Situation Manual

Time Allotted / 430 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Exercise Play / No Image
Exercise Briefing
During this exercise it will be important to remember and comply with the following statements:
·  The objectives of this exercise include:
1.  Mobilizing the necessary human resources, equipment and consumable supplies to effectively house individuals with special medical needs seeking safe shelter due to a hurricane.
2.  Managing the available human resources, equipment and consumable supplies to efficiently shelter individuals with special medical needs before, during and after the hurricane strikes the region.
3.  Determining the point at which shelter operations should be demobilized.
4.  Conducting Discharge Planning to ensure appropriate long-term housing accommodations have been made for individuals with special medical needs that have been residing at the shelter.
5.  Closing shelter operations and demobilizing all human resources, equipment and consumable supplies.
·  You should only use Internet Explorer as your internet browser for today’s exercise.
·  It is important NOT to jump ahead in the exercise scenario. In other words don’t focus on what might happen, focus on the Common Operating Picture that is presented during the exercise to make informed decisions.
·  In any exercise a number of assumptions and artificialities may be necessary to complete play in the time allotted. During this exercise, the following apply:
1.  The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented.
2.  There is no “hidden agenda”, nor any trick questions.
·  Exercise Basics:
1.  This exercise contains a total of 25 scenario and inject pages.
2.  There is a scheduled 15 minute break approximately half way through the exercise.
3.  All videos embedded within this exercise can be enlarged to FULL SCREEN by simply clicking on the full screen icon in the lower right hand corner of the video.
4.  Thoroughly review all scenarios and injects as they are presented during the exercise.
·  At the end of the exercise you will need to complete an evaluation (Hotwash) on how your team performed during the exercise. The Hotwash will consist of your team providing comments on three areas in which it performed well (Strengths) and three areas for your consideration to improve or modify existing plans (Areas for Improvement) for your agency’s preparedness, response and recovery capabilities. Found below are Hotwash examples:
Strengths – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found them to be complete.
Areas for Improvement – During the exercise our team consulted our disaster plans and procedures and found portions of the plans and procedures that need to be revised.
·  After the exercise each registered participant who took part in the exercise will receive an e-mail to log into the ONX System to complete their Individual Hotwash to access their Certificate of Participation.
·  If you need assistance anytime during the exercise please call the Help Desk at:
Phone Number – 605-475-4700
Account Number – 1076890 #
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Scenario – # 001 / Image of Vacation / Hurricane Flag
It is late August and local residents have been complacent in their hurricane preparedness activities because this year’s hurricane season has only produced several tropical storms and a few minor hurricanes, none of which have made landfall. Families are preparing their children for the start of a new school year while local business owners and government agencies are thinking that the hurricane season could be very inconsequential. However weather forecasters are predicting a major change in the atmosphere that could see a sharp increase in the severity of hurricanes within the next few weeks.
By early September area residents, business owners and government officials begin to follow the projected path of another tropical storm.
Day 1
National Hurricane Center - Tropical Storm Hanna
Advisory # 5 - Saturday - 9/4/2016 - 5:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has upgraded Tropical Depression # 1 to Tropical Storm Hanna. The storm continues its forward movement and is expected to become a hurricane in the next 12 to 24 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
37 MPH / 11 MPH / Tropical Storm
The National Hurricane Center continues to monitor the storm via satellite and Hurricane Hunter planes as it continues to move along its projected path.
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 002 / Image of Training
(Note: Throughout the exercise the term “SHELTER” will refer to a Special Medical Needs Shelter.)
Knowing that personnel assigned to staff and / or manage shelters are trained and ready to perform their assigned tasks is vitally important to ensure shelters can be opened quickly and operated safely.
Prepare a thorough list of all on-site and / or on-line disaster and shelter related training in which personnel from agencies / organizations assigned a role in shelter operations are required to have completed before being assigned to work in a shelter.
(Note: Access the FEMA Shelter Manager Position Description which outlines shelter staff training expectations.)
(Example: Course: Shelter Fundamentals Workshop / Sponsoring Agency: American Red Cross)
Have all of the personnel that will be assigned to support shelter operations completed the training listed above? / Yes / No
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why personnel have not completed appropriate training and prepare a strategy that will be implemented to ensure all personnel have successfully completed the required training.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Scenario – # 003 / Image of National Hurricane Center
Day 3 / Landfall Minus 72 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Hanna
Advisory # 14 - Monday - 9/7/2016 - 11:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has upgraded Tropical Storm Hanna to Hurricane Hanna. The storm continues its forward movement and is currently expected to make landfall within the next three days.
The hurricane is expected to continue to intensify over the next 12 to 24 hours.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
76 MPH / 14 MPH / 1
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 004 / Image of Planning
Day 3 / Landfall Minus 71 Hours
Monday - 9/7/2016 - 12:17PM
Based on the current information regarding Hurricane Hanna, identify then briefly describe all the activities that will be undertaken by agencies / organizations during the next 24 hours as it pertains to their role in supporting shelter operations.
(Note: The storm is still three days from potentially making landfall in the region. Remember focus on the Common Operating Picture and DO NOT start guessing at what might happen.)
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 005 / Image of Equipment
Do any of the agencies / organizations assigned shelter responsibilities maintain a cache of equipment and / or consumable supplies that can be used to support shelter operations? / All Agencies / Some Agencies / No Agencies
If the above answer is All Agencies or Some Agencies. – Review a copy of the current equipment and / or consumable supplies inventories; then prepare a list of any additional equipment and / or consumable supplies, other than food, that will be needed to effectively manage shelters once opened.
