Chapter 14: The Human Genome

Making a Pedigree

J  Pedigree – a graphic representation of genetic inheritance

J  Symbols of a Pedigree

J  Male

J  Female

J  Death

J  Married

J  Children

J  Twins

J  Affected Individuals

J  Carrier

Analyzing a Pedigree




Recessive Alleles

J  Genetic Disorders – the harmful effects produced by mutated genes

J  Most genetic disorders are caused by recessive alleles

J  Some are common in certain ethnic groups

J  Cystic Fibrosis

J  Recessive disorder

J  Carried on chromosome #7

J  Fairly common in white Americans

J  1 in 20 carrier the allele

J  1 in 2000 have the disorder

J  A defective protein causes thick mucus to accumulate in the lungs and digestive tract

J  Usually don’t survive to adulthood

J  New drug therapies and special diets have raised the life expectancy

J  Tay-Sachs

J  Recessive disorder

J  Affects central nervous system

J  Lipids build up in brain

J  Death in early childhood

J  Common in US among Jews

J  Phenylketonuria (PKU)

J  Recessive disorder

J  Carried on chromosome #12

J  Failure of brain to develop in infancy

J  Phenylalanine is not broken down so it builds up and causes mental retardation

J  Common in people whose ancestors came from Norway or Sweden

J  Newborns appear normal until they drink milk

J  PKU test is given at birth

J  Infants are given diets low in phenylalanine until their brains are fully developed

Dominant Alleles

J  A single dominant allele inherited from one parent is all that is needed to show the trait

J  Huntingtons Disease

J  Dominant disorder

J  Breakdown of certain areas of the brain

J  Uncontrollable movements

J  Onset usually occur between 30-50

J  Achondroplasia

J  Dominant disorder

J  dwarfism

Codominant Alleles

J  Sickle Cell Anemia

J  Recessive disorder

J  Most common in black Americans

J  1 in 12 African Americans is heterozygous for the trait

J  In homozygous individuals the oxygen carrying protein hemoglobin is defective

J  This causes red-blood cells to be sickle shape and reduces there oxygen carrying capacity

J  Heterozygous individuals have both normal and sickle shaped red-blood cells because they are codominant

Sex Determination

J  23 pairs of chromosomes

J  22 pairs are autosomes

J  1 pair is sex chromosomes

J  Female XX

J  Male XY

Sex-Linked Inheritance

J  Sex-linked traits – traits controlled by genes on sex chromosomes

J  Any allele on the X chromosome of a male will not be masked by a corresponding allele on the Y chromosome

J  If a son receives a recessive X chromosome from mom he will express the recessive phenotype because he has no chance of inheriting a dominant allele from his father to mask the recessive allele

J  More males have sex-linked disorders

J  Red-Green Color Blindness

J  Sex linked recessive

J  Can’t tell the difference between red and green

J  Hemophilia

J  Sex linked recessive

J  Failure of blood to clot

J  Muscular Dystrophy

J  Sex linked recessive

J  Wasting away of muscles

X-Chromosome Inactivation

J  If one X is enough how do cells adjust to extra X in females?

J  In females 1 X is randomly switched off

J  Turned off X is called a Barr body

J  Example: Calico Cat

J  In cats the gene for fur color is on the X chromosome

J  1X could have the allele for orange and the other the allele for black

J  So depending on which allele is turned off or on gives the different colors

J  All cats with 3 colors are female

14-2 Human Heredity

J  Karyotype – a chart of chromosome pairs that is valuable in pinpointing unusual chromosome numbers in cells

J  A picture is taken of chromosomes in metaphase. Why?

J  Because they are coiled up tightly and lined up so they are very visible.

J  They are cut out and arranged in pairs according to length and location of the centromere

Chromosomal Disorders

J  Disorders caused by nondisjunction

J  Down Syndrome – Trisomy 21

J  Some degree of mental retardation

J  Incidence of down syndrome births is higher in older mothers especially over 40

