Costs: (All prices include GST)

$1650 for first person from a site, $1540 for any others from the same site.

Food, accommodation (in a residential campsite environment), supply of horses & tack, personal workbooks; ‘Statements of Attainment’ for units relating to the roles of Horse Riding Instructor and Horse Trail Guide from the SIS10 Training Package through the registered training organisation, Sport SA; Horse Safety Australia qualifications (as attained) & 3 years’ Horse Safety Australia Membership

Plus: paperwork (some supplied for pre-course work and more at the clinic including a USB with resources for running a horse business).

Please fill in and return the tax invoice on page 2.

There will be some paperwork to do before attending the clinic, to help complete the assessment process. This will be sent to you a few weeks before the clinic after we receive your deposit. The balance of your fees will be due on the first day of the clinic and should be paid by cheque (made out to Horse Safety Australia), direct debit (see details below under ‘registration’), or cash. Credit card facilities will not be available at the clinic.

Travel and accommodation

You will be responsible for your own travel. Normally participants live-in, as the clinic includes evening programs and preparation for the following day. There is no reduction in fees for staying off site, which you may wish to do if you live nearby.

The clinic will be held at Wirraway Homestead at 660 Old Bull Creek Road, Strathalbyn. If you would like to know more about the site or how to get there check this website:


The clinic will begin Friday night 9th June after tea at 7.30 pm (please eat before you come). We will finish on Tuesday by mid-afternoon (13th June).

Registration Procedures:

Please either post the forms on page 2 & 3, with a cheque/money order for the $200 deposit: non refundable. (Cheques to be made out to Horse Safety Australia) to:

Horse Safety Australia , Box 1190, Strathalbyn, SA 5255

Or you can email the forms to

and direct debit the deposit:

Account details are:

Westpac Bank: Horse Safety Australia

BSB 035 619; Account number 11 1046.

For identification purposes, please ensure the clinic name “WW617” and your surname are indicated on any payment.

If there are mulitple participants from one site please copy the form and send a separate one for each person. N.B. The first participant pays $1650 and any others are $1540 each. The deposit amount is the same for all participants.

******Please send us this form including your deposit of $200 per person (you may direct debit your deposit see details p.1)

ABN 44 215 962 886

Box 1190,

Strathalbyn 5255


Date ………./……/………

Name of Participant

Organisation (if applicable)


Suburb Postcode

Contact phone number (mobile if possible)


Item / Amount including GST
Fees for Clinic (First or only person from site) $1650
Includes USB stick with resources
Fees for clinic (second & subsequent people from this site) $1540
Less deposit of $200 pp to be paid with registration form (non refundable)
Remainder of fees owed (due at the start of the clinic)

Dietary needs for meals:

¨  I have no special dietary needs

¨  I have the following dietary needs:


Weight range: (for allocation of horses) o <60 kg o 60-80 kg o 80-100 kg o > 100 kg

Please note that if you weigh in excess of 100 kg there may not be suitable horses at the site for you to ride so you may need to supply a suitable horse. If this is the case please ring Nina and discuss this with her. 0411 685 211

ALSO please send us some details about your horse riding and other horse related experiences on the next page and send this in with your registration form.

Please fill in and return the following information with your registration form:

What has your experience with horses involved?
·  types of riding and / or horse handling experiences
·  any training/qualifications received (including formal and /or in-house)
·  horse related competitions you have been involved in
·  discipline(s) of horsemanship that you have been and/or are currently involved with
Other life experiences & qualifications relevant to teaching or horse activities:

Thanks…This will help provide us with evidence about your background.

Horse Safety Australia

Box 1190, Strathalbyn, SA 5255, Ph (08) 8536 3274, 0411 685 211 (Nina)