Caroline Waldron Merithew
Curriculum Vitae
History Department
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH45469
W (937) 229-3047
H (937 (224-4957
Ph.D., U.S. History with secondary fields in Comparative Working Class, Immigration, and African History at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dissertation:“‘The Great Spirit of Solidarity’: The IllinoisValley Mining Communities and the Formation of Interethnic Consciousness, 1889-1917,” 2000.
M.A., U.S. History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1994.
B.A., History; minor, Spanish Language and Literature, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1991.
Academic Fellowships, Honors, and Awards:
Fund for Vocational Exploration Grant, UD, 2005.
Faculty Seminar in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition Grant, UD, 2005.
Summer Research Grant for Pre-Tenure Women Faculty, Women’s Center, University of Dayton,
2004 and 2005
National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Stipend, 2003.
Albert J. Beveridge Grant, American Historical Association, 2003.
Research Council Seed Grant, University of Dayton, Summers 2003-2005.
Fund for Educational Development Grant, University of Dayton, Winter 2003.
Utica College Womyn’s Resource Center Recognition Award, Spring 2001.
Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Seminar Travel Grant, ImmigrationHistoryResearchCenter, University of Minnesota, September 2000.
Feminist Scholarship Award, Women’s Studies Department, University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, 1999.
Excellent Teachers List, University of Illinois, ranked by students and compared to professors (rather than to graduate assistants), 1999.
George E. Pozzetta Dissertation Award, Immigration History Society, honorable mention, 1997.
Albert J. Beveridge Grant for research in the history of the western hemisphere, American Historical Association, 1997.
Alice E. Smith Fellowship for women in history, Wisconsin State Historical Society, 1996.
King V. Hostick Fellowship, IllinoisState Historical Society, 1996.
University of Illinois, GraduateCollege, On-campus Dissertation Research Grant, 1996.
American-Italian Historical Association Award, 1995.
Outstanding Staff Award for Teaching given by the University of Illinois Panhellenic Council, 1995.
Humanities Council Research Grant, University of Illinois, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 1995.
Elected to membership in the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 1994.
Quadrangle Scholarship, University of Missouri, 1988.
“‘We Were Not Ladies’: Gender, Class, and a Women’s Auxiliary’s Battle for Mining
Unionism,” Journal of Women’s History (forthcoming June 2006).
“Making the Italian Other,” in Are Italians White? How Race is Made in America, Jennifer Guglielmo and Salvatore Salerno, ed. (New York: Routledge, 2003).
“Anarchist Motherhood: Toward the Making of a Revolutionary Proletariat in Illinois’ Coal Towns,” in Women, Gender, and Transnational Lives: Italian Workers of the World, Donna Gabaccia and Franca Iacovetta, ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002).
(with James R. Barrett) “‘We are All Brothers in the Face of Starvation’: Forging an Interethnic Working Class Consciousness in the 1894 Bituminous Coal Strike,” Mid-America, 83 (Summer 2001):121-154.
“‘Lynch Law Must Go!’: Race, Citizenship, and the Other in an AmericanCoalMiningTown,” Journal of American Ethnic History, 20 (Fall 2000): 50-77.
Entries on “Birds of Passage,” “Lynching,” “United Mine Workers of America,”and, “Mining Communities,” Dictionary of American History, 3rd ed., Stanley Kutler and others, eds. (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2003).
Review of Brian Kelly, Race, Class and Power in the Alabama Coalfields, 1908-1921, in
Labour/LeTravail (forthcoming)
Review of Thomas Guglielmo, White on Arrival: Italians, Race, Color and Power in Chicago,
1890-1945, Labor: Working Class History of the America, 2 (Spring 2005).
Review of Thomas Bender, ed., Rethinking American History in a Global Age, in
Amerikastudien/American Studies, 48 (2003).
Review of Donna Gabaccia and Fraser Ottanelli, Italian Workers of the World: Labor Migration
and the Formation of Multiethnic States, Labor History, 43 (August2002).
Review of Stefano Luconi, From Paesani to White Ethnics: The Italian Experience in
Philadelphia, Journal of Social History, 36 (Fall 2002).
Review of Elliott Gorn, Mother Jones: The Most Dangerous Woman in America, International Labor and Working Class History, 62(Spring 2002).
Review of Karen A. Shapiro, The New South Rebellion: The Battle against Convict Labor in the Tennessee Coalfields, 1871-1896, Labour/Le Travail, 43 (Spring 1999): 266-268.