J  3 chromosomes on pair number 21

J  Patau Syndrome – Trisomy 13

J  Multiple abnormalities

J  Condition usually fatal by one year of age

J  Edward Syndrome – Trisomy 18

J  Varying degrees of mental retardation

J  Usually fatal by three months of age

Sex Chromosome Disorders

J  Disorders caused by nondisjunction

J  Turner Syndrome

J  X ____

J  Females

J  Sterile

J  Shorter, stocky

J  Triple X


J  Females

J  Usually fertile

J  Abnormalities vary

J  Klinefelter Syndrome


J  Males

J  Sterile

J  May be mentally retarded

J  Slight breast development

J  Underdeveloped genitalia

J  Sparse body hair

J  Jacob Syndrome


J  Males

J  Sterile

Environmental Influences

J  As an organisms develops many factors can influence how the gene is expressed or if it is expressed at all

J  Temperature, nutrition, light, chemicals can all influence gene expression

J  Ex. Leaves of different sizes

J  Ex. Himalayan rabbit fur color

J  Ex. Arctic Fox fur color

Chapter 13: Genetic Engineering

13.2 Manipulating DNA

Molecular Biology

J  DNA Fingerprint – a sequence of bands that shows a persons DNA sequence

J  How to make a DNA Fingerprint

1.  DNA Extraction

J  Cell is opened and the DNA is separated from the other cell parts

2.  Cutting DNA

J  DNA is so long we cut it into smaller fragments

J  Restriction Enzymes – cut DNA at a specific sequence of nucleotides

J  Types of Restriction Enzymes

J  EcoRI - C T T A A G


J  Bam I - C C T A G G


J  Hae III - C C G G


3.  Separating DNA

J  Gel Electrophoresis – a technique for separating DNA

J  DNA is negatively charged

J  Load DNA into gel

J  Apply electric voltage to gel

J  DNA will move through gel to positive

J  Smaller DNA fragments move faster and further

J  How do you end up with different size fragments that are unique to each individual?

J  Tandem Repeat – region of a chromosome that contains multiple copies of a DNA sequence

J  The origin and significance of tandem repeats is a mystery

J  For forensic scientists they offer a means of distinguishing one individual from another through DNA fingerprinting

J  30% of human genome is composed of tandem repeats.

J  Tandem repeats seem to act as filler or spacers between the gene regions of DNA

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

J  PCR – the process of making many copies of genes

J  Heat DNA to separate two strands

J  As it cools DNA polymerase starts making copies

J  Repeat this process and end up with millions of copies

13-3 Cell Transformation

J  Transformation – one organism is changed by a gene or genes from another organism

J  Genetic Engineering – method of cutting DNA from one organism and inserting the DNA into another organism

J  Recombinant DNA – DNA made by recombining fragments of DNA from different sources

J  Plasmid

J  Extra circular DNA found in some bacteria

J  Very useful for DNA transfer from one organism into another

J  Process of Transformation

1.  Cut out gene of interest with restriction enzyme

2.  Use same restriction enzyme to cut plasmid

J  This creates ends on each that will match up

3.  Combine the gene of interest with the plasmid

4.  Place the recombinant DNA into a bacteria cell

5.  Bacteria will replicate this new DNA and make many copies of the gene of interest

13-4 Applications of Genetic Engineering

J  When recombinant DNA is put into a host that organism will use the foreign DNA as if it were its own.

J  Transgenic Organisms – contain functional foreign DNA

J  Ex. Glowing bacteria

Application of DNA Technology

J  Transgenic bacteria in agriculture

J  A bacteria on strawberry plants promotes frost damage on leaves. The gene for this protein is removed and frost damage is prevented.

J  A bacteria that lives in soil and in the roots of plants can be engineered to increase the rate of conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates, a natural fertilizer, to help cut back on fertilizer use and cost

J  Transgenic bacteria in industry

J  Used to clean up oil spills

J  Extract valuable minerals from ores

J  Transgenic bacteria in medicine

J  The production of growth hormone to treat dwarfism

J  Human insulin used to treat diabetes

J  Transgenic plants

J  Have been genetically engineered to resist herbicides, produce internal pesticides or increase their protein production.

J  Produce rice with vitamin A

J  In 2000 52% of soybeans and 25% of corn grown in US was genetically modified

J  Transgenic Animals

J  Make animals grow faster and produce leaner meat

J  Trying to produce chickens resistant to bacterial infections that cause food poisoning

J  Cows produce different human proteins in their milk


J  Clone – genetically identical offspring produced from a single cell

J  In 1997 Scottish scientist Ian Wilmut cloned first mammal, a sheep named Dolly

14-3 Human Molecular Genetics

Human Genome Project

J  Human Genome Project

J  An international effort to completely map and sequence the human genome

J  Started in 1990 and completed in 2000

J  How did they do it?

