



Handbook for Students and


Philander Lee Elementary School

1110 S. Ivy ST. Canby, Oregon 97013

Who’s who at Lee School

Principal...... Cherie Switzer

Intervention Specialist…...... Jenne Parker

Office Staff...... Shelly Kratzer / Ann Crawford

Counselor……………………………..Jennifer Besst

Kindergarten...... Lana Smith / Pieper Carlson

Regina Davis

First Grade...... Michelle Calcagno / Anna Jones

Jen Marcoe

Second Grade….Julie Johnson/Megan Hochstetler

Angie Ottosen

Third Grade...... Brenda Cortez/Margaret Lever

Fourth Grade...... Brian Huggins / Suzy Wolff

Carly Stetson

Fifth Grade……...... Mary Cramer / Michael Ryan

Morgan Groth

Sixth Grade……………….Sara Minson / Gale Hipp

Music...... Mary Ruth Helppie

Speech…...... Pam Huggins/Rebecca Ansen

Physical Education……………….….Glenn Hopkins

Resource...... Shaun Ghaffari

C.C.Specialist………………………..Sherrie Havens

C. C. Instructional Assistants……..Giovanna Vasile

Joyce Turner / Janet Skinner/Ashleigh Marsteller/

Marisa Estrada Zavala

Reading Title 1...... Peggy Garner

Spanish Literacy...... Pamela Spurgeon

NLD Specialist……………. Marcie Schnegelberger/

Marvin Terjirino

English Language Development.....Tamara Quandt

ELL Assistant..…………………....Ariadna Carrasco

Instructional Assistants………………...Tara Mealue

Sherri Dillon / Wendy Morris / Stacy Delzer/Valerie

Keefe /Tom Lipski/Febe Samano

Technology Specialist…...... Kim Smith

Custodians..……………...Dong Lam / Andy Waldon

Cafeteria……………………Brigitte Zieg / Ann Boyd

Mascot……………………….…….……..Lee the Lion

Lee School Hours

7:30 – 5:00 Office Hours

8:30 – 9:00 Breakfast Program

9:00 – 3:30 Grades K–6

10:00 – 3:30 Wednesday Late Start

There is no adult supervision on the school grounds before

School. Children who do not ride the bus should not arrive prior to 8:45 a.m. Students who arrive at 8:45 a.m. may go directly to the classroom or to the cafeteria if they participate in the breakfast program.


Co Presidents: Stacy Lohman & Heather Zagyva

Vice President: *TBD

Secretary: Jennifer Butcher

Treasure: Matt Rickard

Fundraising: *TBD

Membership: Jennifer Warren

Lee PTOmeetings are on the second Tuesday of

every month at 7:00pm.

*Additional board positions will be filled in September 2017


Canby School District Superintendent:

Samuel l. (“Trip”) Goodall

Canby School District Board Members:

Diane Downs - Mike Zagyva -Tom Scott

Angi Dilkes Perry - Andrea Weber

Rob Sheveland – Sara Magenheimer

Important Phone Numbers

Lee School………………………………….….503-263-7150

Lee Fax...………………………………………503-263-7159

Administration Office………………………….503-266-7861

Ackerman Center...……………………………503-263-7140

Student Transportation ……………………….503-936-2026

Canby High School……………………………503-263-7200

Community School...………………………….503-266-0040

Clackamas County

Child Abuse Hot Line….………………………503-657-6802

Canby Library…………………………………..503-266-3394

Cherie Switzer……….....email-

Web site…………...………………

For a more complete listing, refer to the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities handbook.


Guiding Principles

At Lee School we believe:

• That all children will learn.

• That it is essential to provide a safe and positive learning environment.

• That staff, parents, and community will work together to develop the whole child.

• That children are capable of their own learning with staff direction and facilitation.

• That children will achieve their maximum potential.

• That curriculum will be based on children’s’ interests, needs, and developmental levels.

• That children will become responsible citizens who are life-long learners for the world of tomorrow.

• That Lee staff will model life-long learning through their own personal and professional growth.

Our Philosophy

It is important that students develop positive feelings of self-worth and pride in themselves and their school. Students need to understand the importance of treating others with respect and courtesy and to develop responsibility for their own continuous self-control and self-improvement. It is the responsibility of the Lee staff, students, and parents to help students learn appropriate behavior through the establishment of expectations, modeling appropriate behavior, and doing what is necessary to effect positive changes in behavior.

School Goals

School goals support the Board Priorities:

Priority #1: Increase student achievement

Priority #2: Enhance positive school-community relations

Priority #3: Develop a K–12 culture that promotes

student, parent, staff success

Priority #4: Ensure effective use of resources


Homework policies will vary from teacher to teacher. It should be noted that time spent on homework will increase as your child proceeds up through the grades.


The district provides textbooks. It is the responsibility of students to care for their books. At the end of the year, there may be a charge for lost or damaged books.