Commentary on Behind the Scenes in a Restaurant. Reproduced in HistoryResourceCenter(Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group),
Commentary on A Comparative Study of the Mental Capacity of Children of Foreign Parentage. Reproduced in HistoryResourceCenter. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group),
“Incorporating Gender and Ethnicity: A Critical Review of the Historiography of Coal Mining and Miners,” Thematica 2 (1995): 77-88.
“Queen Sings,” (Interview with Koko Taylor), The Maneater, 9 September 1986, p.5.
Research in Progress
“A World to Gain”:The Formation of Hybrid Communities in the Midwest U.S.(book mss.).
Conferences and Talks:
“‘She Sure Looks Fine’: Writing the Social History of an Italian Immigrant Activist, Katie
DeRorre,” Social Science History Annual Meeting, November 3-6, 2005, Portland, Oregon.
“‘Love and Solidarity’: Generation and Women’s Radicalism,” Labouring Feminism and
Feminist Working Class History in North America and Beyond,September 29-October 2 2005, University of Toronto.
“‘For Bread and Freedom’: Gender, Class, and the Battle for Mining Unionism in the Women’s
Auxiliary,” The Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, ScrippsCollege, Claremont, California, June 2-5, 2005.
Panel Chair, “The Personal, the Political, and the Religious: Labor and Catholic Historians Talk
About What We Hold in Common,” American Catholic Historical Association, Spring
Meeting, April 23, 2005.
Invited Presenter, “‘Giving All, Asking Nothing’: Katie DeRorre and the Drowning of the
Personal with the Political,” Love of Country Symposium, University of Pittsburgh, April 8-9, 2005.
Panel Chair, Telling the Stories of Rural Immigrant Labor in the Midwest and Northeast,
Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting, San Jose, California, April 1, 2005.
“‘We Were Not Ladies’: Gendering Coal Women, Miners, and the Union Movement in Illinois,”
PacificCoast Branch American Historical Association, San Jose, California, August 6, 2004.
Roundtable Discussant, “Methods and Meaning of Social History: ‘Work, Culture, and Society’ at Thirty, Organization of American Historians, Boston, Massachusetts, March 27, 2004.
“`Laughing Last’: The Making of Working Class Internationalists,” Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, November 14. 2003.
Roundtable Discussant, Constant Turmoil by Mary Blewett, Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, November 14, 2003.
Invited Panelist, “Italian Women Fight Back: Gender and Transnational Labor Radicalism in the US,” Symposium on Italian Labor-American Unions: From Conflict to Reconciliation to Leadership, SUNY-Stonybrook, October 31-November 2, 2003.
Invited Talk, “`L’Odio di Razza’: The 1895 Spring Valley Race Riot and Identifications of the Other,” presented at the Newberry Library Labor History Seminar, sponsored by the Scholl Center for Family and Community History, Chicago, Illinois, November 15, 2002.
Panel Chair and Commentator, “Employment and Earnings in the Twentieth Century,” Social Science History Association Annual Meeting, 2002 Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24-27, 2002.
Participant, “New Directions in Comparative and Transnational History,” Bissell-Heyd Associates Chair and the Center for the Study of the United States, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, May 21, 2002.
“‘Unfaithful to the Memory’: Immigrant Widows and the Transnational Policing of Sexuality,”
Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, University of Connecticut at Storrs, June 6-9, 2002.
Invited Talk, “Rebel Widows and Anarchist Mothers: Immigrant Activism in the Illinois Valley Coalfields,”presented at Cornell University’s Kheel Center for Labor Management Documentation, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Ithaca, New York, April 18, 2002.
“Anarchist Motherhood: Female Immigrant Anarchists' Activism in Illinois’ Coal Mining Communities,” American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 8-11, 2001.
Panel Commentator, “New Approaches to Chicago Immigrant History,” Social Science History Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 15-18, 2001.
“Thinking and Acting Globally: Immigrant Diasporas and Working Class Internationalism, 1890-1917,” North American Labor History Conference, Detroit, Michigan, October 18-20, 2001.
Panel Chair, “De-Centering U.S. Paradigms: Towards Transnational Approaches in Feminist Labor History – The Case of Italian Women Workers, Militants and Exiles, North American Labor History Conference, Detroit, Michigan, October 18-20, 2001.
“‘The Maternal Mission’: The Construct of Motherhood in Immigrant Women’s Activism,” Women’s History Month Seminar Series, SUNY-Cortland, March 2001.
“‘Lynch-law Must Go!’: Race, Citizenship and the Other in an AmericanCoalMiningTown," Race, Ethnicity, and Migration: The United States in a Global Context, University of Minnesota, November 16-18, 2000.
