ad Hoc Committees shall automatically cease upon completion of an assigned task.
Section 3 - Special Committees
The President, during his/her term of office, may appoint any special Committees necessary to carry out a specific function (s) of the Corporation. The assignment and mission of a Special Committee may transcend administrations and shall remain active and in effect until termination by Executive Council action.
Section 1 - General
Each Special Interest Branch of the Corporation shall represent a major interest segment for recreation and/or parks, and be recognized as the collective spokesman for that interest as provided herein and in the By-Laws. The recognition and admission of a Special Interest Branch shall be granted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation. and tThe Operating Code/Branch Charter of each approved Branch may not be in conflict with, and furthermore shall be consistent with and subordinate to, the Certificate of Incorporation and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Corporation.
Section 1 - Council of Affiliate Presidents
A. Function - The Council of Aaffiliate Presidents’ function is to recommend policies, suggest service areas, and in general, feed information and recommendations, as well asand to serve as a liaison to State Affiliates and the National Recreation and Park Association.
B. Representation - The President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President of the Corporation shall serve as representatives on the Council of Affiliate Presidents of the National Recreation and Park Association., The Corporation shall advise the Secretary of the Council of Affiliate Ppresidents at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual National Conference each year of the name of the new representatives.
Section 2 - Middle Atlantic Regional Council
Consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of the NRPA, and with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Middle Atlantic Regional Council of the NRPA, there shall be elected delegates to the Middle Atlantic Regional Council in appropriate proportion, one of whom shall be selected as the Delegation Chairman.
Section 1 - Fiscal Year
The Fiscal Year of this Corporation shall be established by the Board of Directors. Effective date of any change shall be no less than one year following date of Board action.