Students With Disabilities

Canby School District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or treatment in its

programs and activities. Appropriate steps are taken to

identify and locate qualified individuals living within the district’s jurisdiction that may be suspected of or has a disability and is not receiving public education services.

Canby School District will provide a free appropriate education in accordance with 34 CFR 104.32. Students may be eligible as a student with a disability under Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (IDEA ’97). If you know of a child you suspect of having a disability, contact your school’s Intervention Specialist.

School Environment

Students have the right to attend school in a safe environment free of harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation, and any threat to personal safety, fighting, or physical violence.

Students have the responsibility to respect the rights of others; seek the help of authorities when they have knowledge of a wrongful act, harassment, or a potentially unsafe situation; seek help if needed to resolve personal disputes in a peaceful, responsible manner; and seek safe, peaceful alternatives to fighting and physical violence in settling all disputes.

It is the district’s policy that students be able to attend school free from sexual harassment from fellow students and District employees. Sexual advances — made with the stated or implied threat that if the advances are resisted or rejected, there will be work- or school-related reprisals — are considered sexual harassment. The creation of a hostile or uncomfortable environment due to uninvited, unwelcome, personally offensive sexual attention is also considered sexual harassment. [Reference: Board Policy JBA; Board Policy JFCF]

If a student is the victim of harassment or menacing, he or she should inform a parent or guardian and immediately report the incident to an administrator or intervention specialist.

Failure of an employee to report any suspected sexual harassment of a student or other employee may result in disciplinary action. School officials will attempt to protect the anonymity of any student who reports or comes forward with information regarding violations of these policies or other school rules, but complete anonymity may not be possible in all circumstances.

Our Expectations

BE A LEARNER: Do your best, Explore new ideas - Keep your eyes open - Work as a team (collaborate).

BE RESPONSIBLE: Do your job - Be there and ready - Take care of your things, the school’s things - Be organized.

BE RESPECTFUL: Follow Directions - Include others, Respect everyone - Show kindness - Listen to others.

BE SAFE: Follow school rules – Watch out for each other.


You are encouraged to visit school and see first-hand how your child learns. For the protection of students, we ask all visitors, including parents, to report to the school office. On a rare occasion, a student’s cousins or friends from out of town may make prior arrangements to visit at lunchtime. We try hard to accommodate this but it is not always possible.

Questions or Concerns?

From time to time, every parent has questions or concerns about school. These sometimes arise from miscommunications or misunderstandings. Sometimes there are disagreements. If these are classroom issues, it is best to bring them to the attention of the classroom teacher first. Other issues, including those of a sensitive nature, may need to be brought to the attention of the principal or intervention


It is part of the principal’s job to work closely with parents to help them understand what’s going on in the school, to be sure that their ideas and suggestions are heard, and to see that any of their concerns or objections are responded to and resolved. Please feel welcome to bring your concerns to the attention of the principal.

Tobacco, Alcohol and

Controlled Substances

Lee School is tobacco-free for all staff, students, visitors and community members. It is also free of alcohol and other controlled substances. For more details, please refer to the Canby Schools Rights and Responsibilities handbook.

Parent Teacher Association

We encourage you as parents to support school activities during the coming year. Lee Elementary has a PTA (Parent Teacher Association) through which parents, neighbors, and others volunteer their invaluable services in the school. To learn more about PTA and how to participate, please contact any PTA officer or the school principal.


Volunteering gives parents, grandparents, and community members a way to keep connected with their child’s school life and offers our school invaluable support! Some ways to volunteer are classroom assistance (helping with bulletin boards, tutoring, helping with small groups, etc.), workroom assistance, library assistance, art literacy, health screening, reading, math tutoring, and helping with Family Night. All volunteers are required to fill out a background check and show official photo identification.


Canby schools have contracted with Sodexho to provide breakfast and lunch services. Some families may qualify for free or reduced meals. Application forms are available in the office. Students have the opportunity to choose from a variety of entrees each day. The cost for breakfast is $1.15 and reduced is $.00. Lunch is $2.60. The price of student milk is $.60. Parents are invited to join their child for lunch. The price of an adult lunch is $3.75. Each student has his/her own account and uses a Personal Identification Number or PIN to “buy” meals. Parents are encouraged to purchase several meals at one time, rather than operate on a day-to-day basis. The time set aside to purchase meals is from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. The monthly menu can be found on our website.


Telephones are available for necessary calls. The teacher will determine the importance of a student’s phone use request. Please encourage your child to make his/her recreational plans before school as children will not be allowed to call home during school hours concerning personal fun plans. Cell phone use by students is not permitted during the school day. If parents wish their child to have a cell phone, the student needs to either give it to the classroom teacher or school office. For questions please contact the office.

Students’ Property

Please mark all children’s clothing and belongings with your child’s name. Each year many items of clothing and supplies are lost or not claimed, as the students may not even recognize their own belongings. Please label coats, hats, gloves, and even notebooks.

After school is dismissed for the summer, lost and found items are taken to charity. Please encourage your child, or come yourself, and check our lost and found items. Toys may be brought to school when they are enhancing the school’s instructional mission.

