Week of Aug. 20th - Aug. 24th
Aug. 20th - Aug. 24th
Aug. 20 – 22
8-1.7 Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations.
Aug. 23
8-1.1Designa controlled scientificinvestigation.
8-1.2Recognizetheimportanceofasystematicprocessforsafelyandaccuratelyconducting investigations.
8-1.3 Constructexplanationsandconclusionsfrominterpretationsofdataobtainedduringa controlled scientific
Instructional Strategies
  1. Safety Skills Activities pp. 76 – 85 “Laboratory Management and Safety” (from Glencoe teacher materials)
  1. Analysis Skill p. 86 “Laboratory Management and Safety” (from Glencoe teacher materials)
  1. Laboratory Safety Cartoon Activity. OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
  1. Select activities from the Laboratory Management and Safety in the Science Classroom Book from Glencoe.
  1. Review lab safety rules with students. All students should have a lab safety contract on file to participate in lab activities. OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
See 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
8-1.1 – 3
  1. Mini Lab “Forming a Hypothesis” p. 14; Glencoe South Carolina Science
  1. LAB Identifying Parts of an Investigation pp. 32 – 33 Glencoe South Carolina Science and pp. 9 – 10 Chapter Resources: The Nature of Science
  1. Lab Activity “Solving a Problem with a Scientific Method” pp. 11 – 14. Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: The Nature of Science.
  1. Students complete “Rabbit Data” Activity. OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
  1. Students complete “Robber Data” Activity. OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
See 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter 1, Sections 1 & 3; Glencoe South Carolina Mastering the PACT Student Edition pp. 25-27, & 31; Glencoe Laboratory Management and Safety in the Science Classroom
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox –
PASS Coach Book - 8-1.1 Lessons 1,2,3,5,6
8.1.2 Lessons 2 & 3
8.1.3 Lesson 5
8-1.7 Lesson 7
Web Sites:
SC Science Standards Support Document at

8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Chemical Hygiene and Lab Safety Assessment
Benchmark #1 Testing Window: Aug. 22nd - Aug. 31st
Week of Aug. 27th - Aug. 31st
Aug. 27th - Aug. 31st
Aug. 27 – 28
8-1.1Designa controlled scientificinvestigation.
8-1.2Recognizetheimportanceofasystematicprocessforsafelyandaccuratelyconducting investigations.
8-1.3 Constructexplanationsandconclusionsfrom interpretationsofdataobtainedduringa controlled scientific
Aug. 29 – 30
8-3.1SummarizethethreelayersofEarth—crust,mantle,andcore—onthebasisofrelative position, density,and composition.
Instructional Strategies
8-1.1-3 & 7
  1. .Mini Lab “Forming a Hypothesis” p. 14; Glencoe South Carolina Science
  1. LAB Identifying Parts of an Investigation pp. 32 – 33 Glencoe South Carolina Science and pp. 9 – 10 Chapter Resources: The Nature of Science
  1. Lab Activity “Solving a Problem with a Scientific Method” pp. 11 – 14. Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: The Nature of Science.
  1. Students complete “Rabbit Data” Activity. OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
  1. Students complete “Robber Data” Activity. OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
**Also See 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
  1. Demonstration/Activity – Teacher/Students will create/draw a model of the layers of the earth using 4 different colors of modeling clay—one color per layer. Then students will create a legend/key for their models, listing the characteristics of each layer. Quadrant A
  1. Predict which substance will float or sink in water, oil and alcohol. Quadrant A
  1. Students find the density of various minerals/rocks (i.e. basalt, granite, iron) and relate these findings to the earth’s layers. Use formula d = m/v. Quadrant D
  1. Complete “Earth Foldable” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
**Also See 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
8-1.1 – 3
Text : Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter 1, Sections 1 & 3; Glencoe South Carolina Mastering the PACT Student Edition pp. 25-27, & 31; Glencoe Laboratory Management and Safety in the Science Classroom
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox –
PASS Coach Book
8-1.1 Lessons 1,2,3,5,6
8.1.2 Lessons 2 & 3
8.1.3 Lesson 5
Web Sites:
SC Science Standards Support Document at