J  First determined markers – a sequence of bases in widely separated regions of DNA

J  Cut DNA into random fragments

J  Determined sequences of the fragments

J  Computers found areas of overlap between the fragments

J  One surprise was how few genes humans have

J  Fruit fly – 14,000

J  Tiny worm – 20,000

J  Human – 25,000

J  A human diploid cell contains more than 3 billion base pairs

J  Only about 2% of the DNA in your chromosomes functions as genes

J  The average human gene consists of about 3000 base pairs

J  The largest gene in the human genome has more than 2 million base pairs

J  Chromosome 22 and 21 were the first 2 human chromosomes sequenced

J  Chromosome 22

J  Contains approximately 43 million base pairs

J  545 genes

J  1 causes leukemia

J  1 neurofibromatosis

J  Chromosome 21

J  Approximately 32 million base pairs

J  225 genes

J  Lou Gehrigs disease (ALS) – loss of muscle control due to destruction of nerves in the brain and spinal cord

Chapter 14: The Human Genome

Making a Pedigree

J  Pedigree –

J  Symbols of a Pedigree

J  Male

J  Female

J  Death

J  Married

J  Children

J  Twins

J  Affected Individuals

J  Carrier

Analyzing a Pedigree




Recessive Alleles

J  Genetic Disorders –

J  Most genetic disorders are caused by ______alleles

J  Some are common in certain ethnic groups

J  Cystic Fibrosis

J  Recessive disorder

J  Carried on chromosome ______

J  Fairly common in ______

J  1 in ______carrier the allele

J  1 in ______have the disorder

J  A defective ______causes thick mucus to accumulate in the lungs and digestive tract

J  Usually don’t survive to ______

J  New drug therapies and special diets have raised the life expectancy

J  Tay-Sachs

J  Recessive disorder

J  ______build up in brain

J  Death in early childhood

J  Common in US among ______

J  Phenylketonuria (PKU)

J  Recessive disorder

J  Carried on chromosome ______

J  ______is not broken down so it builds up and causes mental retardation

J  Common in people whose ancestors came from Norway or Sweden

J  Newborns appear normal until they drink ______

J  PKU test is given at birth

J  Infants are given diets low in phenylalanine until their brains are fully developed

Dominant Alleles

J  A single dominant allele inherited from one parent is all that is needed to show the trait

J  Huntingtons Disease

J  Dominant disorder

J  Uncontrollable movements

J  Onset usually occur between ______-______

J  Achondroplasia

J  Dominant disorder

Codominant Alleles

J  Sickle Cell Anemia

J  Recessive disorder

J  Most common in ______

J  1 in ______African Americans is ______for the trait

J  In homozygous individuals the oxygen carrying protein hemoglobin is defective

J  This causes red-blood cells to be sickle shape and reduces there ______carrying capacity

J  Heterozygous individuals have both ______and ______shaped red-blood cells because they are codominant

Sex Determination

J  ______pairs of chromosomes

J  22 pairs are ______

J  1 pair is ______chromosomes

J  Female ______

J  Male ______

Sex-Linked Inheritance

J  Sex-linked traits –

J  Any allele on the X chromosome of a male will not be masked by a corresponding allele on the Y chromosome

J  If a son receives a recessive X chromosome from mom he will express the recessive phenotype because he has no chance of inheriting a dominant allele from his father to mask the recessive allele

J  More ______have sex-linked disorders

J  Red-Green Color Blindness

J  Sex linked ______

J  Can’t tell the difference between red and green

J  Hemophilia

J  Sex linked recessive

J  Muscular Dystrophy

J  Sex linked recessive

X-Chromosome Inactivation

J  If one X is enough how do cells adjust to extra X in females?

J  In females 1 X is randomly ______

J  Turned off X is called a ______

J  Example: Calico Cat

J  In cats the gene for fur color is on the X chromosome

J  1X could have the allele for ______and the other the allele for ______

J  So depending on which allele is turned off or on gives the different colors

J  All cats with 3 colors are ______

14-2 Human Heredity

J  Karyotype –

J  A picture is taken of chromosomes in metaphase. Why?

J  They are cut out and arranged in pairs according to length and location of the centromere