OGSM 3.4.1—Procedures for obtaining faculty approval for new programs, curriculum revisions and new course additions

Below is a memo from Sr. Associate Dean Joe Blackburn outlining the procedures followed at the Owen School for curriculum changes. These procedures have been followed for several years but were not formalized. They will become an integral part of a faculty manual at OGSM.

January 31, 2007

To: Owen School Faculty

From: Joseph Blackburn

Senior Associate Dean

Subject: Process for Approval of Changes to Existing Degree Programs and Creation of New Degree Programs

I am writing to confirm the steps required for the approval of changes to existing degree programs (such as the MBA and Executive MBA programs, Healthcare MBA) and the creation of new degree programs (such as the Master of Science in Finance). In addition this memo clarifies the procedures for adding a new course to our programs.

I. Changes to an existing degree program

  1. The Dean appoints an ad hoc committee to design the program and submit it to the faculty for approval. Although the committee is composed primarily of faculty, the Dean may choose to appoint additional members to the committee, such as school administrators, alumni or student representatives.
  1. As part of the design process, the committee may seek input and a review of recommendations from the various school advisory boards, student and alumni groups.
  1. The committee reviews its recommendations with the Executive Committee and revises the program based on these discussions. The proposal is then presented to the faculty for discussion and comment. Typically, a vote on the program will not be taken until the subsequent faculty meeting to allow time for further discussion of the proposal.
  2. The committee submits the revision of the proposed program to a meeting of the Owen School faculty and Dean for approval. A majority vote of tenured, tenure-track and clinical faculty is required for approval. Approval of the program is recorded in the minutes of the Owen faculty meeting and reported to the Dean.
  1. Changes in a degree program are reported to the school Registrar, who makes appropriate changes to the Owen School Bulletin and website.

II. Creation of a new degree program

  1. The Dean appoints an ad hoc committee to design the program and submit it to the faculty for approval. Although the committee is composed primarily of faculty, the Dean may choose to appoint additional members to the committee, such as school administrators, alumni or student representatives.
  1. As part of the design process, the committee may seek input and a review of recommendations from the various school advisory boards, student and alumni groups.
  1. The committee reviews its recommendations with the Executive Committee and revises the proposal taking into account comments from this group.
  1. The proposal is presented to the faculty for discussion and comment at the next faculty meeting. Typically, a vote is not taken until the subsequent faculty meeting.
  1. The committee submits the proposed program to a meeting of the Owen School faculty and Dean for approval. A majority vote of tenured, tenure-track and clinical faculty is required for approval. Approval of the program by the faculty is recorded in the minutes of the Owen faculty meeting and reported to the Dean. If the program fails to receive a majority vote, the process is terminated.
  1. All new degree programs are submitted to the Vanderbilt Faculty Senate for approval. If the proposed program leads to a new Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree, approval by the University’s Graduate Faculty Council is also requested.
  1. If approved, the program is submitted to the Provost for approval by the Provost, Chancellor and Board of Trust.
  1. Once approved, new programs are reported to the school Registrar, who makes appropriate changes to the Owen School Bulletin and website.

Additions of new courses to the existing catalog

  1. From time to time, new courses are developed by faculty or requested by students. The first time these courses are offered faculty must submit the proposed syllabus to the Owen School’s Committee on Instruction.
  2. The Committee on Instruction studies the proposed course for academic integrity and approves the course to be offered on a trial basis.
  3. For the new course to be added to the Owen Catalog, it must have been offered successfully and received well by students. This requires approval of the dean’s office prior to the course becoming a permanent offering.