8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Text: Glencoe.South Carolina ScienceChapter 6
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.1 Lesson 14
Web Sites: 03/09/09 - Explore Science –
03/09/09 - How Many Licks Does It Take to Get to the Center? –

03/09/09 - Structure of the Earth –
03/09/09 - Inside the Earth –
Earth’s structure 2:46
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Assessment on Scientific Investigations
Benchmark #1 Testing Window: Aug. 22nd - Aug. 31st
Week of Sept. 3rd - Sept. 7th
Sept. 3rd
Labor Day (Holiday)
Instructional Strategies
Labor Day (Holiday)
Labor Day (Holiday)
Labor Day (Holiday)
Sept. 4th - Sept. 7th
.Sept. 4 – 6
8-3.6Explainhowthetheoryofplatetectonicsaccountsforthemotionofthelithospheric plates,thegeologicactivitiesattheplateboundaries,andthechangesinlandformareas overgeologic time.
Instructional Strategies
  1. Students create a foldable (Three-Tab Book: Dinah Zikes-Teaching with Foldables) for the 3 types of boundaries. Behind each door students will list the direction of plate movement, what happens to the crust, the type of natural phenomenon associated with the boundary, and draw a diagram of the boundary. Quadrant A
  1. Students complete “Constructing A Sea-Floor Spreading Model” Activity – see OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Students complete “Locating Active Volcanoes” – see OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant C
  1. Poster Contest: Quadrant C
Working in groups, create a poster of assigned plate boundary type.
50 points –Draw and label plate boundary type including land vs. oceans, arrows to show plate movement,
magma location, resulting features.
40 points -Two to three typed paragraphs explaining the process, giving examples and describing land
10 points –Class presentation.
  1. Complete “Plate Boundaries and Features” – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Complete “Convection Currents and Plate Movement” Lab – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “ Predicting Tectonic Activity” Lab – Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Plate Tectonics pp. 7 – 8. Quadrant C
  1. Students complete “Snack Tectonics” to demonstrate movement at different tectonic plates.
*Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Text: Glencoe.South Carolina Science,Chapter 6; Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Plate Tectonics
Science Kits:STC/MS Catastrophic Events
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – Glencoe Dinah Zike’s Teaching with Foldables, PASS Coach Book - 8-3.6 Lessons 14 & 15
Web Sites: Windows to the Universe -
03/09/09 - University of California Museum of Paleontology - Geology: Plate Tectonics
03/09/09 - Enchanted Learning - Earth’s Plates and Continental Drift – - This website requires a subscription
03/09/09 - Paleomap Project - Plate Tectonic Animations –
Earthquakes 2:22 / Ocean Floor 1:58 / Plate Tectonics 2:19
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Assessment on Layers of the Earth & Plate Tectonics
(8-3.1 & 6)
Week of Sept. 10th - Sept. 14th
Sept. 10th - Sept. 14th
Sept. 10 – 12
8-3.7Illustratethecreationandchangingoflandformsthathaveoccurredthroughgeologic processes(including
volcanic eruptions and mountain-buildingforces).
Sept. 13
8-3.2Explainhowscientistsuseseismicwaves—primary,secondary,andsurfacewaves—and Earth’s magnetic
fields to determinethe internal structureof Earth.
8-3.8Explain how earthquakesresultfrom forces insideEarth.
Instructional Strategies
  1. Students compare stream course and cliff trends at Table Rock. Activity 2A-1., stream course/cliff trends, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographic Systems, 2A-3. Quadrant D
  1. Catastrophic Events kit, Lesson 19, pp. 265-278. Quadrant D
  1. Students complete “Model of Three Faults” Lab. – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant C
  1. Students participate in written communication, documenting their observations of sequences leading to volcanic eruptions. Students compile a description of the geological destruction that occurred as a result of the type of volcanic eruption. Quadrant B
*Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
8-3.2 & 8
  1. Students complete “Elastic Limits” Activity – Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 163 TE
  1. Students complete activity 4A-1.6 “Fault lines influence topography”, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, 4A-13. Examine influence of fault lines on topography. Quadrant B
  1. Students complete activity 4A-1.10 “Earthquake Danger Zone” and analyze danger zone for Savannah River Plant, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, 5A-14. Quadrant D
  1. Student complete “How do Seismic Waves Travel Through Earth?” – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Describe the relationship between rock density and seismic wave velocity. Quadrant B
  1. Demonstration “Modeling Earth’s Internal Layers” – Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 172 TE
  1. Students simulate types of waves, Catastrophic Events kit, Inquiry Lesson 11.1. Quadrant D
  1. Students will use the Internet to research the Thailand tsunami of 2004 and write a statement that summarizes the main ideas and important points. Discuss findings as a class.
*Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Text: Glencoe.South Carolina Science, Chapter 5
Science Kits: STC/MS Catastrophic Events
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.7 Lesson 16;
South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems by Peggy W. Cain, John R. Wagner, and James B. Berry, III
Web Sites:
03/09/09 - National Geographic - Forces of Nature: Build Your Own Volcano/Earthquake –
Mountains 3:10 / Volcanoes 2:56
SC Science Standards Support Document at

