Ministry Happens Week by Week

Just as many of our households juggle who gets paid each week, WHUMC does too. As you can see from the last five months, the red for expenses outpaces the blue for receipts most weeks.

This juggling keeps us reliant on God and your consistent generosity. Every week, our Treasurer decides who is paid and how best to manage the gifts received.

How Can I Give?

  • Become a sustaining donor at choose the amount and how often. These gifts continue until you request them to end.
  • Make a commitment and prepayit before the year begins or in January.
  • Give in worship with cash, check or the Automated Gifts pew card for one-time credit card or bank account deduction.
  • Set up regular gifts through your online banking app.
  • Give stock or other securities. Consult your tax advisor for potential tax benefits.
  • Set up regular distributions through a gift or charitable trust.
  • See if your employer supports United Way that allows gift designation to WHUMC or other payroll deduction.

How is God leading you to

grow in generosity?

10066 Marsh Ln, Dallas, TX 75229

How Your Operating Gifts

Nurture Community through Loving God Serving Neighbor

Operating Gifts Received

Prepaid gifts are from those who pay all or a large portion of their commitment before or when the year begins. These gifts are saved to use when cash flow is challenging or for major bills such as property insurance.

Recurring gifts are set up through our online donation page to automatically deduct from your bank account or charged to your debit or credit card at regular intervals. This gives WHUMC steady, predictable cash flow.

Online gifts are one-time gifts by credit card or bank account deduction. Loose Plate indicates the unidentified cash gifts from the offering plate.

Operating Gifts Spent

The above graphic shows only operating gifts. Your designated gifts for specific projects or events are an important part of our ministry.

Payment Decision Process

How do we decide who gets paid when there are more bills than money?

Payments are made in this order:

  1. Payroll
  2. Mortgage payment as timely as possible to minimize interest
  3. Any company with late fees
  4. Water to prevent late fees
  5. Electricity as late payments will expel us from low-rate group plan
  6. Gas and other utilities: communications, dumpster, etc.
  7. Reimbursements to individuals
  8. Small businesses
  9. All other amounts owed
  10. Programs including children & youth

How can you make this decision process easier?

Become a sustaining donor.

Sustaining donors have donations automatically deducted from your bank account or charged to your debit or credit card at the frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.) you choose on the day you choose. Set yours up today at or contact our Treasurer, Patti R. Martin at or 214-357-5656 x224.