Identify the name and a Point of Contact for all agencies / organizations that have shelter equipment / supply caches, where the cache is stored and the date that the cache was last inventoried / inspected.
(Example: Agency: Health Department / POC: Sue Jones – Public Health Preparedness Coordinator / Storage Location: Shelter Response Trailer / Last Inventoried: 8/15/15)
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Scenario – # 006 / Image of National Hurricane Center
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 48 Hours
National Hurricane Center - Hurricane Hanna
Advisory # 17 - Tuesday - 9/8/2016 - 5:00AM
The National Hurricane Center has upgraded Hurricane Hanna to a Category 4 storm. Hurricane Hanna continues its forward movement and is now expected to make landfall in a couple of days.
Sustained Wind Speed / Forward Movement / Category
137 MPH / 15 MPH / 4
Video Library – Weather – Video # 6 – Hurricane News Report - 01
Time Allotted / 10 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 007 / Image of Special Needs Registry
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 45 Hours
Tuesday - 9/8/2016 - 8:00AM
Based on current planning assumptions andnd lities contacted he acilities contacted Special Needs Shelter the fact that the hurricane is currently a Category 4 storm that could make landfall in the region in less than two days determine the following information.
Evacuating Population
Number of individuals that can be expected to evacuate their home.
Special Medical Needs Sheltering
(Note: Nearly 1 in 5 individuals in the United States have a disability that may require them seeking additional assistance during a disaster or emergency.)
Number of evacuees with special medical needs that will need to be housed in a shelter.
Number of evacuees with special medical needs that will need a higher level of medical care than can be provided in a shelter.
(Note: These are individuals that may need to be sheltered at a local hospital.)
Number of local residents with special medical needs that will need to be transported to a shelter or other facility based on their medical needs.
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 008 / Image of Activation
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 44 Hours
Tuesday - 9/8/2016 - 9:00AM
At this point will the agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating shelters have fully activated their shelter plans and procedures? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the process associated with activating each agency’s / organization’s plan.
If the above answer is no. – At what point will plans be activated.
Identify the name and title of the individual from each agency / organization that will be responsible for activating their shelter plans and procedures.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 009 / Image of Incident Action Plan
Day 4 / Landfall Minus 41 Hours
Tuesday - 9/8/2016 - 12:00PM
Based on current conditions, agency / organization shelter plans and procedures and the fact that the hurricane will most likely make landfall and move through the region on Thursday develop a list of tasks (Task List) that focusses on IMMEDIATE ACTIONS necessary to OPEN shelters. This Task List should include the actions of all agencies / organizations assigned a shelter lead or support role.
Ensure that the Task List is completed using SMART methodology.
In preparing the Task List identify the actions to be taken, identify any resources that will be needed to undertake each listed action and prepare a timeline for completing each action.
(Note: Access a list of some of the Operational Concerns that will need to be addressed in developing this Task List.)
(See Example Found Below)
Responsible Agency: Health Department / Action: Contact the facilities to be used as shelters to ensure they are available and make arrangements for their use. / Required Resources: Shelter Point of Contact list. / Timeline: 1 Hour.
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Incident Command System – Planning Cycle. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Incident Command System – Planning Cycle) – OPTIONAL
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 010 / Image of Partners
Identify and list a Point of Contact along with their primary / secondary phone number for all of the agencies, departments and community / faith based organizations, including vendors, who will need to be contacted upon the activation of each agency’s / organization’s shelter plan.
(Example: Agency: School District / POC: Howard Jones / Primary Phone: 555-555-5555 / Secondary Phone: 555-555-5555)
Identify the roles and responsibilities for each of the agencies, departments, organizations and vendors identified above.
(Example: Agency: Medical Reserve Corps / Roles and Responsibilities: To provide volunteers to serve as shelter support staff.)
Do all the agencies, departments and / or organizations within your group have the available resources (man-power, equipment and / or consumable supplies) on-hand to meet their shelter operations support responsibilities for a possible Category 4 Hurricane? / Yes / No / Unsure
If the above answer is No or Unsure. – Prepare an itemized list of each agencies, departments and / or organizations resource shortfalls.
Time Allotted / 20 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 011 / Image of School
Have the agencies / organizations assigned roles in operating shelters entered into written agreements with the owners / operators of the locations that have been identified as a shelter host site allowing for the use of their facility? / All Agencies / Some Agencies / No Agencies
If the above answer is All Agencies or Some Agencies. – When was the last time these agreements were reviewed and / or updated?
If the above answer is No Agencies. – Briefly explain why such written agreements are not in place.
Time Allotted / 15 Minutes
Hurricane Access – Inject – # 012 / Image of Volunteers
Will agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating shelters seek assistance from community and faith based organizations (Community Partners) to help with shelter staffing? / Yes / No
If the above answer is yes. – Various Community Partners are ready to assist, however most indicated that their employees and volunteers do not have the training to help open and / or staff a shelter.
Explain in detail how the agencies / organizations assigned a role in operating shelters will provide “Just In Time Training” for individuals that are able to work at the shelter but have no training.
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster Training Library for additional information on the Shelter Operations. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. General Population Shelter OperationsFunctional Needs Support Services (FNSS) Shelter OperationsSpecial Medical Needs Shelter Operations – Shelter Food Handling Safety) – OPTIONAL