8-3.2 & 8
Text: Glencoe.South Carolina Science,Chapter 6
Science Kits: STC/MS Catastrophic Events, GEMS Plate Tectonics
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox –
PASS Coach Book - 8-3.2 Lessons 14 & 17
8-3.8 Lessons 16 & 17
South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems by Peggy W. Cain, John R. Wagner, and James B. Berry, III
Web Sites: 03/09/09 - Earthquakes and Society –
03/09/09 - NASA - Earthquakes –
03/09/09 - Seismic Deformation –

03/09/09 - Earth’s Interior –
Earth’s Structure 2:46/ Earthquakes 2:22
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Assessment on Changing Landforms
Week of Sept. 17th - Sept. 21th
Sept. 17th - Sept. 21st
Sept. 17 – 18
8-3.2Explainhowscientistsuseseismicwaves—primary,secondary,andsurfacewaves—and Earth’s magnetic
fields to determinethe internal structureof Earth.
8-3.8Explain how earthquakesresultfrom forces insideEarth.
Sept. 19
8-3.3Inferan earthquake’s epicenterfrom seismographicdata.
Sept. 20
8-3.4Explainhowigneous,metamorphic,andsedimentaryrocksareinterrelatedintherock cycle.
Instructional Strategies
8-3.2 & 8
  1. Students complete “Elastic Limits” Activity – Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 163 TE
  1. Students complete activity 4A-1.6 “Fault lines influence topography”, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, 4A-13. Examine influence of fault lines on topography. Quadrant B
  1. Students complete activity 4A-1.10 “Earthquake Danger Zone” and analyze danger zone for Savannah River Plant, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, 5A-14. Quadrant D
  1. Student complete “How do Seismic Waves Travel Through Earth?” – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Describe the relationship between rock density and seismic wave velocity. Quadrant B
  1. Demonstration “Modeling Earth’s Internal Layers” – Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 172 TE
  1. Students simulate types of waves, Catastrophic Events kit, Inquiry Lesson 11.1. Quadrant D
  1. Students will use the Internet to research the Thailand tsunami of 2004 and write a statement that summarizes the main ideas and important points. Discuss findings as a class.
*Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
  1. Catastrophic Events kit, Lesson 11 – When the Earth Shakes, Inquiry 11.2, pp. 156-157. Quadrant D
  1. Catastrophic Events kit, Lesson 12 – Recording Earthquake Waves, Inquiry 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, pp. 163-175. Quadrant D
  1. Students complete Mini LAB “Interpreting Seismic Wave Data” Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 171 Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “Locating an Earthquake’s Epicenter” – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
  1. Enrichment – Students complete “Earthquake Resistance Structure Activity” – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant D
*Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
  1. Students draw and label the rock cycle. Quadrant A
  1. Put students in groups of 4. Each group makes a poster of the rock cycle. Place rock specimens (photographs or actual specimen) in the appropriate location. Quadrant B
  1. Students play “A Rock Is Born” Game – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Students complete “Sedimentary Processes” Lab – Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Rocks & Minerals pp. 13 – 16 Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “Roger The Rock” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Given 8 rock specimens, students complete “Rock Classification Chart” activity using the “Rock Classification Key” & the dichotomous keys for igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
8-3.2 & 8
Text: Glencoe.South Carolina Science,Chapter 6
Science Kits:STC/MS Catastrophic Events
Other Resources:OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox –
PASS Coach Book - 8-3.2 Lessons 14 & 17
8-3.8 Lessons 16 & 17
South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems by Peggy W. Cain, John R. Wagner, and James B. Berry, III
Web Sites:03/09/09 - Earthquakes and Society –
03/09/09 - NASA - Earthquakes –
03/09/09 - Seismic Deformation –