Teachers will occasionally ask students to bring something from home to share with the class. This often supports our speaking goals. Weapons and replicas of weapons are forbidden on school property (School Board Policy JFCJ). Large rubber balls or similar playground equipment that have the student’s name clearly and permanently marked can be brought to school to use on the playground as long as playground rules are followed (see playground expectations). Otherwise, toys need to be left at home, as they can become sources of problems for students on the bus, classroom, or playground.


Student Rights and Responsibilities

Canby School District publishes the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook annually and is provided to every student’s family. Refer to your copy of the handbook for a complete explanation of student rights and responsibilities.

Behavioral Expectations for Students

It is important that students develop positive feelings of self-worth and pride in themselves and their school. Students need to understand the importance of treating others with courtesy and to develop responsibility for their own continuous self-control and self-improvement. It is the responsibility of parents and the staff at Lee to help students learn appropriate behavior through the establishment of clear expectations, model appropriate behavior, and take appropriate steps in response to misbehavior. Our educational focus is on teaching problem-solving and conflict resolution strategies within a positive learning environment. We offer a framework to help children think about their actions and help guide them toward positive choices. Physical force shall not be used to discipline or punish a student. To maintain a positive learning climate and ensure the safety of all students, Lee School has established a concise behavioral plan and referral process. Students have the responsibility to follow all school/district rules as outlined in the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, follow staff directions, and comply explicitly with requests from teachers, administrators, school employees, and/or school volunteers. When students choose to overstep boundaries that are harmful or hurtful to others, consequences will be enforced.

Classroom Plan:

Class rules and expectations are established at the beginning of the year and reinforced by the classroom teacher. Any staff member may issue warning slips to students who misbehave in or outside of the classroom. Resulting consequences are based on the classroom discipline plan.

First Office Referral: Referrals are issued when the classroom plan is no longer effective or as determined by the staff member. Students are removed from their regular classroom and required to spend “time-out” within the school building of up to a half-day. Parents are notified regarding the referral and resulting “time-out.”

Second Office Referral:

Students are removed from their regular classroom and may be required to spend “time-out” within the school building of up to a full day. Parents are notified of the second office referral and resulting “time-out.” Students may be referred to the School’s Multi- Disciplinary Team (parents become a member of the team) for further support.

Third Office Referral/School Suspension:

Students are removed from their regular classroom and placed in “time-out”. Parents are notified by the principal. When a student with an IEP is being considered for suspension or expulsion from school, all procedures mandated by IDEA will be addressed.

Automatic Suspension/Expulsion

From School

When considered for suspension/expulsion, students are allowed the opportunity to express his/her side of the story. Students are removed from their regular classroom and placed in “time- out.” When the decision to suspend/expel is made, parents are notified. When a student with an IEP is being considered for suspension or expulsion from school, all procedures mandated by IDEA will be addressed.

Suspension may be used for:

• Possession of harmful substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, pornography, etc.)

• Theft or vandalism — must also pay restitution and/or put in school service time.

• Any severe conduct harmful to others or the serious threat of harmful intentions.

• Open defiance of school authority.

Possession of, threatening to use, or actually using a weapon or simulated weapon (including “look alikes”) explosives, firecrackers, or other items capable of inflicting bodily

harm is prohibited. Disciplinary action will result in expulsion (ORS 339.250). However the superintendent may on a case-by-case basis, modify this expulsion requirement.

We encourage parents to take steps to see that behaviors and attitudes, which have resulted in the suspension, are addressed in a timely and positive manner.

We believe that children belong in school. They will only be sent home when their behavior substantially interferes with the safety or education of themselves or other children, and when other methods of intervention have not been successful.

Please refer to the Canby School District Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook for additional information. The Canby School Board Policy, JFCJ, refers directly to Weapons in the Schools.


Oregon law makes it the responsibility of parents/guardians to have their children in school, and the responsibility of the school to keep accurate records concerning each student’s attendance. Students have the responsibility to attend school in order to receive maximum benefit from their education as well as be punctual and observe policies governing absences or late arrivals. Parents have the responsibility to inform the school by phone or in writing of their child’s absence. A child must participate in at least 50 percent of the school day to be considered in attendance that day.

If your child is going to be absent, please call the office between 7:30–9:00 a.m. We count on this notification. If we don’t hear from you we will call you at home to check on attendance. Tardy students should bring a note and report to the office upon arrival. Students with doctor or dentist appointments should provide a note to the teacher that morning. We also request a written note to your child’s teacher explaining the absence when the child returns to school. Acceptable excuses for absence include illness, death

in the family, or emergency situations making it impossible for a student to attend school. A principal or teacher may also excuse absences for other reasons where satisfactory arrangements are made in advance.

Exceptions to attendance requirements may be granted as provided for in Oregon statutes. When possible, counseling and home teaching will be provided for students with prolonged absences due to illness or disability. The classroom teacher is responsible for maintaining and reporting accurate student attendance records.