“‘Not Excluding Women and Invalids’: The Construction of Whiteness in Illinois’ Coal Communities,” Symposium, University of Toronto, October 13-15, 2000.
“‘A Common Bereavement Has Made Them Sisters’: Immigrant Widows and the Cherry Mine Disaster, 1909-1910,” American Historical Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, January 6-9, 2000.
“‘The Supreme Aim’: Leisure in the Multiethnic UpperIllinoisValley, 1890s-1920s,” Social Science History Association Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 19-21, 1998.
“Anarchist Motherhood: Toward the Making of a Revolutionary Proletariat in Illinois’ Coal Towns,” North American Labor History Conference, Detroit, Michigan, October 15-17, 1998.
“Using the Environment: Coal Capitalization and Identity Formation,” Midwest Labor History Conference, Iowa City, Iowa, March 6-8, 1998.
“‘Luisa Michel’: French and Italian Immigrant Women’s Activism, 1890-1920,” Feminist Scholarship Series, University of Illinois, March 5, 1998.
“Labor in Illinois History: Political Activism, Legislative Reform and Union Organizing in Illinois’ Coal Communities,” Illinois Labor Teach-in: Mining the Past to Meet the Future, April 26, 1997.
“Immigrant Crowd Actions in the Illinois RiverValley: The Case of the Bituminous Coal Strike of 1894,” Illinois History Symposium, Springfield, Illinois, December 6-8, 1996.
“Inclusion/Exclusion: Cross-ethnic and Cross-gendered Spheres of Political Action in the Illinois River Valley, 1894-1902,” American-Italian Historical Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 14-16, 1996.
“Jane Addams and the Production of Culture: Twenty Years at Hull House as Ethnographic Text,” Illinois History Symposium, Springfield, Illinois, December 2-3, 1994.
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor of History, University of Dayton, Start Date, Fall 2002.
Visiting Assistant Professor, CornellUniversity, School of Industrial and LaborRelations, Academic Year, 2001-2002
Assistant Professor of U.S. History, UticaCollege of SyracuseUniversity, Academic Year 2000-2001.
Teaching Fellow, Unit-1 Living and Learning Community, The United States in the Twentieth Century, Spring Semesters 1996-2000.
Lecturer, Chicago, the City; Illinois, the State, Fall 1999.
Writing Consultant, Writers’ Workshop, Fall 1998.
William Widenor Teaching-Fellowship, alternate, History in Black and White: Race Consciousness and Racism in Industrial America.
Teaching Assistant, Writing Intensive Sections, United States History, Colonial-1877, Fall 1994 and Summer 1995.
Teaching Assistant, Writing Intensive Sections, United States History, 1877-Present, Academic Year 1993-1994 and Spring 1995.
Teaching Assistant, African History, Spring 1993.
Professional Service:
Women’s Studies Committee, University of Dayton, Spring 2003-present.
Curriculum Committee, University of Dayton, AY 2004-2005.
AFW, Co-coordinator, Critical Race and Feminist Theory Reading Group, Fall 2003- present.
AFW, Leadership Team, University of Dayton, AY 2003-2004.
History Department Secretary, Fall 2002-present.
Reviewer for Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies
H-Labor Co-editor, Spring 2003-present.
Labor and Working Class History Programming Committee, Fall 2002-present.
Panelist, “Women on the Academic Job Market,” Sponsored by the Department of Women’s Studies/Feminist Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cornell University, November 1, 2001.
Women’s History Month Planning Committee, Utica College of Syracuse University, Academic Year, 2000-2001.
EthnicHeritageStudiesCenter Committee, UticaCollege of SyracuseUniversity, Academic Year, 2000-2001.
Black Studies Search Committee, UticaCollege of SyracuseUniversity, Academic Year, 2000-2001.
Radio interview, “Working Class Internationalism,” Illinois Labor Hour with Peter Miller, WEFT, Champaign, Illinois, May 2000.
Radio interview, “The History of May 1,” Eastern Illinois Labor Journal with Bill Gorrell and Peter Miller, WEFT, Champaign, Illinois, May 1999.
Asian-American Search Committee, University of Illinois, Graduate Student Representative, Academic Year 1998-1999.
Women’s Caucus Mentor, University of Illinois, Department of History, Academic Year, 1998-1999.
Teaching Awards Committee, University of Illinois, Graduate Student Representative, Academic Year, 1996-1997.
Radio interview, “Illinois’ Multiethnic and Biracial Coal Communities: Life, Work and Experience,” Eastern Illinois Labor Journal with Peter Miller and Susan Smith, WEFT, Champaign, Illinois, February 1996.