03/09/09 - Earth’s Interior –
Earth’s Structure 2:46 / Earthquakes 2:22
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Text: Glencoe.South Carolina ScienceChapter 6
Science Kit: STC/MS Catastrophic Events
Other Resources:OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.3 Lesson 17
Web Sites:03/03/09 - USGS - REV – Earthquake Station –

SC Science Standards Support Document at

Text: Glencoe.South Carolina Science, Chapter 7, Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Rocks & Minerals
Science Kit:DSM Rocks & Minerals
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.4 Lesson 18
Web Sites:Windows to the Universe –
03/09/09 - Cycles –
03/09/09 - What Type of Rock do I Have? –
03/09/09 - How Do Rocks Undergo Change? –
Types of Rocks 2:02 / Rock Cycle 2:02
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Assessment on Earthquakes
(8-3.2 – 3, & 8)
Week of Sept. 24th - Sept. 28th
Sept. 24th - Sept. 28th
Sept. 24 – 25
8-3.4Explainhowigneous,metamorphic,andsedimentaryrocksareinterrelatedintherock cycle.
Sept. 26 – 27
8-3.5Summarizetheimportanceofminerals,ores,andfossilfuelsasEarthresourcesonthe basisof their physical and chemical properties.
Instructional Strategies
  1. Students draw and label the rock cycle. Quadrant A
  1. Put students in groups of 4. Each group makes a poster of the rock cycle. Place rock specimens (photographs or actual specimen) in the appropriate location. Quadrant B
  1. Students play “A Rock Is Born” Game – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Students complete “Sedimentary Processes” Lab – Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Rocks & Minerals pp. 13 – 16 Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “Roger The Rock” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Given 8 rock specimens, students complete “Rock Classification Chart” activity using the “Rock Classification Key” & the dichotomous keys for igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
  1. Students look at maps and conduct research on major ores and fossil fuels. Identify their availability, uses, and rate at which they are being used. Quadrant B
  1. Use various acids and bases to observe chemical changes in minerals. Quadrant A
  1. Students observe various physical properties of minerals. Use mineral identification techniques (cleavage, luster, streak, hardness) to identify unknown minerals from mineral identification chart. Quadrant C
  1. Students complete “Mineral Detectives” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant A
  1. Students complete “Classifying Minerals” Mini Lab Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 197 & Chapter Resource Book: Rocks & Minerals p. 3 Quadrant B
Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Text: GlencoeSouth Carolina Science, Chapter 7, Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Rocks & Minerals
Science Kit:DSM Rocks & Minerals
Other Resources: OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.4 Lesson 18
Web Sites:Windows to the Universe –
03/09/09 - Cycles –
03/09/09 - What Type of Rock do I Have? –
03/09/09 - How Do Rocks Undergo Change? –
Types of Rocks 2:02 / Rock Cycle 2:02
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Text: Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter 7, Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Rocks & Minerals
Other Resources:OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.5 Lesson 19
Web Sites:03/09/09 - GeoScience: The Earth –
03/09/09 - Mineralogy 4 Kids
Crystals 2:33 / Mineral Identification 2:07
SC Science Standards Support Document at

