David Mollerstuen
Anne Hendry
Christopher Kotting
Chuck Thomas
Joshua McDonald
Kostas Tolios (DTE)
Madeleine Rodoni
Mark Thompson (Aclara)
Marty Burns
Naomi Simpson Michigan Public Service
Steve Gabel (Honeywell)
Joshua McDonald: discussed continuing work within OpenADE; no pushback.
Timing: IOUs submitted roadmap last week.
Probably makes sense to separate this work from mainline OpenADE work.
Joshua: guessing that roadmap timeframes will be pushed back.
Marty: Suggest requirements assessment versus existing OpenADE / ESPI as starting point.
Green button: workshop next week in CA
OpenESPI: ongoing progress, will email broadly on FCS
FOA guidance
Needs executive summary
Needs more explicit ask
Can we tie back the ask specifically to contents of the FOA?
Additional comments to DSM ("Track Changes" in Word or via email), will revise and republish this week
Dave Mollerstuen
Anne Hendry
Lynne Rodini
others -- list incomplete>
Ken Holbrook / Itron
Josh McDonald / SCE
Rolf Bienert / OpenADR Alliance
Brent Cain / Itron
Information / discussion on the Wendesday 1/18 Green Button event in Santa Clara, CA
Proposed Green Button group within OpenSG:
What might the specific activities of such a group be?
Help / funding around ITCA activities -- test plan, test houses, etc.
Implementation "community" -- a la Stack Overflow, etc.
"Standardization" of Green Button -- beyond "loosely based on ESPI"
XML vs CSV -- lack of standarization in CSV?
Ought we to push to have that group formed as part of OpenADE?
ESPI versus Green Button
Emphasize Green Button relationship / evolution vis a vis ESPI
Dave Mollerstuen
John Teeter
Anne Hendry
Dave Wollman
Marty Burns
Jatin Hansoty / Sensus
Kostas Tolios / DTE
Naomi Simpson / Michigan PUC
Brent Cain / Itron
Updates on Green Button activities
Initial review of ITCA document
Homework: Focused review of ITCA document; hope to close next week