Assessment on Rocks & Minerals
(8-3.4 – 5)
Week of Oct. 1st - Oct. 5th
Oct. 1st - Oct. 5th
Oct 1 – 4
8-3.9IdentifyandillustrategeologicfeaturesofSouthCarolinaandotherregionsoftheworld throughtheuseof
imagery(includingaerialphotographyandsatelliteimagery)and topographic maps.
Instructional Strategies
  1. Students complete activity 2A-4.9 “Locate Drainage Divide Between NC & SC”, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, 2A-4. Locate the drainage divide between Atlantic ocean and Mississippi River by comparing river watersheds on Table Rock topographic map and lithograph. Quadrant D
  1. Students complete “How to Read a Topographic Map” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “Topographic Mapping Skills” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox - Quadrant C
  1. Students complete “Topographic Map” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – Quadrant A
  1. Students complete “Making a Topographic Map” Lab – Glencoe South Carolina Science p. 273 and Chapter Resources: Views of Earth pp. 5 – 6 Quadrant B
  1. Students identify features and Map interpretations, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, 2B-19. Compare features near Lake Jocassee on lithograph (aerial photo) and topographical map. 2B-2.12. Quadrant B
  1. Enrichment - Read the newspaper articles about Forty Acre Rock and complete activity 3A-2 “Reservoirs, Dams and Piedmont” Drainage Performance Task 1 “Trace the Path of Flat Creek on a Map”, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, p. 3A-7. Answer questions and discuss. Quadrant C
  1. Enrichment - Students complete activity 3a-2 “Reservoirs, Dams and Piedmont Drainage” Performance Task 2 “Trace 400 ft Elevation Contour to Create Reservoir” South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, p. 3A-7. Answer questions and discuss. Quadrant C
  1. Students complete activity 9B-1 “The Tourist District” Performance Task 2 “Identify Land Use Features and the Location of Landmarks”, South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems, p. 9b-5. Answer questions and discuss. Compare topography of coastal Carolina and the area around the Forty Acre Rock. Quadrant C
Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at
Text: GlencoeSouth Carolina Science Chapter 9, Section 3, Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Views of Earth
Other Resources:South Carolina Maps and Aerial Photographical Systems by Peggy W. Cain, John R. Wagner, and James B. Berry, III; OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox – PASS Coach Book - 8-3.9 Lesson 20
Web Sites: 03/10/09 - South Carolina Maps –
03/10/09 - Satellite Imagery –
03/10/09 - SC Department of Natural Resources –
03/10/09 - Department of Geosciences –
03/10/09 - Discovery Education -
03/10/09 - US Geological Survey –

SC Science Standards Support Document at

Assessment on Topography & Imagery
Week of Oct. 8th - Oct. 12th
Oct. 8th - Oct. 12th
Oct. 8 – 9
8-2.1Explainhowbiologicaladaptationsofpopulationsenhancetheirsurvivalinaparticular environment.
Oct. 10 – 11
8-2.2Summarizehowscientists studyEarth’s past environment and diverse life-forms by examiningdifferent
typesoffossils(includingmolds,casts,petrifiedfossils,preserved and carbonized remainsofplants and
animals, and tracefossils).
Instructional Strategies
  1. Students match various pictures of birds with assorted beaks to pictures of their food sources and describe the correlation of the beak to the type of food. Quadrant C
  1. Students create a diorama that depicts an Arctic environment. Choose one of the following creatures to modify for adaptation to this environment: raccoon, butterfly, bat, mouse. Quadrant D
  1. Students complete “Adaptation Investigation” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “Changing Species” Lab – Glencoe South Carolina Science Chapter Resources Book: Geologic Time pp. 5 – 6 Quadrant B
  1. Students complete “Animal Adaptations” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox Quadrant C
  1. Students View “Extreme Beaks” PowerPoint Presentation – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox
  1. Students complete “Natural Selection” activity – OCSD5 Secondary Science Dropbox. Quadrant A
Also see 8th Grade Science Modules on S3 Curriculum at